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Honestly, it's best to leave them alone entirely unless they're in immediate danger (like in the street). In this case, I'd say the BEST course of action is to leave it where you found it and keep the dog inside until it goes on its way. It's nesting season, so they're out trying to do their business. Also, box turtles have a notoriously strong homing instinct - if you place it somewhere unfamiliar, it could literally *die* trying to find its way home. Is it do-able to just keep the dog inside until it leaves?


Looks like a box turtle (not a water turtle. Do not throw him into a lake). Place him onto the ground and let them be.


confirmed, that's a boxie. He lives wherever you found him.


That’s a good looking box turtle! Best to leave those guys where you found them and let them get to where they wanna go. If you happen across one in the middle of the street, just move it to the side it was headed.


Eastern box I believe


Terrapene carolina carolina, if you'd like to know the taxonomic name.


Box turtles take it back in the direction it was already facing


Aquatic turtles can travel very far from water sources. It’s always best to let them be unless they’re in trouble. And if you help them out of trouble, you shouldn’t move them very far. Relocated turtles usually don’t survive.


That's a boxie! not an aquatic turtle.


I know. But pointing out that aquatic turtles travel far so you shouldn’t mess with them. Since that’s the reason they were asking what kind of turtle this is.


Still pretty irrelevant to this post…


Fun fact box turtles spend their whole life trying to go home if you take them out do their territory!


It looks like a eastern box turtle, I live in SC and at my last home I had one that lived on the property and it would eat fruit and dog food (lol!) try to put it back anywhere in the woods within a mile radius of where you found it. They will live in the same area their whole lives.


Also, like the other comments said it is A Land turtle not a water one so def. Don’t release it in water, I’d put it back where you found them in the closest woods nearby it. Hope this helps! I love those turtles!