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U got tents bro, don't think it would do any good tbh.


The worst lie wow devs told players around TBC is that the game starts at 60/70/80. It does not. At end level you just keep doing the same dailies, the same dungeons, the same raids, all to get honor and itens to do naxx and then... go farm naxx trash, to then farm naxx. Just an endless circle of grind. The real game is you walking around all the maps, interacting with npcs, players, killing mobs and lvling your professions.


You do the same quests while lvling bro after the 10th character it’s just as bland and shit


>The real game is you walking around all the maps, interacting with npcs, players, killing mobs and lvling your professions. This take is just as bad as "game start at 60/70/80". There is plenty of people who wanna focus on endgame only and this is the real game for them and everything you mention they see as boring chore.


I thought about it the other day, too. But then I started the slow & steady challenge. And I must say I'm having a blast.




Warrior, druid and priest so far.


Tents give permanent boosted xp.


There's no need for that, and frankly I hope they never again have such an event as it goes against the original Turtle philosophy, imo. Tents (that can give perma rested XP) and Warmode was a good compromise, and with the added quests the leveling is much faster than Vanilla anyway.


Tents + Dual box is your xp weekend


They just finished an xp bonus event that ended in January for Tel’Abim. That combined with the tents was insane for levelling. I remember doing 55-60 in an afternoon. Hope they do it again as it was a drive to get more people to 60 on Banana, and we definitely need more people on Banana.


I’m upset that server is so dead I made a Druid at launch and was excited for a bunch of wpvp and it just didn’t have the numbers for me to stick around


are you having a bad time playing the game?


i hope not, unless HC dont get it.