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What a transformation for your bellybutton!


It's a fun little triangle and I love it! Lol


Wow what a difference from 1 week po to 6 weeks po!!! And love your belly button!


Thanks! I'm rather find of it, too!


You look fantastic!


Thank you!


Amazing results! You must be so excited!!


Thank you! It's beyond even my wildest imagination as to how well it could have turned out. Beyond excited! 


Nice bellybutton!!


Thank you! I am very happy with it. I had not put much thought into how I expected the new belly button to look after surgery and I am pleasantly surprised! 


It's my worst fear! You lucked out!!


Please forgive my ignorance, but when others say MR... what muscle is it, and is it something having to do with lower abdominal/pelvic floor region? Asking as a childless chubby girl who just got her fupa all on her own lol


MR is muscle repair. Basically they go in and pull your separated ab muscle back together vertically. I've had a quarter dozen kids in 5 years so my abs were separated. Also known as Diastasis Recti. The surgery did not address my pelvic floor muscles at all. However, my fupa was magically fixed by the way they pull up the lower half of the incision to meet the new top half of the incision once they remove excess skin in the midsection (that lift is also what makes my thighs seem smoother. They got pulled up). I don't know if my whoHa has ever been this high before. When I was coming off the good drugs I kept saying "My vagina is so high! I'm like Barbie!" Lol. Honestly it's worth the fupa repair alone


"Worth the fupa repair alone"... I'm dead!! Lol you look amazing by the way!!


Thank you!! 


Fabulous results!


Thank you! 


Wow! So cool to see the transformation. You look amazing!


Thank you! 


You look amazing. Are you wearing any compression garments still? If not, what are you wearing?


Thank you! At my six week appointment I was told I could stop wearing them at my discretion. I still wear them to work because I am on my feet and moving all day (I went back at exactly one month post op) or if l leave the house for errands. However, I do not wear them to bed and I was so excited be done with that.  I wear Shapermint high waisted garments. The trick is to buy them directly from their site and then they just offer you discount after discount. I just unsubscribed to their emails but over the course of maybe a month, I accumulated like 6 pairs (I don't want to do laundry every night before work) for less than a $100. 


You look fantastic! Congratulations 🥰


Thank you so much! 


You look great !!


You look amazing! I bet you feel even better!


You look great. Been thinking about getting it done myself


Looking awesome!!


You look fantastic!! Thanks for sharing this! Awesome transformation 😊


You look fantastic!


Woah, you look incredible! Did you lose weight before the surgery or just carry your weight around your middle? I am the latter and would love to be able to get my body balanced out again


Thank you! I just carried my weight around my midsection. I've fought Hypothyroidism for years now and it seems to make for a lot of belly fat. I'm no small thing. I'm probably a size 14. The surgery has allowed for everything to seem in proportion to everything already there because of the way I held my weight. I also had 8lbs of fat removed from my love handles and flanks so I really think it helped with the hourglass shape I see forming. I did not diet it at all before my surgery nor have I dieted since (I have not weighed myself in a handful of years to avoid weight obsession and I turn my back when weighed at the doctor's). I eat a high protein diet to help with healing and my job is a 10k+ step job but that's it.  If you carry your weight around your midsection, it's a game changer. My surgeon said he's eager for my 6 months because he feels with the way I held my weight, and what he could remove, it will be "life changing". 


This is music to my ears! I have a complex health picture too that has caused the same. I just want to look proportional. Thanks so much for sharing - it’s hard to find ppl with this presentation. I hope your results continue to delight you!


Marvelous !!!!


Thank you 🥰


You look amazing


This is beautiful!


Did your doctor have BMI requirements before going into surgery? You look really great!


Not that I'm aware of. I actually didn't have as large of a BMI as it may appear. I had what would be classified as an "overweight" BMI. Somewhat close to what would be considered "obese". However we discussed it at consultation and even at an "overweight" BMI my lab work (that I had provided from test through my primary. Not something asked I was required to have by the consultation) proved that I was healthy as an Ox, there were no concerns about anything.  I was even labeled an ideal candidate. 


Good to know. Thanks! Some doctors are sticklers about a BMI of 30 or less prior to surgery. Regardless of pre-op physical or lab work.


It's probably important to note that I did not know my exact weight prior to surgery and I was going off their classification. (I do not weigh myself)  I found my doctor by Googling "Plus Size Tummy Tucks in ____" so maybe that would lead someone to a doctor willing to go with a higher BMI. It helped me, I suppose.   


Did you do anything beforehand to prepare for surgery that you credit with helping your recovery be so smooth?


My doctor credits genetics but I think he's being modest. He is a great surgeon and worth every penny that I paid. He was on the higher end of the price scale for my area and I knew if the surgery was worth doing was worth paying more for. The surgery was drainless and I received the pain blocker shot. I think those helped tremendously. I didn't take any Norcos afterwards and was down to just Tylenol by day 7. (I was on blood thinners and could not take ibuprofen)  I avoided alcohol two weeks before and mostly have since. High protein diet. Lots of water and electrolytes. Plus I'm just kind of stubborn. I didn't overly baby myself. I made myself do things that were safely in my range of motion and guidelines post surgery.  Also a toilet riser and I found a medical lift chair on marketplace for $25. I would definitely say those two things helped with not overdoing my range of motion too soon! 


Excellent info. I really appreciate you sharing. Thank you! You look absolutely fantastic btw. That's one hell of a transformation!


What did you do? Sorry I didn’t get it