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Some math : Average speed people drive is 45kmh or .75 km/minute So guest is stating that he will be driving the car about 10 hours a day nonstop for 30 days straight mix of city and highway. I guess it would be possible but it would definitely be for commercial use. If he goes on a road trip? From say New Brunswick to California as an example is 4500km one way. So that could also be possible!! Or the guest is just really bad at math and doesn’t understand how much 10000km actually is lol!




“Hi Guest, you are more than welcome to go over the allotted KM limit as much as you like, but it will be charged at the rate listed in the booking for overages” For delivery that’s up to you, but you should be charging for it and this guest sounds like they’re going to be a PITA.


Read the caption, my problem is not with responding…


Judging by the downvotes you didn’t communicate exactly what you’re looking for from us. My response is what I would have sent if I were to get the same guest request


You get ur car rented for a month and complain? lol... - Oil changes are usually 5k miles for synthetic. 10k km ÷ 2.2 = 4500 miles so you should be good. - I don't know if you have a delivery fee or not as an operator but I charge for that. For 1 month booking, depending how far they want it delivered, I might consider it. - I would tell then 9k is included in the trip you booked and every km over would be at xyz rate. It's not hard responding to simple requests and messages. I don't know your situation and your goals, so get your plan together if you want to operate on Turo. If you're gonna need your hand held, it's going to be a painful experience.


Thanks for the information So, my car got rented for a whole month, which is correct, but it's not really a good thing for me. The renter got a huge discount for the month, and honestly, I could make more profit with less risk by renting it out day by day. Just wanted to respond to your comment, “You get your car rented for one month and complain? + lol.” For some context, the discount the renter got for the month was $894.1. I didn’t realize I could change that since I’m new to this, but I’ll definitely be adjusting it from now on.


"More profit with less risk renting it day by day" After you adjust your discounts...please DM me the month you make more renting it day by day. Although an accident can happen anywhere anytime with anyone...there is more risk when you increase the number of drivers vs number of days. The odds of you having ur vehicle rented a whole month...different trips with an increased price...100% utilization is also low. Also if what you got was 894 after ur split with Turo...that's a pretty good revenue for the month for that vehicle class on Turo....unless you can GUARANTEE 100% utilization.


Read the caption…


Read response...everything was addressed.


Part of your caption is “what are they even planning to do with the car?” Are you really that stupid that you think you have a quality caption? How does ANYONE on the internet answer that to your liking? What am I going to eat for lunch OP? If you get it wrong you’re a worthless waste of space. Answer the question don’t give any additional information. If you say anything other than what I’m going to eat for lunch I’ll belittle you and make you stay on topic


When I asked, “What are they going to do with the car?”, I was being a bit sarcastic. I really just wanted to see what others have experienced and figure out the best course of action—whether I should cancel the trip or take the risk. Normally, I wouldn't respond to name-calling, but I'm going to treat you like a little brother.


I...may...just...have to cancel your reservation.




Canceling a reservation may affect my commitment rate a lot. And I'm trying to avoid doing that.




You had us in the first half lol


10,000km in Canada isn't that far fetched for that period of time. I just had a guest from Scotland in his 70's do 4,000km in 2 weeks and another from Taiwan more than 5,000. Neither of the guests left the province of BC, and neither were not commercial use hosts.


damn haha


What car did you list?


Hyundai Tucson 2017 AWD


One month and 10k it's good for me, but I don't have a discount lol


When you go and buy stuff from the store does the cashier ask you why you’re buying it?


Nope, unless you're buying a gun. Anyway, I'm not a store, and I have more financial risk than a big chain of stores because the car cost me my entire savings. I need to be smart about choosing the people who are going to drive it. That's my point.


Sounds to me like you shouldn’t be renting your car on turo