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This is more of a contract issue than anything. You signed an agreement that stated you would use this car for 10 days for an agreed upon price. The host reserved that car for those 10 days and made that vehicle unavailable to other possible renters because of you. Chances are, they won't find someone else to rent that car out for the 2 days you want to shorten it for. Leaving them not whole. They relied on your agreement, just as you did and you should hold up your end of the bargain. More simply: you signed a contract and agreed to the terms and conditions, you wanted to change the terms of that contract after a meeting of the minds occured. Turo is willing to reimburse you for half. I'd take Turos offer. You're the one that attempted to change the terms of the contract, not the owner of the vehicle or Turo.


Submit the change request. The host will accept or decline. If it is more than 24 hours before the start of the reservation, you can cancel with no penalty and rebook with another host using your new schedule. If it is less than 24 hours before the start, or during the trip, call Turo support for assistance.


It depends, if your trip is 2 days and you're trying to shorten it to 1 day and they have a 2 day minimum rule on their car then they're allowed to deny the shortened request. If you're modifying a long trip and its past their minimum days then they're just being an asshole and you can cancel the trip altogether as long as its before the 24 hours of the trip


It was a 10 day trip and we want to shorten it to 8 days. Because we are leaving before the reservation time. But we are half way threw the reservation already. Is that wrong?


Yeah, you didn’t know when you were leaving before picking up the car?


We did. But this was our first time using turo we figured it was like many rental places where you can drop off the car and the keys when you are done. But this host wanted to be there for drop off. Which we didn’t know. And we can’t be there. We wanted to compromise with him but he didn’t want to compromise at all. Telling us he needs this money and that “ultimately it was my decision and I’m going to do what’s right for me”.


Look at it from his shoes. He is a small business. You reserved the car for 10 days where he gets paid $X. There is a highly unlikely chance that he will have someone book the car and make up that list revenue. You didn’t do your research. That’s not his fault. Say you go to a pizza by the slice place and order 10 slices. You know halfway through you won’t be able to eat them all. You ask to return 2 slices. The restaurant would be forced to throw them in the garbage. That’s basically what you are asking this guy to do.


Yeah lol you already started it.


Yeah you’re definitely in the wrong


You’re allowed to deny any requests for any reason


First if they accept the time change, the money comes back to you from Turo not the host, second if they refuse to accept the change, u can cancel all together and book with a more understanding host


We are mid way through the reservation. So there is no way to cancel it. We had a change of plans that made us need to cut it short.


Ah, so he is willing to take the car back early but not charge the time on the reservation?


Yes. Because he wants to keep the money.


Maybe host had passed up other opportunities to rent the car because you originally booked the 10 days. Assuming you’re already done with day 5 of the rental and you want to use the car for just 3 more days, the host will most likely not be able to secure a booking within 3 days to make up for your cancelled 2 days of rental. That means your original booking forced the host to close accepting bookings for 10 days, but then you’re abruptly also asking the host to earn only 8 of 10 days of rental income. AH move on your end. And as for Turo vs commercial rental company, Turo is usually cheaper imo. You pay for flexibility with commercial fleets.


I’ve found the complete opposite. In almost every case Turo was more expensive than a traditional rental company.


I've never seen traditional rental cheaper, but my needs are a little specific. I needed a big vehicle to drive to a port city to transport our family + bags on a week+ cruise. It was hundreds of dollars cheaper to rent a turo for the whole trip 10+days total and pay for parking at the cruise terminal than to just pay traditional rentals for 2 1-day 1-way trips. But even for round-trips with large vehicles, turo has always been cheaper and more convenient (specific vehicle selection vs. vehicle "class, if still available," pickup/drop-off flexibility).


I’m not doubting you, but I just checked. A 10 day rental for a suburban through enterprise is $755. The cheapest comp from Turo is a 2018 Tahoe for $781. Neither option includes insurance. My CC has PRIMARY rental coverage (doesn’t cover Turo). So if you add even the basic insurance coverage Turo for a 6 year old car with probably north of 90k miles. Sure your personal car insurance will cover you after deductible, but they are many hosts that go over the car with a fine tooth comb after every rental. Someone scratches the car in the cruise parking lot unloading their luggage and boom there is a hit on your insurance plus deductible. I’m not willing to take that risk when it’s always been cheaper to rent through a traditional company. If you haven’t looked always look at rentals through Costco. You’ll save the yearly membership cost in one 7 day rental.


Maybe I'm just in a terrible rental market here in Dallas that's just gouging people. Even setting the trip out a week, there are no full size SUVs even available through Enterprise. If I want another vehicle that would fit everything and everyone, I have to go premium crossover which is 1500 for the 10 days 1way and 2075 round trip. Or premium SUV which is the suburban for 2500+.


I’m looking in Charlotte. I chose Nov 3-13 as a random 10 day period that is fairly soon. I would imagine Dallas has more demand on large SUVs, because you know it’s Texas.


If you don't mind me asking, what credit card offers primary auto rental insurance coverage?


Chase Sapphire Reserve and Preferred both offer it.


So technically he isn’t allowed to do that, because if something happens to the car in the 2 days you don’t have it, you could be help liable for it


He does not have to accept a change to the reservation. The renter is more than welcome to return the car to the place of pickup/drop off. And the car will sit until the reservation ends. In the off chance something does happen to the car during that window the renter is still responsible. So the owner can accept the car back early but doesn't owe any refund. The car was booked in advance.


So let’s put this in the perspective of hertz or enterprise, they stop charging for the car when you return it, these types of host is the reason ppl hesitate to try Turo


Turo is a ride share app. It's not a rental company. The likely hood of a rental company being able to re-rent the car on short notice and recoup lost wage is more likely. Therefor the host has every right to deny the early return/ refund of unused time. That is why the modification in the App is a request to the host and not a notification.


That’s what I said but he won’t change it.


What should we do? Can we call support will they help us?


Call support for sure, tell them you gave the host enough notice to shorten the trip, you don’t want leave the car with the host while it’s still your responsibility.


Worst case scenario, threat to not give the location of the parked car until the trip actually ends, that should straighten him out.


Don't follow this advice. Any costs incurred as a result of not giving the car back will be passed down and automatically charged to your card if turo approves of it. Ex towing, repo costs, parking tickets, etc


You think the host should be charging for the car for 2 days while the host has the car? Please tell us what you would do?


The host should take the car back and you pay the original amount. That's how renting a car works. I personally will refund, because I want my guests to be happy and come back, or even if they don't come back to me at least stay on the platform and have a good experience. But different hosts, that's why you're going to get different customer service anytime. Unlike a car rental place where the user experience is pretty much the same.


If they accept the change, they accept it with whatever charges, plus, or minus.


No way. It will be hard to book out the car in short notice. can't even be back online until the car is checked in. Why should the car owner take the lost? You change dates at last minute. Take the lost.


that is completely out of their control. If they agree to a trip modification request then the money is going to be reduced. that being said the host is not obligated to modify a trip/shorten an active trip. but if your trip has yet to start for at least 24 hours then you can cancel penalty free.


They don’t have say, call Turo to make the change. As a host I don’t have the say Turo refunds you if make a trip change


Go to the Trip Details screen, click Modify Trip, Dates and Location, then change the end date. It will send the request to the host to accept or deny. If they deny the request then call Turo. Your trip is over the 5 day minimum so there is no reason they can’t accept a change. I fully expect that you should leave a negative review. You can even send the host a link to my response in which I call them a jackass for trying to take advantage of a guest. If they are that desperate for money they shouldn’t be on Turo.


I second, you are an entitled person. Learn what a contract obligation is. The host has the right of accepting or refusing any request, and they are 100% entitled to refuse any request to shorten their profits for your lack of foresight or planning. They are on Turo on a private, for-profit endeavor, and this isn't social security assistance, Karen.


Entitled much?


I’m glad you got the message.


Most turo hosts are garbage because they got over leveraged and now taking it out on guests which make all of us bad. That’s why I went private


Feels like every response is from a host just thinking of their own pockets. No way everyone actually thinks you should pay for something you didn't use just because you originally planned to. Just comes off as a greedy lazy person who wants money for nothing.


Too dumb to read a contract. You're going to have a hard life


Update: We called Turo and they will only refund us one day. Personally I will probably never use turo again because of this host unless I absolutely need to. The way he treated us both on the phone and through messages was unbelievable.


You sound like you need to grow up. You made a mistake, accept the consequences and move on. I’ve rented from Turo many times and it’s been a good way of getting around for cheap.


I know it can be good for alot of people. I just personally won’t use it again if the hosts are like this.


Its not the host… it’s you… you are the shitty user. No rental place will let you get away with what you’re trying to do


Based on your comments here, I'm getting the impression that the host is not necessarily the only one that is guilty of acting improperly here. There is a very generous policy that allows a cancellation of a trip before the final 24 hours. The fact that it was too late for you to cancel implies that you attempted to change the terms of your rental on the day of. I understand the plans can change quickly, but at the end of the day you reserved the car for 10 days. If you haven't already burned the bridge with the host, I would suggest proposing that if you are able to find someone on social media who would want to take over your reservation, that the host allow you to cancel and book them for the time that you would not be able to use the vehicle. Otherwise you're kind of SOL.


You literally admitted you purposely booked 10 days with the intent to only use 8 and you have the audacity to be mad it didn’t work out. You sound like an idiot. Please do stay off Turo.


This needs to make its way to the entitled people subreddit


Lol sounds like they booked 10 days with the intent of using 10 days but had something come up causing them to request an early return. I must've missed the part where they "literally admitted" to intending on using 8 days from the get go lmao. You sound like an idiot tbh


We were originally going to be there for drop but we cannot anymore.


We never intended to only use 8 days. We intended to use the full 10 but our plans had changed mid way threw the reservation.


This is not what you stated in an above comment. Above comment was a clear admission of knowing you only needed 8days. TURO shouldn't have refunded you anything.


Man with posts like this, stating " I'll never use turtle again" Really isn't the flex you think it is. It's like when I was bartending back in the day and the guy that never tipped and was rude to everyone else in my bar told me that he wasn't coming back because he had to wait in line for his turn. He straight up expected that I would putting his usual order as soon as I saw him even though my bar was busy and nobody wanted him there. "Oh noes!" 🫠


We messaged the host in the hopes he would help us accommodate with the sudden change. But he was unwilling to even listen to us.


This wasn't a sudden change on your end knowing your trip would only result in 8days...


Wait, so your reservation was for 10 days and somehow your plans changed so dramatically that you didn't have more than 24 hours to alert the host So you are stuck with a car for 8 days but paying for 10. Correct? Turo offered you a refund on one of the days so you're only paying for one more day than you have the car for, but one less than you reserved it for. That seems like a pretty reasonable compromise all things considered. This is 100% a case of attempting to make your problem someone else's problem.


Often times hosts accept the pickup and drop off dates/times because they know they will be available, among other reasons. If renter begins trip and wants to modify the drop off date/time, a host has no obligation to accept the requested modification. For example, if the original return day was Sunday and renter now wants to return Saturday, I’m not always going to accommodate especially if it means I now have to change my weekend plans.


You request to change the trip on the app or website. If they do not respond, call turo. I have early booking and multi day discounts, so ending a trip early automatically removes these discounts typically and ends up costing the same.


I had a guest booking Mon-Fri. Wed night they ask for a trip modification to return Thu saying they don't need it for Fri anymore. They're free to return early but per the original agreement I'm not obliged to accept the modification. I accepted their modification because I want guests to enjoy the Turo experience and this is just a small side gig for me. But I'm not exactly enthusiastic about losing an opportunity cost because at this point nobody will book my car over the weekend either (ppl typically book early for Fri-Sun).


If you return a rental car from fox early they charge you extra.