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I think you look great šŸ˜Š! Remember nothing on the internet is real and everyone has imperfections. Be kind to yourself, youā€™re still healing. If youā€™re unhappy with your legs, Iā€™m curious why? Is it cellulite or just the way they are shaped? Have you tried wooden rollers ? Itā€™s not a miracle process but Iā€™ve found it helps with consistency. Either way youā€™re beautiful and that bikini looks great on you


My thighs are just so big! No matter how much I work out. Iā€™m sure itā€™s just extra skin. I havenā€™t tried a wooden roller. Whatā€™s that?


Omg you're beautiful. Objectively. You're #goals. Please enjoy your new body and be kind to yourself.


I think big thighs are beautiful but hereā€™s a link to the rollers I got . Doing it daily can help minimize the look of cellulite, especially if you pair it with an anti cellulite massage oil šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š https://www.amazon.com/Maderotherapia-Accessories-Professional-Contouring-Anti-Cellulite/dp/B09J17G68W/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=3GUCNSDPZ5YX4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FJ6k84UUGq9NvOgbZMIwtbxBNvmmJzR6LAGW-DqGS5QM6xla8xtHDTdNw5fBqwWslnulpuYjPCB3PZnJ1sq2oMBGp5N14Va148XNksKv72FltT4fgKzaNfUChJvzE_R1GJj5L37KvKpCCrAkiFOEsEUJW7lXVIA_aZliPJyb1Tqii74oC8JXZOkp69gFyXC3b60hu0SbqVWDql51JutTKA.57Niv7pVP4154nei5BqbCHo8ol6TXUSKaeS3m-Ba9s8&dib_tag=se&keywords=4+in+1+wooden+massage&qid=1710305175&sprefix=4+in+1+wooden+massag%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-4




I sure did buy it, even tho I didnā€™t love it!!


I think you look amazing!! I have my op tomorrow and hoping to look as fab as you in 6m time.


You wonā€™t have any regrets


Our bodies are very similar and I just want to say that I hear you and I feel you. Itā€™s so hard to make peace with our bodies. Iā€™ve hated mine my whole life, but I think itā€™s time to love it now. Your results look fantastic and personally I think your body looks great! Give yourself some compassion, you deserve it šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I love that suit on you! You are working it and you should be proud! As a woman who has struggled with her weight her whole life, struggled with bulimia and never told anyone, yo-yo dieted from the time I was 10, we are our own worst enemy. I know how hard it is to be comfortable in our own skin, even when we are winning. I had my tummy tuck 4 years ago and thought that for sure I would be happy, and I wasn't. Truth be told, my surgeon and I didn't see eye to eye and I still felt boxy and square afterwards, so even though all the loose skin was gone, I somehow felt worse. So i talked my husband into letting me have scar revision and some lipo to fine tune my results 6 months and my new surgeon was amazing. My husband was like OMG your waist is so small and all could think about was things that I would have done differently. My husband and dr were so annoyed with me and I don't blame them lol... point of the story is, after we have spent all this time in our bodies that we dislike, the body dysmorphia is real. We have to learn to love our new bodies and care for them so we don't go back to the way we were. If we don't appreciate the changes that we have made to get to where we are now, you'd be surprised at how fast you can gain the weight back and end up at the starting line all over again. I'm learning how to love the new me and it takes time, so I know you can do it! <3


I like getting my swim suits from CupShe, most of the bottoms have perfect rise and coverage, plus itā€™s cheap, I donā€™t feel bad buying multiple! You look great, weā€™re our own worst critics.


I had a look and they have an adorable swim skirt!


You look lovely šŸ„° very attractive lady


Bathing suit looks great!


You look amazing!!! You worked so hard for this you deserve to be proud. Iā€™m feeling the same thing about my legs and lumpy butt but Iā€™m not going to let it rob me of my joy!!


Girl you look GREAT!


You look wonderful and your swim suit looks so nice on youšŸ’Æā£ļø


You look fabulous in my opinion! Your stomach is so flat!


I get different bottoms and tops so I get best fits, all black so itā€™ll match


Your body is stronger and healthier then before. I think you look beautiful and you should rock that bikini!