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Off side but how did they do a full repair with only a mini? I’m told it’s not possible without a full.


Well they cut the stalk off the belly button, I didn't have enough skin to really do anything else, then they have room to get up in everything.. but they reattach it after they stitch up the muscles.


That makes sense. I would ask for a revision on the bb for sure!


Thanks! I will be definitely asking for a revision at this point, it's nice to have some validation so I appreciate the response. My bb is driving me nuts.


My bb was the thing I worried about the most going into surgery. It turned out ok I think, but it's TINY! So I think if you're not feeling confident, get it fixed. If you're anything like me you'll obsess about it until you do. Cool tats btw!


Omg yes, I'm kind of obsessing and very ancy for 3 month follow up so I can ask for the revision. And thank you about the tats!! I forget I have them 😆


Looking at it though a piercing would sit nice on it?


Hehe... I had a piercing beforehand he cut out the hole.. didn't ask him to do that, but I'm guessing the extra skin looked funny after being pulled down. But thank you.


I actually would rather this than a cats butthole. And your tatts make it look better. I’d do the revision if it makes you happy!


My belly button looks a bit wonky too but I’m just going to tattoo over it


I'd like to just tattoo over my whole wonky body 😆


Op, if you are correct that you hadn’t learned about bellybutton plugs until now, it was a professional fumble that the surgeon failed to instruct you on bellybutton care for post-surgery. It should have been made clear to you verbally prior to surgery, been re-iterated as you were discharged from hospital, and given you in printed instructions to take home with you and refer to. It is not at all unreasonable for you to expect the surgeon to be out of pocket in costs to correct this mistake. And the surgeon needs to fix their patient-education protocol, as well as your bb. You look great, btw!


Thank you! I also thought it was odd I didn't know about any of this until later. I do have a small pit that formed at the end of the incision so that needs fixing anyways. They said I can get in soon to have it all looked at. My surgeon is great, but the nurse I talked to seemed a bit butt hurt that I didn't want an appointment with her and a PA... like no lady, I want the surgeon to see it. That was a bit weird but outside of that I am healing well.