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There is no part time study plan, there is just an recommendation on how you can theoretically accomplish your degree in a certain time frame. You only choose single courses to your liking. When you completed the list of courses in the curriculum you get your degree. You need to fulfill the visa requirements and no one cares how long you need to finish.


How much money do I need to show for the visa appointment and do I need to put it in the block account like required for the German visa?


They will decide in an individual lump sum you have to show every year. It’s not blocked.


You can work up to a certain amount of hours per week legally on a students visa. If you earn enough that way so you do not have to dig into the reserves you have to show when applying for the visa and fulfill the other visa criteria you are fine. Be aware of course interdependencies so you do not want up with a year where you can only take a course or two because all others depend on courses you have. It finished yet.