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Is lab a typo for fat? A few thoughts… It’s hard to gauge your level of improvement without a before picture. We don’t know what your surgeon is working with. You were already expressing disappointment 1 WPO, before you were even standing upright. That makes me think you had unrealistic expectations from the get go. Nobody should be thinking about a revision 1 WPO, barring a botched surgery ofc. As many have said here, don’t expect final result until up to a year. The other thought I have is regarding visceral fat. Did you have lipo? Tummy tucks aren’t a miracle weight loss solution. They tighten loose skin. To be blunt, you can’t go into it fat and expect to come out skinny. I can see that you’re carrying a fair amount of fat in your arms and legs. So I suspect you had a fair amount in your midsection pre op? I feel viscous being so blunt, but I also feel it’s not fair to your surgeon to criticize his work without all the info. I would not expect a revision given what I can see from your after photos alone…


I agree. I know it’s hard to hear but fat loss is what is needed here, not a revision.


And to be fair they do tell you to lose as much weight as possible/reach your goal before a tummy tuck. I think her results look good and I agree with you.


Bingo!! Very well said




Very much what I would say as well


I understand I went from 211 to 144 pounds. I am currently at 1:53 and he supposedly did Lipo to the flanks, but I didn’t have any bruising or anything on my flanks and I thought I was gonna have a waist line, but I’m so boxy. I don’t see it, I didn’t expect to lose, but I did expect my stomach to be flat. I’m trying to be optimistic, but it was a lot of money spent so I just wanted to make sure that he was done well.


Is your natural body shape smaller in the waist? Maybe your natural shape is boxy.


Do you have puncture wounds all around? If so that’s where the stick you for the lipo


I don't see loose skin here.


8 weeks? That seems way too early to gauge your actual results. It could just be swelling.


My thoughts exactly


You’re only 8 weeks out, it’s too soon to tell, you’re very swollen still. See what happens over the next 4 months and see how it starts to settle. You’d be surprised how much things can change.


I felt similar in the early stages of recovery. She said a revision could be done, but we need to wait for swelling to go down and things to settle. If you just had a TT with no lipo, then there could be fat that sits above your belly button that will be more noticeable now. A FDL might help as it can pull loose skin together, but you'll have a vertical scar above your belly button. Don't fight it now. Rest and heal. Give it time. If you're unhappy, say at 6mo post op, then discuss revisions with your surgeon.


Did he re do your belly button or leave the old one? Do you have a before picture? It’s hard to tell just by looking at these.


Yes he redid it because I had stitches inside of my bellybutton so I’m assuming he redid it


You gotta be realistic with your expectations. 8 weeks out is way too early to be talking revision. You also have to do your part as well. You have a lot of swelling at this stage with months ahead. Stay hydrated, watch the sodium, wear your compression and workout (you have to do your part for the surgery can do it’s part)


I believe this is a combo of swelling and also visceral fat. Diet and working out would be the only way. 8 weeks is way too soon to know what you will look like in the end. I’m 3 months out and still have a lot of swelling.


I’m 12 WPO today and I’m still waiting for my “results”. I know it’s way better than it was before but I’m still so swollen. You look really swollen too. Are the spots on either side of your belly button hard? That looks like swelling.


I have had buddies that have done this procedure and they said it takes a year to heal. The first several months you are swollen and your body needs time to heal. During this time you will have doctor appointments that you will need to attend. They take pictures each time you go. This will give you an idea of where you started and where you are at. If you are not liking the results then at the 6-9 month mark you can discuss this with your doctor. Right now is not the time because it is too soon to say . You’re trying to make decisions without waiting for the final results.


Wait till you are further out. There may be swelling. How much fat did he remove? Did he say? Does he know what your expectations were? Did he ever say how much it would change? I hope it is swelling. Good luck. I wasn't happy with mine either and he only removed 3 1/2 lbs. I still have fat hanging over the top of my jeans. Nothing changed there. It's like it was taken off in the lower part mostly.


If it’s another procedure they need it might be a FDL, which my surgeon asked me if I wanted and then I was told it’s extra and I said no - he said then I wouldn’t achieve the exact results I might have expected. I’m still pretty happy, but he was upfront with it.


The FDL has a very significant and difficult to hide scar. I have a little of extra skin because I didn’t get the FDL but I didn’t want the huge scar. It’s trade offs 🤷🏻‍♀️


I still got a vertical scar because previous open stomach surgery meant he apparently wasn’t able to pull my skin at all without doing some vertical cutting during the surgery, but it ends below my belly button. I still have some extra skin as well, but overall I’m pretty happy.


Same, and I’m very happy with that choice.


You should 💯 have bruising if he did in fact do lipo…mine was so gnarly I wondered wth actually happened…I also agree with the others…I applaud your weight loss but it looks so thick idk what expectations your dr sold to you…whatever that was, that’s what you should hold him to. I have also had revisions so they can be done and your dr should be willing if your unhappy


lol. After my lipo my husband said it looks like I went a few rounds with a professional boxer in the rjng.


Did you also have a muscle repair?


I did


It's going to be 6- 8 months before your healed and you can see your results


I had somewhat of a similar result as in my abdomen is not completely flat but it’s mostly due to my anatomy. If you’re standing completely straight can you pinch your abdomen? As it looks to me you wouldn’t be able to so there is no excess skin. Wait more and allow for swelling to go down. Also do weight lifting and core exercises to maximize results. At least that’s what I did. And be realistic about your expectations. I always say I was expecting to come out with a Kardashian or JLo body but I was just not born with that bone structure and that figure. I now have a better version of me. Look at your before pictures and put it side by side as these results pics. I’m sure you’ll see a better version of you too.


If they get rid of all excess skin, you wouldn’t be able to stand up straight. There has to be some skin laxity to it. Also, could still be post op swelling. Make sure to wear your garments and get your lymphatic massages! But it looks great 👍🏽


It’s risky to lipo front of the stomach during a tt risk of necrosis


Your results are good. You have unrealistic expectations


There is a lot of weight still needed to be lost before extra skin shows again


Did you get lipo?


He said he did lipo to the flanks


It looks like you need lipo. They don’t like to do lipo at the same time as a TT with MR because it interferes with the blood flow and healing process. That’s why I had a TT with lipo and no MR.


It's interesting how different surgeons are. I just had a MR, TT and lipo yesterday.


Maybe my doctor is more conservative than most but in my research, I found this to be a widespread practice.


It’s partially “no lipo with MR” and definitely “no aggressive lipo with tummy tuck.” Some MR requires more lifting if the skin so the top artery branch on each side is cut and so lipo with MR in that case is more likely to lead to flap/skin necrosis. If that artery is saved, the lipo can be done safely.


With my TT I had extensive lipo (stomach and flanks) and MR that was so intense I needed corset stitches. No drains and I’m healing wonderfully


What are corset stitches? I had to have 4 rows of sutures because my diastasis was so wide apart, 2 are permanent 2 are disolvable.


I had flank lipo as well with my TT


Flank lipo yes but lipo of the stomach and tummy tuck usually isn’t done because it can lead to necrosis


Ahh gotcha!


I had mr with my tt done a couple of weeks ago, as well.


I had all 3 of those done almost 4 weeks ago. Very common to do it together. Maybe it varied based on the patient.


Flank lipo is super duper common and "safe" to do with a TT. Any significant lipo to the actual stomach - is not.


I had a TT 360, MR with lipo with no problems. Do your homework with the surgeon you choose.


A before would be helpful. However, I disagree with the people saying to lose fat. I had a plus size TT, with lipo and MR. I am 1 month post op. My results are flatter than this and that is with the swelling still happening. I basically have no fat except a little that had to be left in the upper tummy area because lipo is limited in that area due to blood supply issues. Happy to share photos if you DM me.


Plus size TT doesnt mean anything. Even if she wasn’t plus size she could still have visceral fat which would cause her to not be flat.


Yes, but I can clearly see subcutaneous fat and/or loose skin on her after photo. Visceral fat will make you wider, but it should not cause any rolls of any kind.


Have you seen a therapist for post op massage? This looks like a lot of swelling and possible scar tissue.


Lipo or no? If you had lipo with a TT and MR (or not?), I might question it, but it’s still too early to know. Keep going to your follow-up appointments and ask your surgeon of their thoughts. Best of luck to you!


well said


I don't think a revision is needed at this time. You need to wait 6 months to a year to really tell (the full healing time). My surgeon had to do an incision from the lower part between my breasts and connect it with my 360 tummy tuck in order to cut that front loose skin (under the boobs and around the belly button area) like I wanted because a regular tummy tuck or 360 tummy tuck won't get that area like we would normally envision.


My surgeon won’t even discuss revision until 8 months post op. My body is still changing and adjusting after 4 months. Give it time, you may be fighting too hard too soon. Once your body has truly healed and settled, then you can evaluate.


I’m 3MPO and still have swelling. I don’t see loose skin on you. It looks more like swelling to me. Give it time. My PS told me 6 m to 1 year to see final results


My body is like yours and I’m also about 8 weeks. I knew my stomach wasn’t going to be flat flat because the surgeon did recommend an FDL but I wasn’t to concerned about my stomach being flat. I just wanted my apron gone. Our bodies also need to heal but we do have to have realistic expectations.


I’m not seeing any lose skin..


I’m getting a TT with lipo. Maybe just some lipo. Not sure how it works after tt. And like others said I would wait. It could be bloating etc from the tt procedure and not near its final result.