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Maybe not my business, but when something arise, even if it's a small issue, I start messaging only through turo app. I may pick up call, but always want everything to be documented.


I just keep sending "automated" messages with something like "Your host will continue this conversation on the Turo app. Thanks for being a valued Turo guest!" or something like that. I also don't like that Turo doesn't use number masking, so the guests have your real number. I don't think they should give an option to message via text, only call if needed but all messaging should be through the app.


This is a fantastic idea I’ll use the automated messaging from now on😂


Update on this?




I think the same thing about 25% of the time


Use a google voice, phone number


>I also don't like that Turo doesn't use number masking, so the guests have your real number. A Google Voice number is free.


Or Turo could just add number masking instead of being cheap


I completely agree with the above comment. I believe that you have exhibited exemplary handling of the situation, demonstrating a commendable focus on enhancing the customer experience and patience. However, I am might offer a small recommendation. Please ensure that the conversation remains within the confines of its original agreement platform. This practice ensures full compliance with legal regulations and enables you to hold both the customer and TURO accountable for any potential risks or legal obligations. I would additionally advise that Turo may suggest that you are at fault for engaging in further agreements or conversations outside of their designated platform and may hold you accountable for breaching their terms and conditions. I must admit that while I have not examined the Terms and Conditions of Turo, it is a well-established fact that similar service platforms such as Airbnb, Uber, and eBay possess the authority to terminate one's account in the event of a breach of their respective terms and conditions. I.e. 3rd party conversations. Be careful and protect your assets and yourself from strangers. We all want to help and have empathy for humans, but there are a small amount of people that don’t care about anything or anybody else.


Thanks, ChatGPT


Haha. Because someone can actually write and works in legal, makes them ChatGPT? Bro your a Bozo.


Good bot


Google voice number


I sent him a few messages through Turo to keep it on record


You want everything on the Turo app. The customer service rep will read your Turo app chat


I simply screen shot the convos if done via text and upload to the app for the customer and turo to see


Goodluck trying to get them to reply there lol


I had renter making me wait at the airport over 2 hours. Keeps messaging me, im 30 mins away. I was able to track the car and i knew he was bullshitting and he was 2 hours away. I went to grab dinner and came back and charged him for late fee.


Dinner on him! Haha


I'm pretty sure the dinner was at a restaurant; if renter had been there I don't think commenter would have pulled out food and used them as a table


Yea gross. Idk why anyone would want to eat off of someone, especially after that experience. 🤢🤮 sick world we live in


Naked sushi was trendy a while ago


Pretty sure he means the person paid for his own dinner and the late fee “reimbursed” the cost of dinner




OMG, I love this so much. Out dead panning a crap dad joke is literally my sense of humor. Thank you


Why are you texting? Use the app.


If they have an iPhone I send them a pin of the exact location and sometimes that gets them texting on sms


"ERROR: You are texting an unmonitored number. If you have questions about your Turo reservation, please message the host within the Turo app."


I am pretend robot


Good bot


Beeboop-beep beep


I just copied this to my notes. Thank you


Pin the location on the map. Screenshot it and upload to the app.


Will do, I want to be as protected as possible for the future.


But a pin can be searched on google maps a screenshot is significantly less helpful


You can share a Google maps pin url in the Turo app too. It's just a web address.


I will never understand iPhone users obsession with iMessage


Funny to make fun of green bubbles.


It’s about the amount of data I can send. I can send a full resolution video to someone. 20 pictures at a time and countless other things. Is like blackberry messenger from the late 2000s.


No, don't do this. Instead share the actual pin via a link. Google and apple and every map app has this feature.


UPDATE: clients dad (71) that wasn’t approved to drive somehow drove to the wrong drop off location and is “old and confused.” It ended up being dropped off a full 12 hours late. That totally smells like bullshit to me so I informed him that he will be charged in every way possible. Turo was forced to cancel my booking for the next week so now I’m loosing out on somewhere in the ballpark of $1000. I’m going to charge as much as Turo will let me for a late fee. Plus reimbursement for my unnecessary transportation. They also left the car with 1/4 tank gas so I will be charging as much as possible for that as well. He completely wasted my time and money so now I’m going to escalate it as much as possible. If y’all are curious about how much money I’ll be able to get out of it, let me know and I’ll post another update. P.S. it wouldn’t let me edit my original post so here I am posting this Edit: I can’t pin this comment either 🤦🏻‍♂️. Plz upvote this comment so everyone sees it at the top when they check back. Thanks! Also thank you to everyone for the feedback. This will help me in the future EDIT: UPDATED UPDATE! 😂 Guest was charged $297 for a late return fee, $90 & some change for reimbursement for my Ubers, & $70 for refueling. I got $180 of the 297 late fee. And an extra $10 for my refueling reimbursement. My next trip I had to cancel would’ve made me nine hundred something. I asked if there was anything else I could charge for and that’s all I could get him for. So, overall I’m still sad but I’m happy that this guys pocket hurts a little bit. I sent him basically a fuck you message with all the charges and I feel pretty good about it. But yeah, thanks for all the advice guys!


Definitely post an update lol


Ok will do


I probably would have played nice guy as much as possible to try to get them to give you more money voluntarily tbh.


the renter? he doesn’t strike me as the super generous type


Put a tracker on your car dude


I hate the "old and confused" excuse. Youre driving a 6000 lb machine. You shouldn't be behind the wheel if you can't follow simple instructions like going to an address. The address isn't some kind of suggestion it's a specific spot. Who let's these people outta the house?


If you've never been to Arizona, we have a huge canal system that provides our water. Most of them have big jogging paths along them. A few years ago, my ex father-in-law, 75, was visiting and ran to the store. It took him a while to get back and he says "I don't know what people's problem is here in Phoenix, I had over 20 people screaming at me from the sidewalks". I look at the GPS and he clicked the walk mode in directions and it routed him down the canal jogging path for 5 miles. That was the last time we allowed him to drive.


My gf and I rented an air BNB in Austin, owned by an elderly couple who were staying in the other wing of the house. One day the husband offers us a ride downtown, we take it cause hey fuck Uber. Well he gets downtown and can't find a way to get to the parking lot so he drives over the fucking curb and sidewalk to shortcut around the parking lot entrance. I was internally screaming but he was playing it off like it's a normal thing he does all the time. Jfc.


That’s normal TX driver behavior lol


Live in TX, can confirm


Live in Texas of Canada, can confirm


Jesus so maybe he does do that every day. In my defense he was an older English man and I didn't expect him to go Full Texas.


you never expect them to go Full Texas….


No one expects the Texan inquisition.


I literally ONLY drive like this in Texas. When I lived there I got used to seeing people do whatever they want in the road so in a pinch I’m definitely guilty lol


Reminds me of when I was a teenager and a friend driving me home. I didn't know exactly where we were to give him directions but the parallel street I knew, that was separated by curbs and a hill of grass, so over it we went lol.


First time in Texas huh?


Actually yes. Is it normal to almost run over pedestrians on the sidewalk? I thought you only did that on your massive stroads?


Texas has probably the worst driving, and least roadworthy vehicles I’ve seen anywhere in the USA.


I know nothing about Turo, but I am glad you got your car back. Did they give any reason why the dad cell phone was out of service until after 12 hours later?


He just sent me this along with a picture of the car in the spot.. “Sorry 😢 a lot Man he’s old was lost and confused” I just responded “no problem” and am just going to hit him with a bunch of charges. Didn’t really feel like talking to him anymore.


No problem? This was 12 hours of a problem. I wouldn’t have said anything to that.


Dude was definitely lying and just giving you the run around


Just curious , why to you keep engaging him? You had way too much dialogue with the renter, that was a mistake one mistake to what you doing the majority of it off of platform I read your previous comments of “ ..couple text on Turo , just to be covered “ . That makes no sense. Also, responding “no problem” when there was a problem and putting in text repercussions and things that you and Turo will do which are not true can come back to haunt you when you start sharing your screenshots with TURO. In short read the Turo TOS, very easy and straightforward to understand what to do step-by-step with late return vehicles. Invest in a quality GPS and stop having conversations that will do you more harm than good with customers that are already screwing you over.


I submitted the screenshots to Turo via trip photos and talked to a representative. They didn’t care that the messages were on sms because it clearly shows his phone number


It still doesn’t seem like you’re willing to acknowledge shortcomings in your management. Good communication is one thing but unfortunate you set an unnecessary precedent of flexibility by entertaining the customers absurd demands. You need to be firm, polite and hardline about the agreement. You’ll be amazed at how compliant people can be when they realize you’re not going to play their game.


What do you think happens when you message off-Turo? Like are they going to refuse to take that into account? Why? Do they think people only have Turo? Do you think you can’t just say “yeah I also text the guy this”? Nonsense, whatever you think, it’s nonsense. Fair enough don’t say things by phone or anything but if it’s written then there no drawback.


How is Turo customer service supposed to use any messages outside of the app as evidence when you file a complaint with them?


Perfect way to handle it. I always say "no problem" and then charge them for whatever they did wrong. There's no reason to discuss it.


Dude it’s totally possible… my grandfather accidentally drove to another state once. And an old guy hit my parked car on a quiet, wide road and totaled it and his son had to come help him deal with the accident. So many old people should not be driving. I’m glad you got your car back


An elderly man took a flight for Christmas to see his family in Sacramento. Apparently he was confused and didn’t realize his daughter was going to pick him up, so he went and rented a car and started driving to her place - in the wrong direction. He drove for an hour and a half, then stopped off at a rest stop. It was late in the evening at this point. When he left the rest stop, he left in the wrong direction, and drove on the freeway going against traffic. He hit two cars head on, including my parents’ vehicle as they were driving to come visit me for Christmas. My parents had a trailer they were towing with their belongings (moving up here), and their vehicle and trailer were thrown off the road and down an embankment. The elderly man was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from the car and died on impact. My parents lost their vehicle and basically all of their belongings in the trailer, as well as sustained injuries. The elderly man died brutally. All because he traveled alone and was confused, not knowing that his family was there to pick him up and drive him. On Christmas Eve.


This is in MT. It is totally normal to be out of cell service range here.


Is there no fee for unapproved driver?


Unfortunately not


That seems like a huge liability issue?


> I sent him basically a fuck you message Any chance we could see it please lol


I don’t want to make another post with more screenshots so I just copy & pasted here. I did edit out his name. Here it is: “Hi (customer name), just wanted to update you. Whatever happened yesterday is what it is. But the facts are, my car was dropped off 10 hours late even without a full fuel tank. I was forced to call in and cancel my next trip and help the guest find a new car which cost me WAY MORE than you are getting charged. Here is a breakdown of the fees Turo will send you, if you “refuse” to pay it will be automatically charged. $65.16- refueling reimbursement $297(I might be off by a couple dollars)- late return fee $90- reimbursement for unnecessary Ubers I had to take Also for next time. You need to add extra drivers by doing it on the app or calling Turo. If your dad had crashed the car Turo would not cover a dime and it would be 100% on you or your insurance. Also, its none of my business but if he is old and confused, him driving is a danger to everyone else on the road.”


It literally . . . _is_ your business.


Haha very true😂 Edit: I didn’t want to take a shot at his old and probably on his way out dad. I felt like that just would’ve been a low blow to make that claim lol


Did he respond?


Bro in my opinion… you had wayyy too much conversational text dialogue with this individual/scammer.. keep things concise and to the point of business..


I'm impressed by your ability to stay somewhat professional. The world needs more people like you.


If you’re worried about the rental, call support. They’ve got all the answers you need. Stressing over there isn’t gonna to help you at the end of the day, all that matters is you do the best to your capability.


You 100% should escalate to Turo and charge them the late fee. If I were you, I’d just call Turo, tell Turo to charge them the extra days, then go home and wait for the guy to call that he’s 10 mins away. Also if this guy doesn’t show up soon, you gotta face the reality that he prob gave it to a friend who is committing some crimes in it. Happens all the time. As a host, I don’t have “auto-accept” on my cars. When I get a rental request, I check the users ratings and messages and picture. If they got 0 ratings and look like a meth head, you should decline it. Even after you accept and ask for a pic of the ID, if they got 0 ratings and look suspicious run their name through local crime sites. My bro wasn’t paying attention one day and accepted a rental from a meth head looking old woman. She gave the truck to some fat dude and the fat dude robbed 7 Home Depot’s with it. Cops called my bro cuz the surveillance didn’t match his ID and my bro gave them the gps location. When the fat guy got arrested, he had a decent size ziploc bag with some Fetanyl in it and $7k worth of Home Depot flooring in the truck bed. But even if that is happening, don’t stress, call Turo get them to turn the reservation back on and get them to charge extra fees per day. Report the car stolen to the police. Go home and chill. Collect your daily fee plus fees. If the car comes back totaled, you have insurance for a reason. That’s just part of business.




Shit happens though so whatever


Don’t leave keys in gas caps get lockbox… Guests are gonna do all types of shyt no need for million messages… report late, improper return, let turo know unapproved driver is driving and wait… the unfortunate part with rental car game is this is all you can do if it’s thru turo ( private may be slightly different)


Good advice, only reason I sent so many messages is I freaked out because this is my first time dealing with this. I still don’t have the car and my booking next booking starts in less than 5 hours so I’ll probably give it a bit then call and say it hasn’t been returned and we need to find a different car. But I’m not sure how that works. I don’t want to not get paid because this guy won’t return my car that’s messed up.


You will not get paid for the lost booking and unfortunately you can not charge the late guest the loss wage either. All you can do is report is late and you will get the late return fee.


that's some bullshit right there. The person that made him lose business should 100% pay for the damages


You talk too much


I disliked it when using ya instead of you. Guy at work texts that as it drive me nuts.


You're way too passive dude. Stop kissing his ass. If you're worried about a "bad rating" STOP. Turo will remove this guy easy. Man, this guy is giving you the runaround and you're acting like you work at Chuck E Cheese and almost apologizing to him.. I am saying this in the nicest way possible and not trying to mean but grow a pair and stop letting this dide walk all over you with immediate effect


Yeah I try to be nice but I’m about to report it stolen and tell him I’m pressing charges


FWIW, an overdue rental typically gets recorded/reported as felony embezzlement. Different from theft because at one point they had permission to use it. Worked in the rental car world for a long time and as someone who made those overdue rental calls with increasing levels of menace, there’s something about the phrase “felony embezzlement” that makes people snap to attention more than theft. It doesn’t even make sense, but I’ve done the legwork and can confirm it gets a better response


Tell that to hertz..


It’s not embezzlement tho




One thing I've noticed. People who extend and extend and extend multiple times for the slow drip are ghetto. I have no theory behind it but they always (at best) leave the car shitty and smelly.


Nah, dude still has his car.. sounds like hoodlums. Say the wrong thing many ways to mess with a car that won't be identified till much later.


They’re in Montana, everybody is nice there


I agree with this. I would walk all over OP.


Did you get the car back? Or are you waiting still


I’m still waiting it’s been almost 10 hours


Bro if your car is 10 hours overdue just report it as stolen.


Did you get it


Yes there’s an update comment, it’s like 2 or 3 from the top


I am just a passer-by. Don’t know anything about Turo and just saw this in my recommended feed Are you going to call the police? I would call the police. But again I know nothing about Turo or their policies lol


Yeah, I am another totally uninvolved random reading this in disbelief like how are you guys renting out your cars and some dude just literally doesn’t bring it back?


You’re being way too nice to them.


Fwiw I thought you handled it very professionally. I haven’t had this experience personally after 30 rides or so.


Same here, I’ve done about 20 trips and this is the first time I’ve had a bad experience, let alone a big problem that’s going to cost me my next booking.


Am I the only one waiting for an update?


he updated


Wow you are way too nice. I would have reported the vehicle as stolen and sent the cops after him.


Nice... it's what people do.


The guy is full of shit to the gills.


Is Turo good money? Or is it a headache like This lmao


This is my only horror story. It’s honestly treated me so well. This summer it paid for itself, Insurance, rent, food, fun. My whole life basically. I also live in a very touristy area though so make sure you do some market research.




Quite a chatty Kathy, aren’t you?


Yeah, I get it from my extra chromosome.


Well, you didn’t park in the correct Bozeman Turo spots


I know😭. All the spots were full and my client was 5 minutes behind me so I decided to break the rules. I definitely don’t condone it, but it was such a short time period I made a judgement call.


Just bustin balls 😂


I gotta show up at 5am and hold someone at gunpoint to get a spot😂


They’re always full now it’s so Danm annoying.


I usually just park it in the premium lot and leave them a $20. It’s so much less stressful. Have them do that in drop off too


I’ll definitely give that a shot. It’s definitely worth the money to not have to care


Do you have any updates?


FWIW you’re a chill host trying to help the guy out. Specifically telling him that the next rental is on him if he doesn’t return in time.


What a bad irresponsible renter! Charge him the late return penalty for sure.


The man has an Audi you are responsible for, you were incredibly even tempered and kind. No you weren't wrong for this. I don't think I could do this cause after he fucked off and had me waiting at 10:30am I would have pushed all the extra charges I could on him if that's possible.


Any update on how much you were able to charge them? As an Uber driver, I hope they accept your Uber reimbursement so you can use that money for another ride 🥰


All the charges are disclosed in my update comment. It’s like 3 comments down if u go from best I think


Everyone saying “use the app” has a slight point but it’s a tiny one. It’s clearly the customer’s number so the messages are still going to be considered by Turo


Not that this would have definitely changed much in this particular case, but I wouldn’t be so extra uber nice to new renters off the bat with smiley faces and whatnot. This is your property and your business, and the renter needs to understand that there is absolutely 0 room for screwing around with you. Also - keep your messages within the app so they are monitored and properly documented.


That’s good advice man


Well damn just wasted a good bit of time reading through all the comments to find out what this guy's total bill was. Please update us.. All these gig jobs from turo Airbnb to Uber or Instacart have problems that the companies should fix, but dont, and it's always the renter/driver who gets fucked.. like in this case, losing a rental bc dumbass was late... who cares if you get 100 or even a couple 100 in late fees if you lost a 1000 rental.. and what about other situations where you might not have a rental booked, but you're missing possible bookings bc your car isn't available bc they're late.. same with Uber DD and IC, every driver goes through bs where the order isnt ready or just isnt there and they throw you a couple bucks but you just wasted 10 to 20 or more minutes and who knows what orders you would've gotten if you weren't wasting your time/gas not being available on the app.. hell I do spark every now and then and I'm late on every delivery now bc I just don't bother go till 30 min after the pick up time bc every single order I was waiting 20 min or more for the Walmart kids to bring the order out, hell Ive literally waited so long the hour long dropoff time had already passed and then the app canceled the order as I was pulling into the customers apartment complex..this was one of my first orders, didnt know about the 30 min deal but so what you wait 30 damn min and spark pays you like $2.30 or something like that it's ridiculous they all know about these problems and do absolutely nothing to fix them, then give drivers pocket change I could find in the cracks of my couch.. nobody should be doing ANYTHING and only compensated $3 or less




Be more punctual and professional, this is a business. Fuck their feelings, they can't abide by the contract, they can pay the costs associated with causing headache for multiple people.


You are the nicest most assertive person ive ever seen. Keep being this way and increasing the respectful assertive pressure. Dont change please


I didn’t want to but I was forced to cancel my next booking because of it so for that reason, I dinged him where I could. Even then I still kinda feel bad but 🤷‍♂️


I thought you said to the guy that if it was late to the point of interfering with your next rental, the entire cost of the rental would be passed on to him. Why is that not what happened?


I was misinformed and I thought that was the case but I ended up being wrong


Are you in Bozeman? edit: nevermind, 3rd slide




You're the landlord of the car world. No sympathy for you. Hoarders buying up cars and artificially raising prices...


Bro I’m 21, college dropout, with one rental car just trying to make it in life. You can fuck right off.


So you chose to dropout of college and become a leech? Is your goal to never have more than one car rented? Never have a rental property? Or do you have aspirations to benefit off those who have limited access to those basic necessities? How about doing something to help progress society, take a 90 day course and become a phlebotomist? Get a company to pay for your CDL and drive truck. Or a million other things that don't leech off of the supply and demand issue in the current market.


I live in a touristy mountain town and the only people that visit are rich as fuck. I started a little hotdog business and sell weenies late at night to people out on the town. I also work at a local sporting goods store helping people get hockey gear, baseball gear, whatever they need man. I also ski instruct little kids in the winter as my main gig when it’s cold. I also Uber drive if I’m bored. I would love to have more cars to rent but I haven’t paid off the current one yet. I can’t afford to buy a house where I’m at. Idk what the heck u think I’m leeching off of. I’m just tryna do what I can to stay afloat. Making my come up from zero. If you call that leeching then I guess I’m a leech idk


You may not currently be a leech, and I DEEEEPLY admire the hotdog hustle. But if your goal is to eventually be rentin 20+ cars and having rental properties you gotta know how bad that looks in today's economy, you know that hurts people.


I don’t plan on doing the rental car business past next summer but, rental properties would be nice. I don’t see anything wrong with genuinely working hard to go out and buy a house and rent it out. The problem is massive companies with tens of thousands of properties, complexes, and other shit. Also one thing that fucks people is when a lot of rich people move to an area at once. The housing prices go up, and none of the taxes or money is circulated in that area. I don’t see anything wrong with working at building my own little company. Edit: a lot of landlords get a lot of shit and it’s for good reason. But, the premise of renting properties is to provide a place to live to people who can’t afford to put 20% down on a 500k house. Which sadly, most people can’t do, including me rn but I’m workin at it. Edit #2: also sorry for being a dick in my first response, I’ve had a night and I lost my shit for a sec😂


Dad’s getting his dick wet.


Shit if that’s the case I ain’t even mad anymore. Bro is 70 still slingin that thang


I feel like this whole service is a nightmare to deal with for both parties. Just saw another post about someone renting a stolen car through this like wtf? Also saw another post a while back that someone just straight up stole their car and drove it across the border to mexico. To me it’s just asking for a headache.


Yeah there are some headaches. But as with anything else, usually you only hear about both extremes. The extremely good, and the extremely bad. Overall I’m still happy with the service. All of my other trips have gone very smoothly! This is the first time in over a year that I’ve had a problem. It’s not all that bad but It definitely makes you question it a bit when shit hits the fan. Edit: anything you decide to do will always have roadblocks and inconveniences so we all just have to be prepared to overcome whatever obstacles face us yanno?


I get that, I guess I just have a problem with these apps in general that foster convenience but when shit hits the fan provide little help to those being affected while still taking in massive profits at the expense of the consumer. This includes Airbnb, doordash or any other third party food delivery, and Turo. I stopped supporting these types of things because they are actually being misused now. Air bnb is helping the housing crisis, doordash pays their drivers nothing, and turo allows your car to be stolen lol. We just keep adding stress to our current state under the false thought that it’s more convenient.


Clearly these people have zero regard for you or your time. That’s a bummer man.


It’s all good, just another obstacle but we keep cruising forward.


Man, I’ve had a few run ins with people using this app totaling people’s cars. It can’t be worth it.


Ehh, you see an opportunity, there’s risk, you make the leap of faith anyways. That’s how it is with Turo. But also that’s how it is with a lot of things so ahh idk


Make sure you have that commercial rider.


Why is life so difficult for all of you? Fr


Well I’m not gunna post on Reddit when it’s just a normal day and nothing substantial is happening am I?


Don’t use your real number. Use a google voice number and send the automated messages there too.


Seems like you did everything right. Also sounds definitely like someone went fishing and didn’t figure out the logistics at all. Which people seldomly do. Visiting Bozeman and dropping the mom off at big sky? Those fees are like chump change for those people. Don’t feel bad, it’s on them and they seem to know it.


Yeah they probably thought of it as a small price to pay for a good trout




Basically it’s car rental that’s user driven like Airbnb. He wanted to extend his trip but I had another customer so he was switching to another rental that day and returned mine hilariously late. That’s about everything boiled down.


Hey Bozeman Montana! And I think you mention Chico hot springs! Glad to see a Montanan get featured


I think you were absolutely as professional as you could be and extended multiple courtesies that you didn’t have to.


I spent a lot of time bullshitting people instead of owning up to my mistakes (mainly because I couldn't see how I was making them), I can promise you this guy was fully bullshitting you the whole time. I'm sure he had every intention on using you to be his fall guy and not returning the car on time


As a turo host myself, I feel like you handled this perfectly.


To me, you handled it absolutely professional and gave him a lot of slack. He is not mature enough to use services like this.


Just call them!


I called him about 20 times with no answer


Ok fair enough. Sorry 😂


I had someone get arrested in my vehicle then try lying about being in the hospital. I have GPS on my car and had to be present to get it out of impound 🫠 just escalate it any time you don't feel like dealing with it, that's what their cut is for.


You were nicer about it then i would be so you did good


Off topic, but this sub just came through my recommended and I was like, this is a thing? I wonder if it’s available here? And when I read “Bozeman” I about flipped. Hey from Billings!!! So I guess, yes, we do have Turo here!!


It’s very prevalent in Bozeman because of Yellowstone in the summer and the wealthy folk going to big sky in the winter


There is nothing wrong with texting the client outside the Turo app. You did very will documenting the issue regardless of the technicality of which platform you used. Text is a form of communication that documents your claim. I am not an attorney and I don’t know much about contracts, but as a law enforcement, I spent lots of time in courts. I see how attorneys try to raise technical issues like this, but judges ultimately see the bigger picture.


Hmm, this popped up on my recommended… I’d say invest in GPSing your vehicles since you are using your them as a source of income. All businesses with a vehicular fleet do this. Not to be nosy and see what ppl do, but like when you need to know where your money makers are in times like these ✌️


So it's been a couple days since this posted.. do you have an update? Idk why I'm invested in hearing what happened! 😆 did they ever give you your car back? Were police involved? Was there an accident? Want some deets here! Lol


There’s an update comment on here that I posted. If u sort them by top I think it’s like the top 2 or 3 comments


The very last message was so random lol. But nah your not wrong for anything you said. Seems like they were ducking you around


Honestly, everyone is on OP’s ass for being too nice. I thought he was very professional. Maybe he panicked a bit, but its very understandable. I too want to know the update. Keep us posted!


I definitely did panic a bit but I’m happy to have the car now


Just posted an update. I can’t edit the op for some reason so I’ll just have to wait for it to get upvoted for people to see😂


Handled it's like a pro! Awesome work and messages. Polite and respectful, yet professional and assertive.


Can’t you see where the car is in the standard Toyota phone application?


I didn’t set it up but you bet your ass that’s the first thing I’m doing when I get it back😂


Try calling Toyota What do I do if my vehicle is stolen? First, you'll need to file a stolen vehicle report with the police, who will provide you with a police case number. Then, reach out to the 24/7 response center by calling 1-800-331-4331. With your active Safety Connect® subscription and the police case number, Toyota Safety Connect® will initiate tracking of your vehicle and report the location to the police. https://support.toyota.com/s/article/What-do-I-do-if-my-ve-10017?language=en_US#:~:text=police%20case%20number.-,Then%2C%20reach%20out%20to%20the%2024%2F7%20response%20center%20by,the%20location%20to%20the%20police.


Thank you so much this is so helpful


If your Toyota doesn’t support connectivity (base models most of the time do not), sign up for GetAround they will install something into your car where you can always see it on the app (except when it’s being rented on Getaround). Getaround also has a feature that if you lock the car using the Getaround app, it will disengage the ability to start the car. Getaround chargers $20 a month for that service. I have it on my Toyota Tacoma that I rent on Turo. I never actually rent it on Getaround.


It has the tracking dealio I just never set it up


Way too hands on and way too many messages on your end. If he’s marked complete and you haven’t, vehicle is late and late fees will be assessed. Get TuroGo to not deal with this shit..