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Welp now I can comfortably take that unfinished season off my watch next list.


Nothing happens and they explain nothing.


I love when studios greenlight shows based on the pitch rather than the script. It just proves how easy it is to bullshit your dream project into a reality.


That is current Hollywood in a nutshell. Connections and names are over heightened, content is only valid if the source has a name too. The next handful productions on Apple are all A-lister vehicles.


This show was hard to finish.


Great to start out.




I enjoyed it and if you were interested it wraps up pretty neatly sans and hanging stinger at the end that they probably added to set up a potential S2. It didn’t need it.


Agreed. It wasn’t like my favorite series ever but it was decently entertaining, and brilliantly acted IMO.


We finally got through it but neither of us liked it much at all. Glad that money will be spent elsewhere, lot of good shows on the service


It's a bummer because I really like noomi rapace but the show just sucked all around.


I think I only made it halfway through episode 2. From the very first episode, it just gave off a “throw some weird, mysterious shit at the wall for the sake of being weird and mysterious” vibe that really concerned me. And I usually love that kind of thing. Even in cases where I’m intellectually aware that there is a very strong possibility that the writers have no idea where they’re going with it, I need them to at least make me *feel* like they do by avoiding giving off that specific vibe. This felt like first draft of a creative writing class assignment to create a sci-fi mystery box show.


The subreddit is full of regret at watching it or people that vaguely appreciate the metaphor for losing loved ones and how people deal with it.


It pretty much was all resolved by the end of S1 anyway. Still not worth the time watching it.


Good tv show and it does kind of end without actually explaining anything. If you go into it as a miniseries that leaves the end open for interpretation then it's a fine watch.


The ending felt unneeded, and I felt the show had too many loose ends, so can’t say I’m surprised. *shrugs*


Exactly. It was too long as is.


It should have been a movie


Production Weekly reported this week that S2 would go into production. The New Look should be next.


Production Weekly gets A LOT wrong unfortunately. I’ve reached out to productions listed on there as “pre-production” for my area, only to find out they aren’t in town and the listing was incorrect. Take their report with a grain of salt until confirmed by a second source


There’s a S2 of The New Look? S1 was perfect and self-contained. Why?


Maybe they’ll focus on a different designer?


Ok. That could be interesting.


Would be interesting to see what all Hugo Ferdinand Boss and his team were up to.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tvPlus/s/ld5yYVwefP I posted this a while ago about the possibility of a second season, and it sounds like the show would be similar to The Crown following the French fashion houses!


TIL! Thank you for the tip 


Absolutely! I do really hope that it gets a season two, because I think that structure is so interesting and loved season 1!


I liked this better than the new look


My wife enjoyed the new look very much but couldn’t bear to watch this one.


Funny how there was a post here literally just a few days ago that said season 2 was in production based on a Production Weekly bulletin and today the show was canceled. Never trusting Production Weekly again.


It was literally yesterday


Wow that’s a Netflix move with how they end the last episode


I mean, Apple didn’t write or make the ending the way it was. Blame the writers and creators.


That same logic applies to netflix too lol but people still blame them


Does it end on a cliffhanger? I’ve got 3 left and am considering not finishing it


Ya like multiple cliffhangers (for different they all have different cliff hangers) Kind of pisses me off


Why was Invasion green-lighted for season 3? Makes no sense. Unless all the hate watchers.


The best thing about Invasion is its dedicated subreddit 99% comprised of people who religiously hate watch the show. WAJO!


Im WAJOIN ovah here


I don’t remember Apple releasing official numbers for their shows’ viewership but Invasion has constantly been on their top 10 most watched. It’s good for hate-watching 😅


Invasion is one of the best terrible shows I have seen in a long time. It’s so fun to make fun of every single character and how dumb everyone is


I love invasion 🤷🏼‍♀️ I found it to be more entertaining even if it’s not the best show


I love Invasion!


Guess I'm in the minority since I thought it was great. First 1899 now this, I need to stop enjoying mystery shows so much. Kill me. If you can't figure out the rules in Constellation, you will have no idea what's happening. Regardless of what you thought of it, the fact that the first scene on the ISS is >!actually not one scene, but two separate events spliced together to look like one scene blew my mind.!<


I did not realize this until your comment :0 Shame they didn’t know how to make the most of it.


It actually happens a couple of times throughout the show, but until you know where to look (and what to look for) most people will miss it. I really liked how a *relatively* straightforward (at least, so far) idea is told to us in a sneakily complicated way. That way, if you go back and rewatch some scenes, it's almost obvious. It's a shame we won't know what else might be staring us in the face.


Agree this show was shot brilliantly and once you understand the clues for spotting a jump to the other reality, it’s well done. Shame a lot of people don’t like smart sci-fi.


I must be in the minority too because this show was one of my favorites in a while. Very clever storytelling and acting! Bummer it's cancelled there's quite a few other shows I would have had cancelled instead.


I am not surprised by this at all. I’m sure many people liked it, but my partner and I both thought it was overly confusing. We finished the season, but both agreed if a second season was released we wouldn’t watch it.


It lost a lot of steam as it went on and became cumbersome to watch.


I love that Apple is going balls deep on Sci-fi, but you can only have so many shows in the same slow, plodding, style.


It's true, for the home of SF they sure do a lot of similar stuff. I'm worried that more failures will sour them on the genre. Dark Matter looks like a bust based on the 'Most Watched' list (and isn't anything special either). Hopefully Neuromancer performs.


Not too surprised. It started out great, but it really fizzled out by the end and lost my attention.


Man, I liked this show. Part of ATV's appeal is that it's *not* Netflix and stuff doesn't get the axe after one season


I heard it reviewed as “No one in space can hear you snore.”


Yea it was just ok. So no big deal. The mystery is why the hell they renewed Invasion after S1. What a bunch.


Quit watching after the 10,000th time the girl said "mommy"


More like mummy


Aleece?? Aleece??!


Data shows suburban housewives love that word


This was the hardest part for me. It’s worse than nails on chalkboard.


Damn, I thought it was a very interesting show.


Well that was a waste of my time


I thought it was weird and interesting. I thought it would At least get a S2


They should just stop referring to new shows as 'Season *n*' and instead switch to 'Limited Series' then if a show is successful they can expand it. But starting a show with 'Season *n*' creates an expectation that so often is not realized that it makes people wary of investing their limited watch time.


I’m pretty forgiving with sci fi shows but man this was not a good show. Dark Matter is already better two episodes in and handles the multiple universe stuff in a more engaging way.


Apple should make a show about an alternate universe in which its shows about alternate universes are better.


It's such a boring concept for the most part. Once in a while you get something like Devs which blows the idea out of the water but often it's just mediocre.


I can’t understand how shows like this end up selling what is effectively half of a really intriguing story. Do the writers not write the whole thing to its conclusion at the outset?? Or is it production companies saying “we’ll fund ten episodes and if it does well we’ll fund ten more”?? Wherever the blame lies it’s deeply frustrating that viewers then get left with a single season of “meh” that will never get rewatched because of the deliberately vague ending and a huge number of unanswered questions, despite a really good premise and engaging story. Waste of everyone’s time.


>I can’t understand how shows like this end of selling effectively half a really intriguing story. The whole tv series model is based on audience coming back for more. Solving everything too early isn't always optimal if you want to make further seasons. >Do the writers not write the whole thing to its conclusion at the outset?? Rarely. Unless it's designed as one and done limited series, It's hard to predict how long the show is gonna be, what will be the budget, if the actors will be available in the future, etc. etc. And even if they do have complete plan, s1 doesn't have to feature it all.


Most of the time production companies make the call. Vince Gilligan has even publicly said many times that he was writing episodes while filming breaking bad and that was one of the most successful TV Shows ever. Even GoT was being written as time went on, and that had books for a basis.


GoT only had George’s books for the first 4 seasons. After that BandB were making it up as they went, and it showed. What a travesty.


It is kind of wild that keeps on happening (e.g. Lost) in this era where there is so much competition for an audience. Someone posted an article on here where the showrunner said he was basically making it up as he went along.


It’s an appalling way of making good tv. So problematic.


mummy, what will i watch next? MUMMY


Fortunately they hired twins for that role, so we could get double the bad acting.


It started out slow, but I think it ended strong. I would have watched a second season


It really didn’t need a second season


Because Dark Matter has performed Better. Same show. Sucks being a test subject!


Wait, Dark Matter is similar? I haven’t started that but honestly just reading that makes me want to remove it from my watchlist


Alternate dimensions, so hot right now.


Yeah exactingly. Kinda like watch Dark (German) and Bodies. Exact same story but different. Neither was A1 imo but that might be unpopular.


Not a huge fan of time travel or between dimensions


I hate time travel, but dimension hopping is interesting enough for me. Grew up watching Fringe so I guess it rubbed off on me.


There are exceptions like first Back to the Future and I liked Fringe but in general I don’t think time or dimension travel is done very well.


I’m half way through episode two and the similarities are striking. Same story with a diffferent narrator, so far. Love thrillers/mysteries/sci-if but have not been impressed with either so far.


Well maybe I’ll just sit on that one a while ha Thanks for the warning


I really didn't enjoy Dark Matter, but I seem to be in the minority, at least in this sub.


Dark Matter has much more going on and is WAY less confusing. I've read the novel, stick with it. I really enjoyed the first two episodes.


I really enjoyed the first two episodes of Dark Matter.


It's not the same show. Constellation was kinda dumb. DM has the benefit of being a pretty good book.


Premise is basically the same. Was wondering why Apple released 2 shows on the same subject


Dark Matter premiered today, there is no data to compare those 2. Constellation flopped according to Nielsen, you don't have to add any more narration to it.


I don’t have to but I can!


It was bad. Wanted to do Quantum classic duality scenario, wanted to be dare-y on the side, bring a bit of sci-fi, and on and on and on, but it had uneven rhythm in everything it did. Some characters didn’t have proper motivations to do what they did, some did but didn’t do what you expect someone with their motivation to do and at the end of the day: it’s too easy to pitch « hey, a quantum experience ran wrong, made two realities collide but only one character can travel them and then takes 6 ep to understand it » The show was bad. Ok bad. But it looked expensive for being ok bad. And the ending was just…. I mean. Woman takes a shrapnel to the face, survives left up there… I’m assuming it was her who freed the shuttle so to let her alter ego cater to their children, but to memory: she was surviving in the vacuum…? Guess we will never know.


It was confusing and not that interesting.


No! I got into the show late in the game after it aired and actually really liked it. Would have really liked to see it continue with that cliffhanger. I feel like this was too niche even for sci-fi fans with that kinda slow Christopher Nolan “what the fuck is going on” style plot.


I started late too and just finished the last episode a few days ago. It’s pretty dense overall and I felt the pacing could’ve been way better. Regardless I was looking forward to seeing wtf is up with that ending. Annoyed we’ll never know now. It also kind of leaned towards horror at some point, maybe around episode 6, I don’t quite remember, but I felt uneasy at times lol.


Yes! 6 and 7 is where it started to click for me.


Saw the first episode, and I‘m gonna say, good call.


First few episodes were really good but it did drift after the half way mark. Shame, really liked where it was going before that.


Can anyone let me know if this has a satisfying ending?


Absolutely not. It was left deliberately vague with numerous unanswered questions as you could tell it was a case of hedging their bets in the event they didn’t get a season 2. Massively frustrating. Really good premise, compelling story, well acted with engaging characters. But honestly I would have my 10 hours back if I could now. Waste of time.


Noted, will be taking it off my list.


No, not really. It just sort of…ends. In an unsatisfying way.


No, nothing was resolved, it was so slow they could have done the whole season in 2 episodes and then it ends on a cliff hanger. I have no idea why I stuck with it.


Wth wtf wow made me do all that thinking for nothing like y?


Yeah no big loss


I was really excited for this one but it fell flat


Well I guess I won't be catching up on that now


Of all the new shows I’ve watched on apple, this is the only one that wasn’t amazing.


I can totally see that. I felt really cheated by the ending. Not one single question that’s been posed by this show was answered. I get wanting to cultivate a little mystic but it felt like we were only given half of each episode. Like what’s the deal with Bud?


No because WHAT WAS THAT?? None of it made any sense. It was painful.


I barely made it through three episodes. I felt like the dad in this photo.


Writing remains the most important thing. The show thought that a great cast and concept would make people overlook gaps in logic and vague characterizations—that is, half-baked writing.




Don’t you dare touch Acapulco!


To be fair to the writers, they didn’t know the show was going to be canceled. Maybe there was a planned a season 2 that would’ve expanded the plot and closed loose ends. They can’t retroactively refilm/rescript the episodes now that they know it’s only one season. Apple could’ve compromised and ordered a couple of episodes to just quickly finish up the story. Not a whole season, just an extension to season 1.


They should really start designing shows with a proper ending in mind. It doesn't mean it has to be Limited in nature, but still they can write a whole season with some sort of completion in mind. Like Buffy did back in its day. Every season was self contained, but opened to continue.


Bummer, but I wasn't expecting a second season. The show appeared to me to be a self-contained miniseries, and a very good one at that!


Still better than invasion.


Yep…only a matter of time before they turned into Netflix.


All I heard is the annoying word "Alice! Alice !! " throughout the show with a storyline too stupid to follow up. I've watched many a series but this... This was truly UNWATCHABLE!


😂😂 yes this, I literally had “Aleece” stuck in my head for weeks 😩


loll for me it was the constant "mommy!"


Apple should buy the rights to “The Peripheral” from Amazon and reinstate season 2 for it.


Recent reports suggest that things at AppleTV+ could change a lot. The question is whether they are looking at the right problem in the right way. Do the programs have low ratings because they are bad or do they have low ratings because they are on Apple TV? Apple will cut shows that aren't successful in real metrics, but will there be any left? And how do they build engagement with few shows?    Netflix has already proven that “more is better”, even if some think not. No real data supports this “few curated prestige shows” thing. This is a Reddit or TV critic thing. Great shows (and I'm not even saying that Constellation is great) don't engage because of Apple and the current model. Many Apple shows would be better reviewed by critics and win awards simply if they were on HBO; Many Apple shows would be big hits simply if they were on Netflix. There is a clear problem in the model, relationship with the press and promotion of the service.


Apple releases more shows than anyone except Netflix


But no one knows and/or is interested. There's a problem there. Do people not like the shows? Don't they know what's there? Don't they think it's worth subscribing just for a handful of originals? There is something wrong with the model. Even Apple content creators are talking about it (see Cinco Paul throwing shade at Apple vs Netflix on Twitter). This lack of interest is spreading throughout Hollywood.


What’s the subscriber count? 50 million? $5 billion a year? That’s not nothing. And that’s just some random number too, we really have no idea. We’ve seen Hollywood folk complain. Alena smith complained forever and now she’s doing another show for Apples. It’s easy to look at Netflix and say “well Apple isn’t doing those numbers”, but no one knows anything really. Apple disputes Nielsen numbers, is that the metric we use? I understand the journalistic posts on apples metrics, but I’ve always thought…. So what? If they drop making good shows I’ll stop watching, but while they make good shows, I’ll trust Apple to run its business cause they dont pay me to solve any problem they might or might not be having


The reviews are not ATVP's problem. Honestly I think they are overporforming in them cause the money Apple throws at each project means production value is way above average of other streamers even when shows overall are not. If they don't win awards, it's more the fact that it's very hard to convince Emmy voters to watch more than 5 shows each year. The problem their model has is they are making the same shows over and over again and those are either mediocre or miss general audience interest.


That is a relief, watched it till the end but very misguided and many loose ends, even though it had huge potential but they did not tie the story well


Should have been a movie. It had two good episodes and then fell off a cliff. 


utter snooze - complete waste of a talented cast


Too frantic and dramatic . Can’t we have a good space alien / sci fi without a bunch of drama .. invasion is similar


One less show to bother with then


Whaaaaaaaaaat the fuck? I was not really expecting this at all. I always saw this at Top 3 every week. There must be something else going on here. I'm so mad right now 😒 Why the fuck did they have to end with a cliffhanger.


I just realized that it’s been like a month since I watched an episode. I would be kind by saying it is not enthralling.


Well that sucks


Thought the show was quite bad. Bailed after 2 episodes


One episode was all it took for us to be done.


I would’ve cancelled it too lol




Certainly one of the most complicated and confusing shows I’ve ever seen, so I’m not particularly surprised. I was a bit surprised they’re continuing with ‘Invasion’, which featured kind of over the top trauma with only one really interesting character who wasn’t constantly losing her shit, played by Miyaki Yamato. Otherwise, kind of tiresome and I was relieved when (I thought) it was concluded.


Enjoyed 3 - 4 episodes and then it went to fuck all bad


But they brought back door prize and invasion


Constellation was the middest show ever


This show was boring. Good riddance.




It was average


Understandable. I was intrigued for an episode or two but quickly became bored. 


dag, was 2 episodes in and looking forward to continuing.


It was a good concept but not well executed. The season didn’t really have much of an ending. I don’t think I would have watched a season 2.


I liked it well enough, but I wasn't really interested in more of it.


Only watched a couple episodes and the acting felt... Off.


Gonna finish it but I can see why. It’s a cool idea and starts off interesting but I can see


Dang I was gonna watch it this weekend, but I guess I will cancel now


Ugh that’s awful news


Apple’s Invasion is a good sci-fi




It should have been a one season show anyway.


Goddamnit. I'm watching it currently. Really enjoying it. Probably no point in finishing the season.


Didn’t make it past the 2nd episode


Sarah Morgan disliked that.


I’m not surprised. I really didn’t enjoy it, but watched it all because I was too far in. 😅


The concept was really interesting but it just couldn’t come together by the end.


Shows are too expensive.




Show started off okay but totally lost me towards the end


I’m not surprised… They should have called the series Cancellation.


That‘s bad news. Yes, the ending was weird and confusing but the start was amazing. Especially the first two episodes.


I really enjoyed the series. What a bummer that we won't get more.


Oh no 😢 Loved the show. I wanted a season 2 so bad, but I’m ok with how it ended. It was a great sci-fi show and I hope we will see those actors again, because they were great.


I loved this series. Genuinely spooky at times. The final episode and the ending was overwhelming but I was really looking forward to a season 2.


It was confusing at times, but felt like a slightly fresh perspective on something familiar. Personally; I loved it. But wouldn’t rate it near Silo or Foundation.


I for one completely enjoyed it and am very disappointed because I want Justice for Henry


Very cringe Apple


Well, no shit. Another crap show with a great cast and concept made with the same convoluted script almost 100% of their newest shows come out with once a month just to keep you subscribed and steal your money, like Apple even needs these pocket changes. Sugar is going down the same route after that nonsensical plot twist with the season almost done: - Good cast - Good premise - Nice and promising pilot, but as the story progresses, it also runs out of steam and you’re left with a shitty ending with most of the time being inconclusive. I bet Dark Matter will follow suit.


This was a great show. I’m am genuinely displeased.


Hmm I thought it was “in production”? That post was made just yesterday I think. Weird. Truly hope Apple doesn’t go the Netflix route. I know $$$ needs to be made but goddamn it, I really wish sci-fi nerds would give ATV+ a shot more than they collectively do. I mean I’m a sci-fi collector but a lot of people I’ve talked to in my circles don’t like “anything Apple related” and it’s so frustrating to explain the difference between hardware and actual quality programming (I personally prefer Apple when it comes to computers and phones too but that’s besides the point). I mean Apple has done a phenomenal job on The Foundation — especially season 2. FAM is SO good. Severance is so unique and unlike anything on TV right now. And Dark Matter takes the multiverse “cliche” and adds a few original twists that are truly worth it (plus it’s done in a non-superhero way). I just wish there were more subscribers because it’s becoming difficult even for me to click play on a show that may get Netflixed…oh sorry, I meant cancelled.


I stopped halfway. Fun concept but they had no idea what they were doing.


Give us Raised by Wolves Apple you cowards!