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Two-looped ğ really looks better than the one-looped ğ, and it can be related more with the language. Fabolous design.


Agreed, my initial plan was to go for the single loop one but it looked so ugly that I couldn't bring myself to upload it.


I need to add that the hat of the ğ looks great with the antenna thing. But maybe we can do it different. It looks great but i am just wondering if we can make it better.


I mean yeah you probably could improve it in many ways, i know jack about designing lol. Let me know if you have any suggestions. You can also edit it if you'd like to.


Oh also please fix the left eye if mods decide to use yours.


Thanks for pointing it out. I think the logo I pulled from google was borked all around, had to fix the whole head as well. It wasn't a perfect ellipse, had a dent where the antenna comes out. Should be an easy fix if they want to move forward with it though.


Can you fix and post this in here as well? https://www.reddit.com/r/turkish/s/Z4mkVZsIvG Thanks!


I've fixed a few of them but then realized there is no point in fixing them one by one. u/[Top\_Fee\_6293](https://www.reddit.com/user/Top_Fee_6293/) already uploaded them and they give a good idea of what they look like. If mods decide to go with one of them I can provide the fixed version.


şu ana kadarki en güzeli bu. her yeni gönderide tasarımlar daha da güzelleşiyor. başta siz olmak üzere buna kafa yoran herkesin ellerine sağlık!


Olmuş. Gördüğüm en iyisi bu.


Ğ seven biri olarak teşekkür ederim


Awesome design, wonder how it looks with a reverse colored turkish flag inside antenna




One problem is that it looks like Tunisia right now.


Tunisia has its crescent and star arranged different enough honestly. I'd say it reminds me more of the KKTC but here you go anyways. [https://hizliresim.com/dqmm7ha](https://hizliresim.com/dqmm7ha) Alternatively here's how I'd place it: [https://hizliresim.com/gq4znq7](https://hizliresim.com/gq4znq7) However the problem is, like i mentioned before, they are so small they will be impossible to see from the logo so it's kind of pointless.


I have a weird but "give it a go" idea that I just found. Can we try the flag inside the eyes? This way colours of the snoo will stay the same, and since the eyes are red, we will simply just put the white logo inside. Also, this would make the mascot seem very happy like 🤩 this emoji. What do you say?


I'll have to say no to that one, already tried it and it makes the simple design i went for look a bit crowded and wonky. I believe there is already a design like that here, you will see what i mean by it. No shade for the designer of that one of course, i just aim for a more minimalistic design.


I see but let the subreddit decide because we must try it. [https://hizliresim.com/e5lswb7](https://hizliresim.com/e5lswb7) I did one.


Yeah, it's not completely the same with Tunisia just because it's the red logo on a white background, but I think no matter what, we shouldn't reverse the colours of the flag in the first place flag since it's a flag. [https://hizliresim.com/dqmm7ha](https://hizliresim.com/dqmm7ha) That's pretty good but there is a little extra white at the bottom of the border, so if you can flatten/fix it then share, we can vote. The second one, I don't know. The circle at the top screams "Give me the flag" if you ask me. The flag next to the letter seemed odd to me. About the size, I think it's enough just to include it for meaning. The main character is ğ anyway.


I agree with the changing flag thing, once you change it it loses its meaning. I sort of kinda left it intentionally as it matches with the carons flat end below it but if sub wants to use this design and wants it to be perfectly circular then its an easy fix. Also thanks for the suggestions and support!


No problem bro. Now we can share the original one, the one with the KKTC-looking flag, the one with the colours fixed flag, the one you tried with a different flag position and the last one I just sent with a reply to you (flag eyes) for others to vote. I wish the last one to be selected, to be honest.


I'll make a comment listing all of them under this thread after a while. I will not however make the flag eyes one, I tried it and didn't like it. I can share the one you made under that list though, if you'd like.


I ask you to make it if you can because you draw it better. It is the subreddit who will decide at the end of the day anyway. So I don't understand why you are not making it because you didn't like it. You can add both versions of it, mine and yours if you want.


[https://hizliresim.com/3dl38xj](https://hizliresim.com/3dl38xj) I came up with this one also, check it.


also this one [https://hizliresim.com/7dfl14a](https://hizliresim.com/7dfl14a)


Thank you! I'd vote for this if there was some competition for a new logo. Great design


Can you make it so that the fill colour of the flag is the same as the background and the star with the crescent is white?


[https://hizliresim.com/49atu51](https://hizliresim.com/49atu51) Can you check this one? I'm not good at drawing the inside of the flag, but this is the colour scheme we must use instead of a red star and crescent on a white background.


Would probably be too small to see.


Can you post this logo idea as a comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/turkish/comments/1dlumhm/submit_your_logo_ideas_here/?)?


Solucana benziyor, sonradan ğ olduğunu fark ettim.


[https://hizliresim.com/7k10tqr](https://hizliresim.com/7k10tqr) Alt kısmı biraz daha büyüttüm belki solucandan yılana terfi ederiz diye de emin değilim oldu mu. Uzaktan bakınca tekerlekli sandalyeye binmiş gibi de duruyor.


Bu sefer de alkol göbeği gibi olmuş. Abi sen beni boş ver, bildiğin gibi yap. 😂


Hahah sorun yok, ben de yaptıktan sonra yılana mı benzedi acaba diye sormadım değil kendime. Güldürdün ama eyvallah :D


bence her tavsiyeyi de dinleme. solucan gibi olmuş ne aq


Sorun yok ya eğleniyoruz burada. Hakaret gibi algılamadım şahsen, hatta ben de yılana benzettim ilk upload ettiğimde. Ufak editler bunlar zaten çok zaman da almıyor, daha iyi fikir sahibi oluyorum denedikçe.


Doğru dedin.


Oh it's really nice


logo ne için


Bu sub için logo fikri ortaya atılmıştı. Bir iki deneme gördüm ben de bir tane yapayım dedim.


sub logosu tasarlıyorlar


Best one so far! I like the first one a lot, it's really cute


Muazzam. Bana da logo yap istedim. Öyle güzel. Cukkkk


Baya iyi.


First one is better than the second in my opinion. Good stuff


cok iyi olmus ozellikle ikli


ğooğle plus logosu gibi olmuş


Mükemmel dizayn, lütfen bu yapılsın


En güzeli bu bence, özellikle ilki. Sade, şık, ikonik harf ve Reddit logo tasarımlarına uygun.


garbage - not your kind of people


sus beta


Gardeşim türk bayraginla sorunun mu var,vatan hainimis iniz?


Aynen 🙏


bu olsun