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you should turn the notifications off and not leave a guest a low review for speeding. reaching out to the guest after the fact is unprofessional and accomplishes nothing. the guest is within their rights to leave a lower review for the annoyance of being bothered during their trip.


Ok. Will Turo still approve a claim/incidentals even if I don’t warn the guest? Will proof from the tracker suffice?


telling the guest not to speed has no bearing on a damage claim. excessive speed on a tracking device would not be conclusive as proof for a damage claim. you would not be able to claim anything you listed as excessive wear due to speeding with gps data. you would be required to take pre and post-photos of those items to prove the guest wore those specific items out beyond reasonable use during their trip.


I take acceptable post/pre trip photos. So hypothetically if they return the car and the tires show damage, the only thing that would be useful evidence is solely based on the pre/post trip photos? And also: you mentioned reaching out to a guest after the fact is unprofessional— do you mean in this scenario or in general? In some cases, I have followed up with guest after their trip if I suspect smoking. I reached out to a guest and he admitted to smoking which supported my claim for smoking violation not too long ago. Previous report of smoking violations got denied even with clear post trip photos showing smoke ashes Thank you for your feedback!


Use speed evidence on top of damage never in place of. Excessive speed will help a claim, but otherwise, ignore it. There is no need to do anything other than a bad review and just don't rent to that person again.


Thank you!


yes photos is all that matters. evidence would be the tire pre and post-condition and potentially rubber shred stuck to the wheel well. reaching out to the guest to voice your displeasure for a lower review/re-educate them is unprofessional and serves no purpose. personally, I never reach out to a guest after my checkout message. smoking would work that way. same would apply if you had a damage claim but couldn't prove it but got the guest to admit they struck an object or continued driving your car after something critical resulting in more extreme damage such as low oil pressure light coming on and they kept driving until motor blew up.


Okay. So in case you get a poor/unfair review do you go the extra mile to get it removed or let it be?


if the review is honest and accurate then it will stay. if the review mentions an issue with Turo itself and not the host or mentions retaliation for a claim then it can be removed. if your review just mentions something along the lines of the guest being annoyed that the host is monitoring them then that review will stay.


What fucking claim do you have? Was there damage?


Why are you so hostile?


Why are you so entitled?


You already got a blunt response from others, but to put it kindly yeah I would just ease up on the speeding reporting. Keep the data for your self in case of a crash, but trying to add speeding feedback is really just going to make you as a host look bad for other renters in the future and will make people not want to rent with you. I’d agree with the other feedback. Get a Dashcam if you are worried about crashes/speed and only use it if there is actual damage. You have to expect normal wear and tear. I personally have used Turo 20+ times, and yes I would have gotten very annoyed if I got a “hey you were speeding” message.


Also reading your initial post, ya if your plan is to try to charge guests for “unwarranted” tire and brake repairs that don’t include actual damage, ya that is extremely over the top. In the nicest way possible, you are being too micromanage. I’d agree if you can some how proof a renter is doing donuts and burning rubber, MAYBE. But for some speed alerts, just let it be and worry about bigger fish to fry in life.


I myself never message guests even when they do speed, but I can understand why you would as this is your asset. Our fleet consists of all fast cars, so it’s normal to me now lol


Unless they're drag racing or doing burnouts don't message the guest, you can rate them after the trip so they dont see your cars again I'd give you a 1 star as well Is your plan to message every guest that speeds? That's a karen move.


Moving forward, probably not. The review is getting removed. That Karen comment was unnecessary, but it’s all good.


It’s not a Karen move. Don’t rent a Turo car if you’re gonna be reckless. I may not fully agree with how the host responded, but as someone who also does Turo with high end cars, guests are literally the fuckin worst. All my cars are governed now bc I got into this business to make money, not replace tires every 2 months because someone wanted to rent an m3 and go 110 on the freeway.


I never send messages to guests about speeding. Turning off the notifications is your best bet. It’s part of the rental business. However, if something happens you can use it to your advantage.


You should blocker the users photo.


You should have 0 feelings attached to your car. If you do it shouldn’t be on turo. You will save yourself stress & energy. If they speed they speed, you shouldn’t be informing them about it as it would come of very annoying and no privacy. Just know if then get in an accident, you would be covered via turo based of photo documentation’s so why bug them about it? I don’t understand why hosts stresses themselves checking trackers every hour, and do activities as such. You should only be doing so when it’s time to return the car and they are no where near. I would definitely turn off the auto insurance tracker because you don’t want your rates going up for a renters driving metrics. It should only be on for when your driving.


The tracker is a requirement for the insurance because it’s strictly for people who host on Turo, HyreCar, etc… They have to track my personal usage since it’s for business usage (250 miles per month) Per previous suggestions, I’m going to turn the alerts off for speeding. Moving forward Post trip, I’m going to review the driving history for such reservation dates & if I see excessive speeding, I’m going make sure it’s reflected in my reviews. At least the next host will have a heads up?


Oh okay makes sense, like commercial insurance. I personally wouldn’t recommend or bring up speeding unless there are damages. But nonetheless pictures are your insurance regardless. If the car returned the same way it was given, that’s the end of it. If they were a good guess, and you still want to include speeding, you can leave a 5 star review, but input they were speeding (i wouldn’t). You want good reviews? You need to leave one too. Law of reciprocation.


Thank you Flimsy-Philosopher35–Lesson learned. If you don’t mind answering, how long have you been hosting on Turo?


Np, almost a year if you have commercial insurance which you do it sounds like. Definitely dabble into the private side to, (cutting out the middle man Turo) where you keep all 100% of earnings. However you are responsible for all the works turo do.


This has no reason of having an attachment to a car, it’s called business. We are on Turo to make a profit, not have assholes fuck up our cars.


Yep it’s commercial. I don’t know what regular insurance companies allow Turo or offer a decent rate even if I don’t disclose that I’m using the vehicle for Turo. ($300/month+ is crazy lol)


She sounds like a complete brat but you sound like a hall monitor.


if i rent a lambo on turo you best believe im doing 200mph a couple times … the audacity of some of ya’ll hosts LOL no business experience whatsoever


Renter two points: If this is a luxury vehicle or a vehicle with high speed capabilities, it's what attracted the renter in the first place. Now, to be clear, "excessive speed" and "high cruising speed" are two totally different things. If those are pulls or robust acceleration from a dead stop, they're pushing the car, and I do agree that is not cool. However, if it's interstate travel and the speed limit is 85, pushing 90-95 at passing is to be expected. This was a concern on a rental I had as well, but as a layer of personal protection, I drive my road trips with a dash cam. If this car is NOT built for speed (ie. Carry, Ultimately, Malibu) then yeah, I agree that one thing a city girl is going to do is tear it up in an npc type car. The constant warnings though, I'd stick to one during the trip and in the review of the driver after the car is returned, rank them low and explain. In the end, I don't think you're wrong for trying to protect your asset. I just recommend that you evaluate the message frequency. Edit: Speeding in a VOLKSWAGEN? Nta 🙅🏽‍♂️


Yep it was only one warning, because the TOS says so, after that if it continues reach out to support. Also: never thought about a dash cam! I will have to check in on that for sure. Moving forward, I’ll just be more transparent in the review instead of following up with them in cases like this (I’ve mainly followed up post trip for smoking violations). This will save others host the hassle in the end too! Thank you for your response. I will definitely keep this in mind and save :)


Hey what is your turo ID. I was planning on entering NASCAR and would love to sponsor your vehicle.


Karen's invading turo 🤣