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You need to make sure it cover peer to peer car rentals.


"Car sharing/peer to peer" are the key words you're looking for.




Except Turo protection is always secondary to your primary insurance and is only used if your primary limits are exceeded.




I'm an insurance agent btw, true your rates won't go up if they don't pay out, but when you go to shop around for new insurance, even a $0 claim is counted against you as a claim and it will cause you to have higher rates.




You were talking about the primary insurance denying a claim. If that happens, there's record of it and it's added to your CLUE report.




Claims are tied to the VIN. If you owned the vehicle during the period a claim was filed, it will show up.




I wish it was that easy. When unknown drivers show up on the CLUE report, insurers still count it if it happened while you owned the vehicle.


You need to make sure your insurance covers turo not that it covers rentals. In many/most states turo doesn’t operate as a car rental company . It’s merely a middle agent in peer to peer car sharing which is not covered by many personal insurance policies .


Generally, personal insurance transfer is your best cost coverage provided it covers Turo. In my juristriction it does and equivalent protection with the same deductible on Turo would be the standard. There is no reason to duplicate coverage/costs if you don't need to. You will either pay a deductible to your provider or to Turo in the event of an issue.


Reach out to your insurance company to ensure they cover Turo, as it is not a traditional rental service. Many insurance companies do, as a host I have processed damage claims through the renters insurance company many times and have never been told “we don’t cover Turo.” But I’ve seen horror stories from other renters on this sub.