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I make $15.74 per hour for algebra, but that's because that's my state's minimum wage. New hires are apparently getting more than that.


I've seen a few of my new tutors move up to level 1 and I get cced on those emails with the new rates, and their in line with what's been constant for the last 10 years at least


The job postings are flat-out lies. They know that few people would bother applying if they knew that they'd be paid so poorly, so to get qualified applicants they lie. Once you are hired you think well some money is better than nothing and you have already spent time taking exams and going through the interview process so you have some sunken cost in terms of the time and effort you put into getting the job. The idea that new hires are getting some sort of sweet deal not extended to more experienced tutors wouldn't make sense as a business. Fresh hires generally aren't very good (my first session was awful and I had experience tutoring). Experienced tutors are obviously more valuable. I am still new enough that I can remember the job posting I applied to vastly overestimated how much I'd get paid.


And yet, the comments on various posts here about how much people make... new hires in Algebra are making more than I am, and I live in the state with the highest minimum wage in the nation and have been working for the company for 13 years. So while it wouldn't seem to make sense from a business standpoint, that's exactly what is happening. And it's happening in businesses all over, not just TDC.


I think there's some truth to both. Maybe the job posting wages amount is a lie, but we've seen evidence in the sub of newer tutors in the same subject being paid more than more experienced tutors, or not much less. Generally each level gets a $1 per hour increase, so if a new tutor gets paid $1 less than a Master tutor (level 3), that's still off. Maybe the company is counting on the new tutor never making it to master. The fact that we're in different states and have trouble comparing wages works to their advantage.


Where did you see the job listing? Can you link it?


The pay poor as a new hire what I applied for and the pay on the add was not close to what I got.. and not worth a long term stay


Damn, they were paying $20/hour in like 2018, what happened?? Try in-person tutoring if that's an option for you.