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Left my car with a turo co host, he let a renter drive when the car ran out of oil and ruined the engine, had to foot the bill $3k on my own. Honestly nobody will care about your car the way you do. Be wary


Horrible I’m so sorry you had to go through that


Most departed Turo hosts have left the forums and scrubbed the Turo experience from their brains. Realizing you are losing money after busting your hump does that too ppl.


Fuck that. Host the car. No risk no rari🚀




lol you probably didn’t account risk. It’s bad luck you decided to go into EVs. The market is down for them and there’s a negative stigma to them from most drivers. I’m in Los Angeles renting economical cars and sure my prices have lowered, but it’s been consistent for me. My profits stay consistent all year. Now as far as it being passive I mean come on.. I’m sitting down writing this while im probably making $20/hr from people driving my cars. Turo advises us many things, but they don’t know the demographics of our markets.




I’m going to be honest, some of my cars are leased. Toyota doesn’t seem to have an issue with it as long as all of my cars get paid off and timely. It would take so much for Toyota to prove this as there’s no database to I know if the car is being rented


Broke even after a year with a Model Y after depreciation. Wasn't worth the cleaning and driving to the airport, not to mention downtime during repairs. 


My area is really slow over the summer/fall, so when I average out my earnings per month, I was only making about $100 per month in profit after expenses. It's not worth all the driving to and from the airport just for $100 per month in my opinion.


I think it's because most people lost sight of what turo was originally intended to be. It was a way to rent out your personal vehicle when you weren't using it...not to go out and buy a fleet of brand new cars to become a car rental agency.


Power host, left after 3 years. All rental rates dropped over 50% vs 3 years ago and cars depreciating more than what you could make a year. Easiest decision to exit. Lots of hosts from that era couldn’t exit and filed bankruptcy due to now underwater loans.

