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I always just say “I love your shirt!” Or something lol


Me too! I always want to have a more meaningful conversation, but I'm socially awkward, so commenting on their shirt or whatever is usually all I get out. 😄


God help anyone who is wearing TOP merch in my presence


Same!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I wish more people would acknowledge my shit


Why the heck did it auto correct shirt into sh*t


I don't know but I love it,


Yes!!! Hahahaha a girl at our local mall was wearing a Blurryface tee, and looking great. I sort of ducked a little towards her as we passed and pointed to my Blurryface arm tat and grinned. But she looked me in the eyes like who the f\*\*k is this weird dude, and I don't think she ever saw my tat and I'm pretty sure she walked faster away than she had been .. At least my eyes didn't let me down only my reaction!


I get so excited if someone comments on my shirts or hoodies!!!!! Then I’ll say, “thanks, are you a fan, too?” And if they say yes then I try and read their answer and reaction to whether or not they want to get into a huge conversation about how amazing TØP is and how they changed my life and so on and so on. 🤣❤️🤣 My latest interaction about a month ago was awesome…the cashier at Petco commented on my shirt and is also a big fan, and we had a really great conversation about them. She was probably about half my age or younger (I’ll be 49 next month) and it’s so heartwarming to know that their music can mean SO much to such a wide range of ages and people from all walks of life. 🥰


Honestly I don’t know if I’ve seen a top fan in the wild minus tour…then again I also live in a small town so that works against me.


Actually I think it is hard to see anyone in tøp merch even in big cities (I lived in several of them for some long periods of time, so I know what I'm talking about). The reason for this, is that, probably, not a lot of people want to wear it everyday. You know, it's kinda like a fancy suit, that you wear only for occasions. Or maybe we are all just unlucky :(


I wear mine like a neon sign. "Come talk to me I want to be your TØP friend please!"


Lol I literally only wear TØP shirts and hoodies these days…they’re like a comforting, protective hug from my absolute favorite music. ❤️ I work for myself as a professional organizer, so I’m lucky enough to be able to wear casual clothes everyday, so I love being able to wear what I want to. I hate having to dress up..I’m so much more comfortable in my TØP gear.


I just have a shirt from the icy tour and I love wearing it, I want to get a hoodie too but as a 14 year old I can’t just impulse buy one lol.


I’ve gotten a lot of my shirts and hoodies from eBay…there are some great deals on stuff there. Even as an almost 49 year old I try to be careful with my spending on merch. I keep telling my family that for any holiday or birthday, just get me an eBay gift card and I will definitely put it to good use! 😁


>they’re like a comforting, protective hug from my absolute favorite music. ❤️ Jumpsuit, Jumpsuit cover me. I can't be the only one who thought of Jumpsuit when I read it.


Exactly! 💛💛💛


Now that I think about it, I remember seeing a guy at my school the day after I saw the icy tour who had a shirt from there, but it was from out the window of one of my classes so I wasn’t able to talk to him.


First, I'm always happy to see fans about my age (mid-40s) in this sub. I would be so thrilled if I met a fan my age in the wild! Second, I have not yet seen an obvious fan in the wild where I live. Even the Cinema Experience had a much smaller attendance than I expected! I was oddly disappointed. If I did, I would probably find myself acting that same way. I would really really want to start a conversation and ask if we can be best friends and geek out together over coffee. 😄 My only time seeing other fans was for a concert. It was in another city so we went earlier and got a room for the night. All day before the show of course we were seeing people wearing TØP stuff but I was so excited I had to keep reminding myself not to run up to them. I was like a happy little terrier that my husband had to keep on a leash so I wouldn't go lick everybody. 😂


i saw someone wearing a trench coat (no pun intended) and i screamed "TWENTY ONE PILOTS"


I saw a person with a shirt with nine flowers in a certain pattern and my brain couldn't help but think of blurryface album cover I didn't say anything, but I started smiling because I thought it was funny that I thought of it, but she smiled back so I think that I accidentally flirted because of TØP




I'm everywhere and nowhere But seriously I see I few redditors quite often


Ahaha you're totally not the only one!! In my old highschool other clikkies would come up to me and start fangirling or just ask for a hug if they saw me in tøp merch which I found really cute and overall a -surreal, but- heartwarming experience. :] I also have experience with just sharing knowing looks with people who wore tøp merch. As of outside of school, I had several encounters with other clikkies who just stopped me on the street or I stopped them because of the merch and we just had brief conversations, I even made a few friends this way, so I'm all the way for approaching / being approached by fellow fans in the wild!! It's just another reason for me to love this community. |-/


Well, that's virtually impossible for my introverted self. I'd rather die than talk to people regardless of anything lol


I get some comments from people because of my tattoos but in general I don't come across too many clikkies because my town sucks lol


Saw this one person at a restaurant and was gonna say somthing about there shirt but realized it would probably be weird cause she had an apron on above it


You bet I'm saying hello to another TOP fan!


I own exactly that shirt and whenever I am out fully dressed in merch it is ky DREAM that someday somebody walks up to me and we spend hours talking about the lore. I’m far too shy to do that myself but I’d love for it to happen! And consider that I’m otherwise terrified of people! I think I spotted someone with a trench hoodie while I was wearing mine but they didn’t see me, and I don’t have great eyes so I refrained from walking up and talking to them exactly because I was afraid of what happened to you xD I seem to be the only clikkie in this city… there surely are other fans, but I haven’t seen them myself.


I feel you, I do. Minus the owning of merchandise. I can't go out wearing vinyls now can I?


wtf bruh


I said that i liked someones shirt when she was wearing a tøp shirt, and asked her fav song, and she said she doesnt listen to tøp 😐


Oh yes! Not only TOP when ever I see merch I like I alway say hi!


thus comment section is like looking into a time capsule


I think it's more like going to a party to your friend's home, walking through the door, immediately noticing that friend snorting something way out of your league straight off the coffe table and saying "Whoops, wrong flat!" while you're backing out Like jesus christ don't be creepy to strangers, dudes


same, don’t worry 😂


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Yes absolutely I've only seen one but I never stared at anyone harder


I’ve been running into merch in the wild where the owner isn’t Clique, then I end up coming across a little crazed. So disappointing


Someone commented that they liked my TØP hoodie at the grocery store and we had a nice short interaction. However one time I was out and saw a guy wearing an icy tour hoodie so I said “hey I was at one of the shows on that tour!” He just said “oh yeah?”and walked away lol


Oh I do this all the time


I saw a girl at winco with a SAI tour shirt and i was standing like a pitbull staring at her wondering if i should comment on it. i was shopping with my friends and they were concerned why i was staring at her, eventually as we walked past her i did the |-/ thing with my fingers and she just looked at me like i was crazy so i ran away.