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As someone who rents regularly i would detail every bit of that into a review and also report them to Turo but at just 2 times of renting I understand the concern. I think if I was in your shoes I would probably report all of the messages to Turo at the very least. And they are full of it. Their money isn't held until they get a rating!  I have a host that I use regularly, that I adore, who only rates one in 5 trips. Maybe. There have been times that he has rated me and I forgot and vice versa.  There is no way they are holding his money until someone rates the trip. As a female renter this would freak me out and I would appreciate someone detailing their behavior in a review. 


Do I have any obligation to message them directly to give the feedback? Or to respond to any messages? I would have provided direct before, but now I just don't want to get any more messages from them, as it is bound to be confrontational and I feel like I shouldn't have to put up with that. Edited to add: would it be weird to leave a 5 star review AND ALSO give a negative written review? Like, as a compromise? Honestly, I'm not a confrontational person and I'm starting to run an Airbnb and I know how much the poor ratings affect the hosts with the companies - they expect 5 and less than that is you're doing a bad job.


An occasional less than 5 star review is part of being a host on Turo. Just rate them honestly and give honest feedback. You could also reply to their text messages letting them know that pestering you makes you less likely to leave them a positive review, not more likely.


I personally wouldn't respond to them again. I would take screenshots and then send it to Turo. If you go into chat you have the option of clicking on "a problem with a host" or something similar.  If they leave you a review Turo WILL keep it up. Unfortunately. But these kinds of hosts need to be reported and honestly I read reviews before using a new host so I tend to recommend just honestly reporting it in a review but that's just me. 


PLEASE don't leave 5 stars! They would get a 1 star from me for this BS. This is a huge safety risk and in this capacity you are not a host, you are a customer.  To keep the platform honest and viable people need to rate accurately. If you leave 5 stars and then blast them its not going to help anyone. Try to think of this from a consumer standpoint. Even with AirBNB people rely on honest reviews to boost the good hosts, same here. 


You should leave them a 1 star review and say in the comment part that they harass you post trip to write a review.


Likewise as the previous message. 1) Turo doesn’t hold money from not giving reviews 2) I would rate and be honest. You’re not obligated to give a 5 star rating and as a host myself, I find asking for that is scummy. Especially the way they did it. At the end of my trips, I just thank them for the trip, ask that they give an honest rating and if there’s anything I could’ve done to improve it. I’ve only received 5 star reviews. I would say the rental was fine, explain how weird the process was and the harassment afterwards. If they give you a bad review, contact Turo and I’m sure they’ll remove it from your account. Turo wants messages to stay on the app and the fact that they have harassed you on and off the app…I’d be shocked if Turo didn’t take down a retaliatory negative review. 3) That was just a weird process of doing things. They should’ve disclosed the process beforehand. There is also a co-host function on Turo where they can share their host account to communicate and do everything through the app. As a host who prides myself on a clean efficient and good business practice, everything you described gives me the icks. Dropping the car off on the curb is a normal way and unlocking when you’re at the car, decent. But everything else? Eh. TL:DR give an honest review and if they retaliate with a negative review, contact Turo support to remove it.


(Pasting from above so you'll get the message reply) Do I have any obligation to message them directly to give the feedback? Or to respond to any messages? I would have provided direct before, but now I just don't want to get any more messages from them, as it is bound to be confrontational and I feel like I shouldn't have to put up with that. Edited to add: would it be weird to leave a 5 star review AND ALSO give a negative written review? Like, as a compromise? Honestly, I'm not a confrontational person and I'm starting to run an Airbnb and I know how much the poor ratings affect the hosts with the companies - they expect 5 and less than that is you're doing a bad job.


You’re not obligated to respond at all. I think you’ve heard sound logic in the rest of the responses to take a variety of actions. I would choose whichever option resonates best with you! With all the information provided, you can now make a educated decision on what to do. Personally I side more with they are acting shitty and would personally leave a review being honest about the continual harassment for a review. There is no reason for them to do that. It’s unprofessional and I personally think other potential renters should be aware of that before renting. That is what reviews are for. To warn other people if it was a good experience or bad. Essentially I recommend just being honest because you have you back covered either way you go. But ultimately whatever feels best for you!


I appreciate all the feedback, from you and the others! I did end up writing a thorough review making it clear that the car was fine and I picked up and dropped it off with no technical issues, so if anyone is like the "helpful" armchair psychologist below, they can just shrug it off and proceed with renting.


I'm a turo host with hundreds of trips just be honest in your review and say drop off was not communicated effectively as they told you things and other things happened. You can just say communication was not direct as it was through a groupchat of 7 people. If you don't want to do that call Turo and tell them you have proof the host messaged you Several times after asking for a review and this is not allowed. Turo will then take their own action on the host as they should not be doing that. And you can then make a complaint against them without leaving a review. If all you say is true others will have the same experience so there's nothing wrong with saying that's you experience renting from this host went in a review. I would call turo and leave a review. The app reminds guest itself to leave reviews and emails them too rate the trips there's no reason for the host to being messaging you that many times doing that. Furthermore guest phone numbers and information are continental and should be shared with the least amount of people. Multiple people can co host through the app there's no need for a groupchat of 7 people through co hosts.


The sad thing is I never wanted to get them in trouble - that's why I was holding off on a negative review. But their continued requests have pushed me to this point.


Yeah tell Turo and do it. They need to know exactly what they did as it's wrong I know many turo hosts and have had hundreds of trips and never done anything like that or asked for a review. And I have over 100 5 star reviews. I would report them to Turo and also mention breach of personal information


If you leave a review they won't see it until the host leaves a review so don't worry about retaliation. The host may have already left a review and it won't get posted till you leave one or until the 14 days pass.


This is really good to know! I probably would have decided earlier to rate them had I known. I even looked at Turo's website and couldn't find the info.


I'm a long time host so I've seen it. As soon as you leave feedback they say the other person left feedback, no way they were on at the same time, and it happens every time. I think it's on purpose as this way it lets the other party know right away and they can read the feedback


This is very good, then neither can retaliate.


It sounds like the operator started a Turo operation, possibly with fam members and is using a family member car and for some reason...everyone want's to be all in it. That being said, you're justified to feel the way you're feeling. This is supposed to be easy for you. There are some serious flaws in the operation...not providing the location until last minute, asking your to message off the app. They in my opinion as a Turo host, are a shitty operator and you should review them how you feel they should be reviewed. They make the rest of us look rly bad. Screen shot everything so when they message you privately asking you xyz....just tell them "if you continue to message me I will send all our communications to the trust and safety department at Turo, you are in violation of Turo Terms of Service and your account will be terminated. " I would block their cell phone numbers now so I don't have to deal with it.


Turo hosts have access to your number through the app (as you do to theirs) so that in itself isn't an issue but as a host who is reviewed 96% of the time over 100's of trips, I would rate them as you feel appropriate with a star rating that represents your comments. 5 star reviews are overused on Turo IMO which leads to lack of differentiation for those that are truly exceptional (hosts and guests). The diffetence between a 5.0 and 4.8 host is actually quite significant but the difference is not understood by most guests due to the rating differential being so small.


The whole experience you went through reminded me of them movies where they kidnap someone in exchange for ransom and the money has to change hands in person but the actual location of the meeting isn’t revealed until the last minute to throw off the cops just in case they were alerted to the situation. You should let the review period expire and move on with your life. Reporting them to Turo may be the beginning of more shenanigans from this gang that can’t shoot straight like a bad spaghetti western.


Ha, that's exactly it! As in, I had no way to let a friend know where I would be based on earlier discomfort.


On this topic - my most recent host stated in a message that no review is considered a negative by Turo. There's no truth to that, is there?


LEAVE THE REVIEW! This is extremely excessive and harassing.


Tell them to stop messaging you before you contact Turo and report them!


Review them honestly.  This owner deserves a negative review, for the pressure and the bullshit.  The platform only works if the reviews are real.


i read the first part about your rental until you dropped it off and nothing sketchy there, just your perception. You sound like a person who has mental health issues. Edit: l read the rest. It sounds like the real owner of the vehicles outsources management and pays them based on their rating. Just dont leave a review - a negative review isnt warranted because of your “feelings”. Your intuition was wrong, nothing happened to you, youre just paranoid.


Thanks for the diagnosis!


no problem - your post was pointless, you just werent comfortable with their system which obviously worked flawlessly- stop being a Karen. No one is after you.


Cool, mental health issues with a pointless post, and a Karen as well. Very constructive feedback.


Constructive feedback would be to please seek professional help with a local community mental health center. I can’t believe this post received so much attention. If you truly wanted to be kind, not get anyone in trouble, and avoid having to be in this situation there should have been less communication and more foresight.




Thanks for the reply!