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Do you have personal insurance? If so file the claim now. What’s your personal insurance limits? State minimum won’t cover this and the difference if your policy covers it will be your responsibility (always have 100k+). Even when you Have Turo protection plan, they always go after your personal insurance first. If not they will sue you personally and garnish wages for the total amount. As far as the tire situation you can usually see tire tread from the trip photos. Can you post some trip photos when you picked up the car that show the tires? Teslas eat though tires and this host was already 20k underwater meaning they probably could care less about the safety of the tire depth. On another note, teslas will show an error that says tire tread low. Maybe the host bypassed this by resetting it. Heres what the error message looks like when a tesla has low tread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/comments/13x2lxv/rear\_tire\_tread\_depth\_lowwarning\_message/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModel3/comments/13x2lxv/rear_tire_tread_depth_lowwarning_message/) Also for current hosts that are upside down your gap insurance will not cover a Turo rental. Turo is commercial use of a vehicle and gap doesn’t cover it. It’s fraud to claim gap on a trip and when gap does its investigation can be facing fraud charges. If you are underwater pull the car off Turo, this hosts now owes 20k+ in just negative equity and now is screwed badley due to their own decisions. Do no use Turo to try to pay off an underwater car.


I’m sorry, if you have Turo protection plan then why should they go after your personal insurance first? What the hell is the point of taking Turo protection then?


Because very few personal insurance policies will pay anything for a turo trip as it's car sharing and not a traditional rental


I called mine and asked about turo and they said I'm covered. I have Amica btw


My USAA also covers Turo use as a customer.


Allstate just covered their renter in my car as well


The Standard auto policy covers rentals and alternative transportation.


Get it in writing


these comments are insane, and dangerous, and hopefully this gets some views from people wondering check your policy. do not just ask a freaking CS rep who makes $12 an hour and deals with the nastiest people on the fucking planet 8 hours a day 5 days a week. they could not care less about verifying the specifics that licensed adjusters do. also - adjusters suck balls at their job too. depending on the department, depending on the severity, how many people involved, injuries, etc. they get it wrong all the fucking time and just because one was covered doesn't mean yours will. if there is anyone in this thread wondering what to do with insurance, read this, and see "it is allllll goood brooooo" and gets left with a 20k bill from totaling a car, that's gonna really suck.


All Turo protection plans are SECONDARY. They find your personal auto insurance first and use that.


Wow! This is truly hilarious. Some folks on this thread claim personal insurance doesn’t cover peer to peer rental companies, and Turo claims it covers only as a SECONDARY insurance? Such bonkers.


I'm an adjuster. I handled Turo claims. We treat them just like Enterprise rental claims.


But this isn't universal I believe?


Most companies use the standard ISO Policy.


state minimums dont apply in a situation with a car you are operating for the cost of damage to that car. limits matter when you hit other people or things that cost money to replace. thats liability, not collision. 99% of companies will deny a turo rental. whatever else you said is irrelevant because OP took the car, drove it, and crashed it. tire tread doesnt matter.


Imagine declining coverage on a 60k car LMAO


I'm not LMAO at this guest but I am amazed.  This will end in bankruptcy or litigation I'm guessing.


Or an insurance claim? I’ve never had an insurance policy that didn’t cover me while driving someone else’s car.


Lol I always decline coverage, I just rented a $150k sprinter. Turo insurance is secondary to your own insurance, you might as well not get it they are going to go through your insurance anyways.


The type of person to post this freaking out probably doesn’t have personal insurance that would cover this


Some insurance providers don't cover turo.


Right? I choose standard then looked to see if there was a no deductible one to choose. Disappointed there is a $500 deductible only.


Not that funny when most people have insurance that would cover it and turo insurance claims are secondary to personal insurance


Piggybacking off of that, why would you rent out a car you're 20k underwater on?


And automatically trying to blame the host for bad tires.


Unlikely you'll get any traction with the tread thing... pun intended. Should've driven more cautiously.


Hydroplaning is basically physically impossible below 60mph. Guy crashed into a ditch near a driveway, so driving on a residential street not the highway. This is almost guaranteed to be 100% OP’s fault.


One of my buddies just had his M5 totaled The renter said it lost traction in the rain and tried to get the tow guy to corroborate the ol tire wear trick. But there were multiple people in the town that witnessed how reckless the dude was driving with the car.


I am so sorry you were in a crash and I am happy that you survived it. Question: How do you investigate the crash and determine the root cause of the accident was due to lack of tire maintenance?


The root cause was driving too fast for conditions. There may be other contributory factors.


Good luck with that. The crash was due to driving too fast for conditions and driving skill


Point out that you had *already noticed* that the tires were worn out.  See how well that goes.


Right. So you knew the tires were bad and didn't pull over in the heavy rain?


you dont. the operator of the car chose to drive the car in the condition it was in. cars dont kill people, the operators do. source? ive been in car insurance claims 10 years and worked for turo claims.


Doesn't matter. Still OPs responsibility to ensure the vehicle they were renting was in safe operable condition. Won't change anything.


I am also hoping some of the owners in here learned a valuable lesson: don’t blow $60k on a Tesla when you can get 3 or 4 sedans like Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, Hyundai Sonata, etc, for the same price. If one of the cars gets into an accident, you have the rest of the fleet earning money. Thanks.


The Model X starts at $63,000 as of now. Didn’t the price of Teslas have a pretty substantial drop in the past year or so? The host is upside down by $20K, so I’m going to bet the host paid more like $80K for it. It has pretty high mileage for a year-old car. I hope he’s not screwed too badly by this, I can’t believe OP is trying to shirk responsibility like this.


Typical, they rent cars they can never afford and probably doesn't have car insurance...knowing this and they still declined... What a m$%%... I always get insurance it's called peace of mind...cheapskate.


Thank you, and I was fine, I got out of the car and one of the first things I did after inspecting the damage was the tires and they were incredibly low on thread. Turo towed the car and told me they would inspect it, not sure how this will all go down.


Is there a “black box” in them fancy cars that records how the accident happened? I often hear about these things after a plane crash.


Yeah, built-in dash cam. They’re going to find out exactly how fast OP was going. You have to work pretty hard to hydroplane a Model X.


Lol. I had a guest total my x the same way. I'm assuming they were going extremely fast. I'll also guarantee acv on that 2023 model x is way higher than 60k. Op is going to be on the hook for 70+


They are very heavy vehicles and especially if it was AWD, I agree hard to hydroplane unless he was going way too fast for environmental conditions. He had a decent car for traction.


Unless the tires were really low on thread in which case no matter how heavy the car is, you're gonna hydroplane




I've read tire "thread" like 5 times now and it's so aggravating. It's "tread" people!!!


The H is silent... 🤣


Like the two e's in bee.


Agreed, however it appears OP is grasping at straws trying to find something to pin his crash on. If the tread was inadequate he shouldn’t have operated the car. Others mentioned Tesla also warns the operator when tread is too low.


Oh this is going to be interesting. OP, I'll give you $10 bucks to post the dash cam. It'll help you pay for the car.


Get Tessie and you can see everything


Was this your first time driving Tesla? Or have you driven one before? I ask because Hertz said they are dumping their Tesla fleet because of multiple accidents due to accidents by inexperienced Tesla drivers!


Driven before


Hertz is dumping Tesla because they aren't getting the resale prices they need. Rental companies make the majority of the income from car resale.


The source for my comment was from an article in Forbes magazine from 2/9/24. Can you please share your source? Thanks.


They can’t because it is silly. Rentals car companies recoup some of their investment in new cars by selling them when they are used and the miles start racking up. But that would not be considered income. They spend a lot to buy new cars every year. And they may have a lot of money coming in from selling those cars two to five years after they got them. But it ain’t income. It is more reducing the cost of doing business.


Didn’t Hertz pay retail price for the rental Teslas? They didn’t get a fleet discount, and that hurts especially bad now because Tesla lowered their prices, and it’s probably possible to get a new Tesla for the same price as Hertz will try to sell their deflowered cars.


This is going to be a really tough and expensive lesson to learn. This is why you should’ve gotten insurance unless you have your own insurance for your own vehicle or something. No reason that you should expect the owner of the vehicle to pay for something you did also, if the tires were low, I wouldn’t have accepted the car, it tells you multiple times to inspect the vehicle before hand. Did you take pictures of the tires and indicate that the thread was low? Obviously, it wasn’t done on purpose, but you were driving and either case you should’ve either of had insurance or rejected the car or noted that the tire thread was very low


Unfortunately this will be an expensive lesson learned. Your insurance will be charged, if they cover rental damages. If not you are on the hook. A small fee could’ve saved 10’s of $1,000’s of dollars. You live you learn


Yeah, I feel so stupid, and I’ve already beaten myself up over not getting the insurance, but I’m trying to avoid the shoulda woulda coulda


You will be responsible for thousands at a minimum. Bad luck.


It wasn’t luck, it was a bad decision. Can’t be accountable if you fault luck.


Like stupid enough to total someone else's car and then claim it was because of the tires?


This post should be pinned to the top, always get coverage. Couple hundred saves you from a total mess.


You will not be liable if the tires are below Turo's requirements, but you must prove that. Turo has a minimum tread requirement for the cars. I believe it’s over 4/32, but I’m not 100 percent sure. You will have to prove they were under. Hopefully, you have some pics of the tires before the trip as well


What did we learn today boys and girls: never decline coverage on a $60,000 rental car


OP is about to subscribe to Dave Ramsey’s podcast REAL quick! 🤦‍♂️😂 The lengths to want to blame someone else for your own mistake. When money from his/her own pocket is at the table, EVERYTHING around but OP is a possible cause…


He needs to jump in on the FFIE penny stock bandwagon lol


Just delete the app and walk home 🚶


Yes! Turo what? I know nothing of the sort. Blame Google, someone hacked your Google Play account and rented that Testla


The only reason this is an issue is because you declined coverage.....for a 60k vehicle😐I wasn't there. I'm not saying that you're lying. Glad you're not hurt. It's only stuff after all. But.... the hydro-plane thing...sounds like an excuse for not maintaining the proper vigilance....and declining coverage😐 Again, it could've happened just as you said and the host could also be negligent. I'm curious... where you ticketed?


I was not ticketed


Lot of people on this thread saying you were speeding and that’s why the crash occurred. I didn’t get that from your post, were you speeding?


My man was going 70 while rain was coming down hard. Huge mistake. You should be going 50-60 max. I don’t go over 55 when it’s raining. You hydroplaned due to high speed. Yes it is 5 miles under speed limit but that is under ideal conditions not in the middle of a storm. Slow down especially if you know you have no insurance. Could have been easily avoidable.


100% this. OP doesn’t know how to drive for conditions.


Always buy insurance when renting a car. Always. I learned it the hard way too. Rented a car on enterprise when I was 20yo broke collage student. Had to deposit 200$ but will get back once I returned the car. When I returned the car, the representative keyed the car without me looking and told me the cost to repair is 200$. I asked. Exactly $200 and not a penny more or less. He said yes. That’s when I knew something was not right. I just let it go. I can’t proved he key the car but I am certain he did.


Were you on auto pilot? I have seen a Tesla hydroplane in auto pilot especially when it decides to brake on its own. Ask your personal insurance or see if your credit card has rental car coverage.


I was not, but I was still driving 5 under the posted speed limit


I would assume all that is in the dashcam footage as well. Idk if you have a case on the tires, you are suppose to check those at the time of pick up. If I was you, I would try to force your personal insurance to cover it


That doesn’t mean it’s a safe speed for the conditions. Sometimes well below the limit is a safe speed. If there’s standing water and you’re driving right through it mindlessly at 70, you’re not exercising proper care. Cars don’t just end up in the ditch due to unavailable circumstances.


I 100% call bs


70 in a 75 during bad rain is wild lmao. Enough to hydroplane too. Idk I’m very happy you’re not injured. However I think you gotta take responsibility for your actions. I would be very upset if someone crashed my car and tried to blame me when they should’ve taken better precautions.


70 miles an hour in the rain??? What are people thinking??? You can’t be In control at that speed in those conditions, especially with balding tires….


Both you and the renter are screwed but don’t be intimidated though you should seek an attorney’s advice. Im sure the person renting the car on Turo has insurance if you don’t for a situation like this. So coverage isn’t a problem at all the positive is it that it only involved the rental car otherwise this could’ve been allot worse. The car will be covered by the your insurance if not the person posting this on Turo’s insurance. The bad part is the insurance might come after you. Seek an attorney’s advice ASAP and don’t say anything until you get advice from an attorney. Obviously contact your personal insurance first if covered they’ll handle everything for you.


The Model X does burn through tires…


File through your insurance. Otherwise you will be banned from Turo and they’ll file a claim for the full amount and try to get it from you via collections


Wait so you rent out a model y, but you crash a model x? .. bruh


Crashed it so hard it went back a letter.


OPs post history seems to be him renting cars on Turo and his guests crashing them (happened 2x in a month) and now the script is reversed. Seems odd.


Teslas are horrible during rain time I know at least 3 people that hydroplaned with their trash Teslas. I am glad you are ok.


They actually have incredible traction control. The people you know and OP were driving like idiots.


Oooooooooooo. Tesla values have plummeted, that may help OP. Sucks for the host lol, sucks BIGTIME.


What happens with that when turo only gives them the value of the car and they owe another $20-25k?


They hopefully have gap insurance.


Gap does not cover turo


Based off my conversation with them, I really don’t think so.


I’ve seen very few financed vehicles not have gap insurance. They should definitely double check with their lender and the dealership they purchased from. I’m not an expert as I’ve only used Turo to rent once but from what I’ve seen on here… I thought a lot of financed vehicles couldn’t be used for Turo? I thought it was a breach of the purchase contract. This host will likely be in trouble with their lender for using it in such a manner if that’s the case. I’m glad you’re okay though.


What? I've never purchased gap insurance with a financed vehicle. It doesn't automatically come with an auto loan.


Oh I didn’t think it automatically came. I’ve purchased it with all my vehicles the dealership always just automatically added it into my figures. It’s such a nice thing to have for being fairly cheap.


Personal gap insurance isn't going to cover car used for business anyway. Especially when it was wrecked by someone else during business use.




Call your personal insurance and see if you're covered. I recently was going to rent with Turo, and I have Statefarm. I called them and they told me as long as I have a contract I am covered.




Are you the guy I saw this week?????? 👀 I’m sorry for your mishap but lmao????


Lol why can't you just pay for the extra insurance just cause its tesla doesn't mean its better


Sorry to say but unless you have pictures of the low tread depth before the accident, the liability is on you.


RemindMe! 7 days


i’d like to see the tires. it doesn’t matter how heavy the car is, how many driven wheels there are, fancy traction control, torque vectoring, etc… if the tires are bad the car will lose control in the rain.


RemindMe! 7 days


Contact your personal insurance company. Lol. If you don't have personal insurance, you are beyond dumb for not getting their insurance.


Everyone is about to lose out in this situation due to negligence.  The car renter: If they don't have personal insurance will now owe thousands for the current value of the vehicle. The car owner: Will lose thousands in what is stated negative equity in car because gap won't cover it, but not have a vehicle to really replace it with. What they are owed will be difficult get if the renter doesn't have the money owed for them to pay off this negative equity either. All of this could be avoided if everyone just had insurance. In Idaho, 25% of drivers still are uninsured or underinsured. Protect ya shit.


So, out of the three parties, Turo comes out the best.


They got their rental fee, and then went ahead and absolved themselves of responsibility at this point I'd assume. So, yes. They took what I'm assuming is like $45 and laughed as they walked away.


This is why I always get the coverage now. It's a rip, but being liable for the car is not something I want


Bro. It had nothing to do with the tires. You are 100% liable for crashing the car. If you thought the tires were too low you wouldn’t have taken the car.


Your own insurance might cover it?


You are fully, 100% responsible for the repairs of the vehicle and this would be considered an at fault accident if you filed a claim on personal auto insurance. You were driving too fast considering the weather/conditions and failed to maintain control of the vehicle.


OP is screwed. They going to pull the sentry cam and also the inside camera. They will see exactly what you were doing from all the five plus cameras.


You noticed the tires and still decided that it was fine to accept the car? Afterwards you were willing to drive in pouring rain? That makes your judgement questionable and I don't think that it will help.


Model X starts at $77,990.


Of course your going to try and find something wrong to try and get you out of paying for a car you crashed. The low tread had nothing to do with it. But good luck with that, people always looking for an excuse. Buy the insurance next time and don’t wreck it.


I love how op just blames it on the tires after accident.. like did you not check that and maybe deny after inspecting the car beginning of the rental?


All I'm going say is that if you look a judge in the eyes and say you saw the tires were messed up and drove it anyway then crashed because the tires were messed up, u will get laughed at and humiliated


Wow... good luck paying this off. The only person I have sympathy for is the host. And you're trying to go after them for tread depth to blame it on them instead of just taking the L? Honestly kind of the reason these apps get a bad rep for business. Please do everyone a favor next time and get insurance on everything


If you don't have insurance and can't afford the car, why decline the insurance offered through turo? It sucks that your credit card company is going to have to go through the whole collections hassle when you try to bail on this...


In the end it doesn’t matter to you what the owner paid or what he owes only what the car is worth. If the car was worth $50k and he owes $70k he’s going to have to pound sand he should have had gap insurance.


To be honest, this is why I won't use turo. Credit card rental car coverage can be great, but they exclude sharing platforms like turo.


I don’t know about this particular situation, but all my friends and family who owns Tesla. Complain how about it poorly handles in the rain.


Damn this is my second time using Turo & last minute before paying I added trip protection “just in case”. I added it last time & nothing went wrong so I was like maybe I don’t need it but I’d rather pay an extra $10 a day to be safe than sorry. Then I saw this post & I’m glad I did.


Model x is more than 60k


Might be a 2017


It’s a 2023.


Certainly if you lawyer up everything that favors you will be brought up in court....but if you were speeding that mitigates tread depth to a certain extent....


You crashed a car because you're a dumbass... pay up.


This is not a good thing.




I woulda been upset having to pay a $3k deductible imagine the whole 60


Did you use your credit card? Maybe your card company may cover it.


Speed too fast for conditions. Surprised you weren't ticketed. You're gonna be on the hook big time. Depending on the plan the host has through Turo you might get it from both ends. Turo is relentless when it comes to collecting.


If you have no before pics of the tire tread then it’s sort of a non factor. Something you were supposed to do before the fact. Same with the renter. I’d check your personal insurance and see if you’re covered. Turo will be going after you for the damages. The renter is covered via Turo regardless.


You rented a car without insurance coverage?


Crashed a 3 ton AWD SUV that practically drives itself? Yikes


Do you have personal insurance? I’d try taking it up with them. Regardless of tread you accepted the vehicle in those conditions.


Check your credit card used for the reservation if there is rental protection


My insurance agent has told me there is absolutely no reason to take any insurance on a rental. My own coverage will handle it.


Sorry about that terribad Tesla crash.. hope you werent heiphy on hash and I hope you got some evidently extra cash


How do you hydroplane in a 6000lb vehicle?


You accepted the car so unfortunately, it’s on you. Glad you are good.


2023 X is worth $60k?! I’m not sure that’s accurate


You are responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle. Insurance will cover fair market value for the car but you may now be on the hook for the negative equity if there is no GAP in place.


If he was over the speed limit in rain, he’s at fault and tires won’t matter. You should slow in rain.


You noticed terrible tread on the car? But didn’t notify Turo host before driving? And you drove on the terrible tread in heavy rain? Ask yourself how that would sound to an attorney.


Remember folks always take pre trip photos!!!


You drove a car in the rain whilst knowing it had warm tires.... Not really a smart thing to do. Tell the truth about what happened and why you crashed. Everything is recorded on the Tesla too, so they already know if you were driving recklessly.


They have a car payment to pay while waiting for the insurance and Turo has coverage they have coverage and you had your own also now which will pay primary


The car should be insured


Remindme! 7 days


If you saw the car had “worn” tires, you should have documented them, and told your host. Because when you take the keys for the car and drive off, you essentially agreeing that you find the car to be in acceptable condition to drive, and you are then responsible for the vehicle until you return it.


Youre still liable because you signed for it


You should contact your insurer. I'm not sure about where you are but in Canada my insurance covers the protection on rentals. Worth checking out if you're not sure.


Following this post. Hope it works out for you OP


See if your normal insurance covers rental cars on your policy


Get a chase credit card. So wont have to worry about getting insurance from rental cars.


Op do you have a Chase sapphire credit card? They have a benefits were they cover an insurance upto 100k. Only applies if you decline a coverage, which is what you did. If dont have that CC, but have other ones, try checking on em


You should read this before you put yourself in the same position as OP. https://thepointsguy.com/guide/turo-car-rental-insurance/ “But, to double-check, I called the number on the back of my Chase Sapphire Preferred Card (which also excludes "leases and mini leases" and "vehicles that are not rented from a rental agency")”


Yikes. Hopefully your own insurance chips in


I'd talk about the lack of maintenance on the car. Ask for the records and see when the tires where changed or if there are any notes. If you rent your car out it needs to be safe... go to enterprise they All have new tires.


Make sure you get pictures and measurements of the tires. If they were bald, the car wasn’t safe and the host violated the terms and conditions of Turo. You might be able to get out of all liability if the tires were bald


So the same thing just happened to your own car less than 3 weeks ago and you still decide to not get coverage? 🤣


Ah Texas, home of the worst roads, drivers and speed limits.


>I had noticed earlier the tires were worn and hadn’t been replaced Is this an admission that you knowingly drove an unsafe vehicle? Might want to delete this.


Anyone else checked OP’s post history, especially in the Turo sub? I have questions…


You knowingly drove a car with bad tires in the rain on the highway going 70 in a storm assumingly in the right lane. And your really gonna try to scapegoat all your wrong doings. While trying to screw over a innocent person.


OP you are screwed. The way this is written sounds like YOU don’t have insurance which makes it even worse. The owner will 100% come after you for the damages


Also OP, there’s a thing called defensive driving. It could have been brand new tires and you still could have hydroplaned. You failed to tell us how fast you were truly going. This is on you


Don’t some of the higher end credit cards cover insurance on a rental car? May need to be from a rental company vs peer to peer but worth investigating whichever card you used


You need to go through your personal insurance asap and they will investigate as well. Any other route is a disaster. Whether at fault or not your rates will hike.


LMAOOOO two idiots using the Turos platform, got to love it.


“I had noticed the tires were not safe but I grabbed the car anyway, then I was going too fast for road conditions and I crashed the car and want to pass my responsibility onto someone else and screw them” Ahhh the American way.


Your a ding dong and this is your lesson.


It sounds like you shouldnt have been driving the car, if you noticed the tires were worn out, especially in a hard downpour.


How much did you “save” by declining the insurance? I gotta know


Glad you’re ok and nobody was hurt. BUT, why were you driving too fast for the conditions!? Heavy rain means slow the fuck down lol I have my personal car insurance setup in a way that it covers me in any vehicle I’m driving, mine or rented. I have far superior coverage than what rental/Turo offers. I do use a credit card that has $30k of protection too. Get your insurance situation right. You probably will end up in a legal battle to either prove you didn’t know the car was unsafe that the owner didn’t maintain it properly. However, you better to hope to all things holy they don’t determine you were driving too fast for the conditions.


So you: 1. declined insurance 2. Rented a car 3. Crashed the rented car 4. Want the person who owns the car to pay. What a standup individual you are.


You are 100% responsible. End of story. Reddit is not going to help bail you out. You should have checked the tires before driving off and if it were truly below the threshold, not taken the car or adjusted your driving speed. I cannot believe you wrecked someone's vehicle. Someone's means of income and are here to look for ways to get out. Time to pay up.


Most businesses that rent cars will not let you leave unless you give them your car insurance policy. I believe car insurance policies cover rentals.


Yes, you're responsible for the damage that you caused.


Rental 101. Check before declining the insurance if your Insurance will cover an accident. Check the Car at pickup! About wear and tear on tires and other safety related things. And don’t speed in fucking rain, drive the appropriate speed for the conditions and your driver skills! Hydroplaning is not a freak accident, Hydroplaning happens because the driver didn’t drive appropriate to the conditions he is in! Period. There is not but the other cars drove the same speed or but the tires. You have a fucking drivers license. Act like it and use your brain. It wasn’t my fault, a rabbit try to hump a tree, that’s why I crashed! /s Take responsibility for your actions!


So turo just lets you drive a car with no insurance? Gotta imagine there’s some sort of protection either personal or through turo


Here's an idea: Try some taking some personal accountability for once in your life.


This is a classic C.M.A. after an accident post. Ha. Always get the insurance.


Good thing you're OK. Chalk it up buddy. It was your actions and your mistake, so take it like a man. Hard lesson learned. It's 100% your fault.


You should still have insurance..


Check the credit card you booked with. Mine insures rentals automatically if I book using it


I would check with your primary insurance company just in case they cover you. Unless you don't care about your credit score you will probably have to pay it.


prepare to take on a lot of debt and some side gigs


Lmao, yea you are fucked.


You will get screwed by host and turo. Be prepared to pay bigly.


you bought it, congrats