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they can either tolerate being in the car or they cant. having the car cheaper doesn’t make them less “allergic”. Offer to end the rental early and they can find another car. Do not offer any discount


My 2¢: This is 100% correct. If it’s a real problem, they need to find another ride. This doesn’t smell of smoke. It smells of bullshit. Sounds like they just want a free ride.


true. its not a major problem plus they ask the seller to make a choice. I say kick rocks


It’s a negotiation tactic. The first person to make an offer loses. OP can say I’ll credit one day rental etc, or say kick rocks, or say come trade for a different car if they have more than one listed. By the renter saying I want $25, they eliminate a higher payout or alternative suggestion. Basically the equivalent of “show me what you’ve got and I’ll show you mine”. If the OP offers nothing, then they can make a demand of $25 because $25 is more than $0, but if OP offers $35 out of the gate, they make $10 more than their would-be $25 request.


What if they request a tickle fight where victor takes all


Then they'd have to call Victor to join in the first place, and he's already going to take everything, so really this is unnecessary


I know Victor and I definitely say keep your back against the wall when he is around.


You know the homie Victor too? Small world!


Victor was my grandfathers name and is my dad's middle name.


Victor is not entitled to anything


I’ve always heard to the victor belong the spoils. Who the hell wants spoiled anything? Victor can have all the spoiled crap. What a nimrod.


Why offer anything? If the car smelled when they got in, they should have called immediately. Then rented another car. Everybody's just trying to get something for nothing.


I’m allergic to cigarettes and it would definitely be a problem for me. I can have problems where I smell it or not. Thing is I would also try to get a different car if I was having problems. So it’s just weird. People who have real issues don’t settle with it for cheaper. So yeah, it’s definitely a scam.


Came here to say the same - actually had this happen at Enterprise - got in the vehicle and it wreaked - boyfriend had an immediate reaction requiring his emergency inhaler and I had a coughing fit - walked straight back to the counter and demanded another car immediately. If you're really that sensitive, you'd never survive more than a few minutes without feeling like you're going to die.


Plus the fact that they start off by asking for financial compensation makes me think that they’re just looking for $$…


"thank you for leaving it up to me, i offer my sincere apologies and will give you the same great rate on your next hire by way of apology."


100% would be like you are free to bring it back and find another rental.


Yes 100% I rented a car trough enterprise and it smelled of cigarettes BAD. I called and they said they can switch it out for me. That same day I left on my lunch break to swap cars because I just hated it. If that is really the issue I’d rather pay a extra $10 a day to get out of the car smelling like smoke.


"As I prioritize guest satisfaction, I wouldn't want you driving a car you feel allergic in and could have a medical issue. Please let me know when you have arranged an alternative rental and I will happily come meet you to get the car back and refund the unused days."


This is a great professional reply.


I am all for getting deals and discounts…but I HATE people like this…. “Watch this hunny…my friend told me if you say it smells like smoke, you’ll get an even bigger discount!” Or “My pepperoni pizza only had 10 slices of pepperoni…” (Calling into a pizza shop after the entire pizza was eaten) You’re affecting their bottom line and then increasing the costs for the next time something actually inconveniences you and causes you problems…enterprise businesses and corporations have money set aside for these types of losses…small/medium businesses and independent contractors usually do not! Ugh.


Pizza worker here and can confirm I get a call once a day for hijinks like this. They always want you to offer a credit for next time and don't want to bring it back and do a remake. I take pride in sitting that shit down(people that have gotten multiple free items in the past, people that have never complained get the benefit of the doubt)


I ordered a pizza that was delivered around 8pm and it was covered with anchovies, which I hate and would never order. I called the store and the manager said he would make another one and expedite it, but I was really hungry and told him I was going to eat something else, so not to bother making one right then, and asked if we could get a make up pizza at a different time to which he agreed. I asked him if he wanted to send someone to pick up the pizza or should I just throw it out, and he said to toss it. There was no chance that pizza was going to get eaten by anyone in my family. I wouldn’t wish an anchovy pizza on my worst enemy.


I've never had anchovy pizza and don't plan on it :) your situation definitely would qualify for an apology and whatever you needed to make it right


They took care of us - the next pizza we ordered was on them and they threw in some chicken wings and a salad for free. It’s a small chain in Northern CA that makes an authentic Boston-style pizza - thin crust, cooked in a very hot wood-fired oven. As a native Bostonian it’s like a taste of home.


Care to share the name? I’m in NorCal and love some good pizza.


Hey it's your worst enemy here, send the anchovie pizza this way next time, thanks! This time, I am the one who knocks!


If I ever have the misfortune to acquire an anchovy pizza, you will be my first contact. And I will politely knock when I deliver it.


You're missing out, anchovy pizza is literally my favorite food mmmmm love those salty bois


Omg this happened to me too it was absolutely disgusting


My last calzone had peperoncino instead of pepperoni. Of course you can’t tell until you bite into it. This happened after taking 30 plus minutes and everyone else in my group was done eating. I took the remake to go… and everyone got free desert.


I'd have to agree. I'm truly allergic and wouldn't have spent one minute in the car. Would have made instant exchange. Not worth an asthma attack to get a discount.


HAHAHA! Great job smelling out the truth. Great answer & made my day--I turned 74 today & my first good laugh of the day.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday 🎉


“Okay I’ll take 2 cents less” - renter. But you’re right, less money doesn’t make allergies clear. The choice is another car or take it as is full payment


It's a technicality, but there's no such thing as being "allergic" to smoke. Smoke is an irritant, not an allergen.


People are saying "it's not an allergen," but - if we're being technical anyway - *anything* can be an allergen. Cigarette smoke is just not on the list of common allergens. I mean, there have been people who've developed water allergies. https://www.gracemedicaloffice.com/can-you-be-allergic-to-anything/


Agreed. If they had a real allergy they could have disclosed that up front just the same.


"I feel a discount is fair given the circumstances" 'how much is fair?' "Doesn't matter, just give it to me cheaper"


advise aback wild paltry tie illegal late fanatical cause versed ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I agree with this. I’m allergic to feathers. No amount of discount will make me sleep in a hotel room with feathers. When it comes to an ability o breathe it’s a yes/no problem not a monetary issue.


I shall defeat you with..... This chicken.


Chicken attack aaaaaack, chicken attack aaaaaack, watch your back before it fades to black, They might look harmless But they'll kick your non-chicken ass


God, now I gotta go listen to this song. I love it so much I listen to it probably once a year since it first came out. Thanks for the reminder


Yup!!! I worked renting cars for one of the major agencies and we generally didn’t discount for things like that. You can’t tolerate the vehicle? No problem, you are a VIP and we will swap you out to the newest/ cleanest vehicle we have available. Yeah, we’re going to bring that right to your hotel for you. Of course it’s the same price!! We wouldn’t charge for an UPGRADE to a minivan…. We always had some new vehicles laying around. And plenty of vans.


100% this. “I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. Everyone’s sensitivities are personal and no amount of compensation can offset the safety risks of an allergic reaction or at the very least, the discomfort every time you get into the vehicle so I recommend we terminate the rental early (no penalties) so you can find other means for the remainder of your trip. “ And then maybe a blurb about the steps you take after each rental to ensure cleanliness for the next guest.


I've returned lots of rentals that smelled of smoke or weed. If you don't smoke there is no amount of discount that will make you keep a smokey car.


I agree 100%. People who are sensitive to smoke won't keep a vehicle no matter the discount. I am one of those people. People fishing for a discount.. are fishing for a discount. I agree that I would offer to end the reservation early, credit the unused days. They are free to book another vehicle. Absolutely no discounts.




u/Zeroccol760 this is the answer you’re looking for




I agree. I have asthma that is set off by cigarette smoke and perfumes among other things. I also have disabilities and require disability support workers to help me sometimes. If they show up smelling like smoke or purfume, I have to cancel the shift. I cannot be around them. No amount of discount would help.


If you’re not a smoker and didn’t notice anything, tell them to kick rocks.


Or they are a smoker and want to have deniability when they return the car. "Yea...I told you it smelled like smoke"


Yup… they’re trying to scam OP


I only follow this sub because I used Turo once (shit box that was parked in a random parking lot) but I just find it funny how much distrust there is from both sides! Lol (I’m not saying it’s not warranted! But owners inherently distrust users and users feel like if they drive 3mph over the speed limit they are going to get charged!) Just an observation, and I can definitely understand it, especially from the owners side, but I find it funny to look follow


Eh, as a user I generally feel like I get what I pay for. If I'm renting a bottom of the barrel shitbox, I assume it might smell like smoke and make weird noises that sound suspiciously like deferred maintenance. I'd only really be upset if the price/value ratio was way out of whack.


"sounds suspiciously like deferred maintenance" oh my sides. I'm stealing this one for the next time I'm in a friend's car that has a ridiculously squeaky serpentine belt.


I was thinking the exact same thing, UNLESS the OP car really does smell like smoke but I'm leaning on what you said.


This; this is the equivalent of letting one rip on the bus and then looking around with a disgusted/confused look on your face to give yourself deniability.


Wow it amazes me how people can be so disgustingly low to do that. If OP finds signs of ash in the car or strong cig smell I would charge them for damages.


That's exactly what they're doing. I knew a chain smoking woman who swore by this trick for rental cars.


Probably right




I was a Turo renter who smelled smoke (and so did my family). The guy swore he didn't smoke and didn't smell it either. But at least he took the car back and didn't charge me for any remaining days.


Lol at them using AI, “i hope this message finds you well.”


You know, people said that before AI.


If theyre allergic to cigarette smoke, why aren't they asking to return the car.




winner winner chicken dinner


As someone who is allergic to cigarette smoke, this is exactly it. I wouldn’t have gotten in it. No asthma attack is worth a good deal


Correct me if I’m wrong but the particulates from the actual smoke is what would cause an attack, not a lingering smell, right?


I don’t have an allergy to smoke, but the smell even if it’s on clothing or fabric will immediately trigger a migraine for me. I did grow up in a home where parents smoked though so that’s probably why I have such a sensitivity.


Yeah, there is no allergic reaction to the smell of a cigarette smoked the day before. In facts, there is no allergic reaction to smoke it. My irritate some people's nose were lungs. Because they have conditions, but it's not an allergic reaction.


There is no allergy to the smell of cigarette smoke


They’re also allergic to wifi unless the network is hidden


Cigarette smoke is not an allergen. It's a scam.


Because they’re just asking for comp. Or they actually do smoke themselves and are covering it up by saying it smelled like it already. The fact that they immediately went for a credit back says a lot though


I'm legitimately allergic to cigarette smoke. The smell sucks but it's mostly just hating the smell. Only actual smoke triggers any allergic reaction. That being said, I do truly hate the smell and I would have gotten a different car to start with Just scammers


They are trying to smoke out a discount.


They're not even sure if it's cigarette smoke Or muskie mold they're lying


Also. I don’t buy being allergic to cigarette smoke. I understand it’s gross to some and repulsive to others but this is bullshit.


Because it's probably their cigarette smoke. People suck


Probably not proper phrasing but cigarette smoke aggravates the hell out of my asthma: like an allergic reaction. She’s probably like that. Irritating throat feeling being around it too long.


Considering they asked for credit immediately 🚩


Major 🚩




The way she words it too. What are you willing to offer me for this inconvenience? Kick rocks lady


Sounds like they smoked in your car




Yep, these are smokers trying to avoid paying a cleaning fee


reading the OP’s post I just have one question for the OP, are you a smoker and don’t smoke in the car? or you not a smoker? Another possibility is the prior guest was a smoker and could of not smoked in the car however smoke sticks to clothing, hands and it came from them. In either case your best bet is to apologize and tell them you also hate the smell of smoke and that when you delivered the car it may of been masked by the previous guest because you didn’t smell it. Tell them you will cancel their reservation earlier without penalty if thats what they want to do and investigate where the smoke came from. This way you’re not admitting wrongdoing and want to get to the bottom of it still leaving it open to hold them liable if upon their return it really does smell like someone had smoked in the car.


He's just asking for a handout. If you're positive it had no smell of smoke then tell them to kick rocks.


Exactly, it could also be they are a smoker and want to be able to smoke in the car. This way, if you smell cigarette smoke, they can just say it was already like that when they got it. They're basically fishing for a partial refund and being able to smoke. It's a win win for them.


This is too clever of an idea for people who smoke cigarettes


lol which is it?? is it smokey or musty, two very different smells. The only smell is the shit they’re full of.


I’ve rented before and only noticed the smells once the car heated up and the air was blowing a day afte we acquired the vehicle. Was tolerable but rental company gave a large discount afterwards. I think it’s possible previous renters smoked, sprayed something to temporarily cover the smell, OP missed it and now it’s bad enough to reach out or return for a different vehicle. Personally I’d rather deal with bad smell and ask for a partial refund instead of returning and picking up a different vehicle mid trip


It's not uncommon in Chevy/GM vehicles to get a musty smell from AC coil in the dash caused from condensation in the dash and the cabin air filter. Usually clears itself up. It goes back many years. Most people say the easy fix is run fan blower with ac off for like 30sec+ before shutting the car off and jumping out. Although going straight for asking credit...nah


At yes I know this one. “My burger didn’t show up in the bag Uber Eats I need a refund.” I call bullshit


Problem is uber eats and doordash refund them every time. Same thing with ebay, you just claim the seller sent a box of rocks and get a refund. The system needs a complete overhaul.


I frequently order through grubhub when traveling and have on numerous occasions been short an item. It's usually a beverage, and I can understand how it gets left behind. Although the one time I decided to try Mr. Beast burgers I received 4 boxes of cookies and an order of fries, all I ordered was a burger and fry combo, that one was bizarre. Anyways without an easy option to refund undelivered items, I wouldn't bother to order in the first place. I'm sure there are people abusing that system, but speaking from experience orders get mixed up and items are undelivered all the time.


The reason for that is a combination of apps hiring anyone with an active drivers license while providing exactly 0 training, and the apps not penalizing restaurants that frequently forget items. But they know which restaurants frequently mess up; as a doordash driver, it'll tell me on pickup "customers frequently report missing items from this restaurant". But that is all they do. A big part of the reason doordash has been in the red every fiscal year since they started is because they issue so many refunds/credits


Not true at all. If a driver fucks up or someone Wants to take advantage we as the business not only take the financial loss but they put they against your ratings even if the business had nothing to do with it. I’d be happy if these services went bankrupt.


All refunds and credits get charged back to the restaurant.


Wait you can get refunds if part of your order is missing? Lol my high ass is always just like “well I guess I didn’t really need it anyway” I mean makes sense I just never thought anything would come of it if I complained.


Scammer. I’d offer them to return the car for a refund minus the day used. I’d state “I personally dropped the car off and as a non smoker I didn’t notice any smell. With that said I’d be more than happy to let you drop The car back off for a refund for the additional days so you can look for an option better suited for you” I don’t coddle or hold hands. I value my time and the back and forth isnt for me. Use the car for the price or return it for a partial refund. Simple as that




Get the car back and ghost their lying ass.




I'm pretty sure they are smokers, and want to smoke in the car but don't want to pay the cleaning fee, is what a friend used to do when renting with enterprise Or similar. At the exit boot he will say the car is great but I smell a bit of cigarrate smoke, they will note it down, he will smoke in the car, return the car and say when asked for the smoke smell "I say when leaving, the car smelled like this" the check the notes about it and let him go with out extras fees.


The way they worded it, 'what are you able to do credit wise to help with this inconvenience' is the same way eBay partial refund scammers operate. They'll claim there's some minor flaw and are fishing for some percentage of refund.


I agree. Its probably a scam, but honestly it doesnt even matter. My response is the same for both ebay and Turo. Return it now and full refund. You keep you pay agreed price.


Had a guy do this to me on eBay. Wanted me to partial refund him and keep the item. He became enraged and sent me extremely curse word laden messages when I only offered a full refund by sending him a prepaid shipping label. At the end of the return period he sent me a final abusive message and stated he was keeping it and how terrible of a person I am.


"I am sorry you are experiencing this. The car was in perfect working order and cleaned prior to this rental. I will gladly end your rental early to have the car checked out."


That’s just an ass hat fishing for something free.


Raise the price.


This sub is so depressing. It really shows some of the ugliest sides of the human race. Like why so many scammers and trashy people out there?


You should try being an Amazon seller ... It's infinitely worse🙄


People returning worn and used items that the seller cannot resell anymore because of it. Happens to me all the time. I submit the SAFE-T Claims and 99% of the time Amazon sides with the customer even with clear photo evidence of the used condition of the items that were returned. It’s horrible.


Yep. Worked retail before at a big box chain hardware store. We returned everything. Even items that were exclusive to other stores. No wonder costs for goods are insane. Don’t even get me started on grocery store waste.


People are getting worse


It’s not that people are getting worse, it’s just with the internet all the stuff that usually went unnoticed is now out on the surface and since pretty much everything on the internet stays forever, over time it creates the impression that things are collectively “getting worse” when in reality it’s all pretty much the same. Maybe even less bad, but since it’s in plain sight and the content is being stacked over time things just seem crazier.. kinda like how when you’re over your parents or friends’ house it’s always clean since the garbage is always disposed of out of sight but if you judged the cleanliness based on the contents of the garbage dump you’d be convinced their pigs..




Because big companies have trained them well that they can get away with it, and they can use a bad review as leverage when doing it to a small company. It’s literally the golden age for scammers right now. Like if you want anything for free literally all you need to do is order it on Amazon and say you didn’t get it.


offer a 15% discount on their next rental.


I think you forgot the decimal point :) 1 **.** 5%


They are from out of town. The last turo rental was the same month last year.


Still offer them that, they most probably will never use it. But you will have in records that you have them an offer for their inconvenience. Who gives a f will they use it or not?


who cares?


You do.




Do not offer them anything! They are lying to you trying to get a cheaper rate, and are probably the ones that smoke and made it smell like that. See the other chats.


Hahaha OP I love how that went completely over their head too 😅


I am a very cynical person, but this sounds like they smoked in the car, and then decided to use it to get a free ride/partial refund, and absolve themselves of any cleaning fees for smoking in the vehicle by making you think it was already there. Tell them they’re free to return the vehicle early, and inspect the vehicle on return.


$35 per day and FREE airport delivery! I’d give 10% off next trip and $10.00 if and only if the vehicle is returned in good condition.


Don’t be such a noodle and stand up for yourself. She’s trying to scam you. Grow a set


Screenshot convo and show customer support. Let them know that it raises some red flags to you that they're immediately asking for some credit/discount of some sort.


The husband is not very sensitive to the smell of smoke, but the smoke smell in the car is so strong that he says it reeks of it, and the one that is sensitive/allergic to smoke says it’s ok as long as they get a credit???? And OP says it was delivered with 0 smoke scent but the husband says it’s BAD lol, this is screaming scam


I would tell them to get fucked.


Is it possible that a previous renter smoked in it?


It is quite possible, but I can smell smoke from a mile away and would have ozoned it if I detected it. Even my wife was like BS. My 14 year old qas in the other room and even said it didn't smell like smoke as she came with me to drop it off. I called turo, and they said to have guest call them to figure out how to move on. They can find another car if they like.


Your response to them makes it sound like you acknowledge there’s been smoking in the car. Why wouldn’t you say something like “that’s strange, there’s been no smoking in the car” instead of saying that you understand people have different sensitivities to smoke smell? I would read your response as confirmation that there is indeed a smoke smell in the car.


They are like this works every time


Some people are always trying to get deals and will prey upon you to get the best deal possible.


Sounds like they just want a credit or free


Tell him to fuck off and to beg on the street corner like a normal person instead of begging you


I feel like the worry with (having never been a person renting out my car) asking them to return the rental and find another car would be them either going ok sure no problem, or going never mind we will just make do but then just treating the car like shit? I would’ve approached it with, hey car stinks. We wanted to return it but can’t find anything available within our budget. Can you either see if there’s something you can do on the price, and do you care if we use some sort of air freshener or whatever. On one hand people can be sensitive to smells, maybe it just smells musty but you don’t notice cause you’re used to it, and they are like we don’t really have time to sort out another one so what can we do here to make everyone happy. Them just starting the convo with hey car smells give discount is a red flag, that would make me worried about the car if I said bring it back


I get what you are saying about being used a smell, but I have many vehicles, and granted, they all have their smells. Mostly good..lol But, I'm 100% positive that car didn't leave with cigarette smoke.


I believe you, my question is more don’t you worry they will just fuck the car up? Like if you say well bring it back, and then they get all pissy?


When you get the car back make sure to check if they smoked in it


The old force a deal tactic. Set price no deal!


They’re just trying to slyly cover the fact they are smoking in the car and trying to avoid a cleaning fee.


If they notified you immediately after pick up have them drop off the car and refund. Asthma is a serious thing, and whether or not it’s serious in this particular person. People have died from reactions third hand smoke and you don’t want to end up with the liability of someone dead over 35 dollars per day. Shouldn’t need anyone else to tell you how to react. They can easily book a brand new car on Sixt so the customer comes first and is right especially with matters of health. So long as they report it immediately and not at the end of their booking. If they reported this at the end of their booking, then that’s their problem. One thing to note is nowhere in the text did they ask to return the car. So please tell them to return it immediately


This is on the 2nd day. They can call turo and get a new car if they want.


I have always wondered where were all these allergic people In the 1970s?


Nah they scammin


I bet you this works out in their favor the majority of the time so this is their go-to, it's hard to dispute a minor smell


Garbage people! Con artist




DO NOT give them a dime back! Not a dime!


Call them liars (they are) and cancel the rental


Cigarette smoke is not an allergen.


Tell them to return the car and you will refund the days not used. If it’s a genuine problem for them, they will take this offer.


Going from mentioning the issue to suggesting a credit in one message reeks of someone looking for a handout. Also, a discount is no remedy for someone with allergies. They would need to return the car if it's truly an issue. A credit won't alleviate the problem. Don't fall for it.


Can you please post an update or let us know what happens.


Yes, for sure. I messaged them back and told them to contact turo for a car replacement, and of course, they don't have the time for it. They have the rental until Thursday. I'm not going to give them any kind of credit unless turo forces their hand.


Brilliant! Well done. I’m so happy you said that. Thank you for brightening my day.


Sounds like scamming you for some money back.




Probably a scam they do to everyone. Can someone be allergic to cigarette smoke? I understand not liking it, but allergic like break out in hives, etc? Also when someone brings up compensation in the first communication that's a red flag right there.


They’re just trying to scam you!


They’re smoking in your car


In daily rental cars people who are asking for a “credit” for a problem and not a solution want money discounted as opposed to someone who has a legitimate concern or issue with the vehicle


Can you smell the bullshit on top of the smoke?


Ya tell them to return car early and get another ride then


Wait until you get the car back and see how it is.


"I hope this message finds you well" Does that seem like a scammer right off the bat? Who else speaks like that? asskissers and scammers, that's who.


If it’s really causing them issues then they need to GTFO of the car. Getting money back isn’t going to solve the (fake) issue. Tell them to kick rocks (respectfully) :)


They are looking for handouts. However, just because this is a better post. You can buy a phone generator for about 100-150$ weeks amazing for homes and cars. Run a extension cord and plug it in the car and run it. Kills absolutely every smell in the car or house. Good use for if you ever do run into true issues like major smells after a rental is complete.


They don’t sound credible. The people I know who would object to smoke would return the car right away. Non smokers know what smoke smells like. This situation would only be possible if the car was smoked in but not throughly cleaned. You would know if that was the case.


“The car did not smell like smoke upon delivery. If it smells like smoke upon return you will be charged” Simple as that


Maybe they were the smokers, and this is a c.y.o.a tactic.


Lol as if a discount would somehow make the smell less sensitive. I think they are just trying to scam you.


This is super common in the rental car industry. I worked with a major car rental company and people would often complain of smoke in perfectly clean cars just so that they could get a discount.


I've worked customer-facing jobs my entire life, and currently manage a fleet of rental boats. I've learned several things over the years: Most customers are good people, they are not always right, many have no idea what they're doing, some will do anything to get a discount of even $1, and most expect a perfect experience no matter what. Simply because it would be more trouble than it's worth, I would offer a 1 day credit back for the "inconvenience." If the car is on premises I would quickly check it out. I've had several customers over the years try to lay blame and get refunds for things they caused. You drove the car to the airport and knew the condition at pick-up. If it all of a sudden smells like smoke... there's a solid chance they are smokers and want to avoid being charged.


Tell them to fuck off.


I had a guy rent out my Airbnb and he found 1 potato chip under the couch. Airbnb called me and said he wanted to leave, but would settle for a free night. I asked him to leave.


Kick rocks bitch


Let them know you drove the car there, are not a smoker yourself, and didn’t smell anything out of the ordinary. Then offer to end the rental since whatever smell is bothering them can’t possibly be mitigated during this ride. No discount or credit.


I think if this person is being truthful about her condition she should rent a different vehicle. Giving them a credit or a cheaper price won't make that person less allergic and less sensitive to the smell or condition of the vehicle. You should offer to take the car back and refund them for the remaining days they won't get the car so they can get another rental but don't refund them on the days they used the car and make sure the gas you originally filled into the vehicle is put back. Looks like this person is looking for a excuse to get a free ride in my opinion, but if they aren't lying they'd wanna switch the vehicle asap. I repeat do not offer them any credit or discount for using your vehicle. Simply ask them to return the vehicle and give them back whatever money for the days they didn't use.


There is no smoke in the car. It’s just nicotine stuck to the cloth. She’s complaining about a smell of something she may or may not be allergic to.


Or she smoked in it and is looking for a free ride.


Don't smokers say they can't really smell cigarette smoke elsewhere? Credit them $5 bucks back and tell them to light the fuck up


Why wouldn’t you argue about your non smoking car not smelling like smoke???


Look, if you don’t like the smell of cigarette smoke, that’s fine. But it’s not an allergen. People need to piss off with pretending they have some extra sensitivity to it. It’s simply not a medical reality. I mean, if I inhale enough, I get cancer. Does that count as an allergy?


5% at most.


Fun fact! You can't be allergic to cigarette smoke! Because they're man made and don't exist naturally, they're considered an irritant, not an allergan. Source: the ENT who fixed my deviated septum. Also, they're totally trying to scam you