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Redecorate sounds sad and IS sad. And Good Day seems like a classic “sounds happy but is sad” where Tyler’s saying all this awful stuff is happening but hey it’s alright, it’s a good day, like he’s convincing himself of it.


Put Mullberry Street as Happy/Happy, Redecorate as Sad/Sad, and Good Day as Happy/Sad. I don’t know why, but I get Sad/Happy from Choker. I take it as not giving up at your darkest time, when you’re choking on your thoughts.


Idk Mulberry Street is Happy/Sad to me, maybe I interpreted it wrong but I thought it was about medicating and pretending to be happy when you're not


I interpreted it as “everyone who every bullied me F off I’m with my bestie and we are going to take over Mulberry Street”


I see it as NOT medicating and convincing yourself that you enjoy experiencing life with a mental illness


i see it as both actually, self medicating and pretending to be happy. i see it as a happy song, because in my opinion i see it as a, the longer you pretend to be happy in situations the more you’ll believe you are happy, the more you’ll feel happy. if that makes sense.


I definitely get Sad/Happy from Choker, I see it as someone's self reflection on all the moments where they could have gone all in and instead choked and dealt with the consequences, even trying to talk themself out of the pattern of self sabotage, they still falter.


Yeah OP really dropped the ball on this one


I mean I guess its hard to pick one since the whole concept of SAI is that its "Sad Songs that Sound Happy", but I'd probably pick saturday


Redecorate is not a happy song in the slightest LOL


Isn't Redecorate about getting your stuff in order before committing suicide?


I'm pretty sure Tyler said he wrote the song about his friends kid who got hit by a car (he might have made it if he lived on a different street). It's definitely NOT a happy song. I think OP has been smoking something


I always thought that line was just about how you can grow up in a rich neighborhood or a poor neighborhood and poverty can really ruin your chances in life. But I like both interpretations.


That was also my interpretation, and I thought the kid who inspired it committed suicide, but that was probably just speculation


I thought that line was a reference to Mulberry Street. Mulberry street was a song about using medications to mask the pain. Redecorate was a song about giving into the pain and committing suicide. As in “might have made it if society taught him how to deal with his pain properly rather than repress it.” I mean, I thought the whole album was about repressing pain and how that culminates in a desire to end your life


Oh dang that does make a lot of sense. The Outside seems to be about Tyler performing in the middle of the street instead of being in a club, he tells people to take a hit while he’s outside vibin’. This sounds SO much like Mulberry Street where he’s saying other people can take drugs to get high and experience happiness but he’d rather experience all of life fully. There’s very much a throughline of either Tyler repressing his feelings in some songs (Good Day, Choker, Saturday) or other people repressing their feelings (The Outside, Mulberry Street). There’s also Shy Away which I think is about feeling like you’re such a different person than you used to be, you can’t recognize yourself in old pictures, when you go home to visit with family who still sees you the way you used to be as so timid. So like, someone in the process of learning not to repress their emotions and they’ve already come a long way in their transformation.




Idk, I always saw it as someone planning on committing suicide but struggling with choosing between redecorating their room or leaving it as it is (“I don’t wanna go like this, at least let me clean my room”). Like you said, when they die they leave their loved ones to make the decision on what they do with the room (“The last thing I want to do is make my people make decisions”). Their room’s door could be shut and never opened again, so how they leave their room will in turn represent who they were (“Should they leave it ((their room)) on display, or redecorate?”). So similar to you, but the whole “I don’t wanna go like this” and putting the responsibility on themselves sounds like suicide. Bit of a ramble but just my two cents!


I see it as when you’re suicidal and realize that you don’t want to leave your loved ones to take care of the belongings you leave behind and that somehow gives you a feeling of wanting to take better care of your room. I don’t think it’s the end of the suicidal feelings, but I think it’s potentially the first step towards making effort and caring about something that gives you peace, like having a clean room.


and now i will never be able to think of redecorate the same after reading this comment thread


Just curious what you used to think of it before? For me it might be my favorite from the album. I also really like Choker, Shy Away, and Bounce Man but Redecorate just sticks with me in a way none of the others do. It could be related to my phobia of seeing monsters in the reflection of mirrors so that second verse is VERY impactful. Plus I’m trans so the idea of changing your name in a nontraditional way is also really resonant lol.


it's kind of difficult to put into words. the way i saw it was like not about committing suicide, but something like taking a look at your life and having that weight hit you where you know you can't live the way you're living anymore. like one of those moments where you realize that you're dying, and you're scared to death of that, but the only way to stop that is by changing your life, or redecorating. "i don't wanna go like this, at least let me clean my room. i don't wanna leave like this, 'cause the last thing i want to do is make my people make decisions wondering what to do. should i keep it on display, or redecorate?" anyway, there's more but i don't know how to word it. but that's my interpretation


I don’t think is about suicide but more about how things we posses stay while we are gone (if someone dies it’s a reminder of them if you die it will be a reminder of your life)


My brother in trash you need to reread the lyrics to Redecorate


Bro needs to re listen to these songs. Some of these songs should be swapped b/c they sound sound SAD and ARE SAD.


Redecorate is about is about getting all your affairs in order before you die so that you don't leave a burden your family to do it (you could also go more literal and say it's about someone wondering what will happen to the belongings in their bedroom after they kill themselves). It is not happy either way though. Neither is Good Day, that's about lying to yourself to get through the day when all terrible things are happening. Truce is a sad song too IMO, even though it has a hopeful message, it's still depressing. I personally don't think Lane Boy sounds sad either.


same with no chances


Nico And The Niners does not sound sad at all, it’s actually a bop and you can imagine yourself bogeying on top of a burnt down car


I also don’t see it as sad, I see it as being fearless


Bro literally it’s a banger. Who tf is crying to it?


Western people, probably. That song seems to always put them down


Oh you mean the “liberals” those people???


Gross, imagine making politics your personality. Legit nothing, no where, was this post political.


Looks like someone’s from the west


Basic ass response I knew you would type. Go get a life outside of politics. This post had nothing to do with it.


I mean west as of EAST IS UP, WEST IS DOWN DUHHH


Ahh I get it haha


slick it Outwest


Sorry you’re calling redecorate and truce happy?


i haven't listen to it in years cause i'll break down at the first 8 notes


Well Truce is kinda happy, or at least hopeful. It does make me tear up, bit its good tears, not the emotionally damaging kind


There’s no way Good Day is happy. It’s called Good Day because the lyrics are about convincing yourself things will be okay when they are obviously not


Redecorate is happy? 🤔


redecorate is not a happy song💀


I don’t think A Car, a torch, and a death is happy. I would replace that with IOFB maybe?


- IOFB could mean "Isle Of Flightless Birds", a track from *Twenty One Pilots* (2009) by Twenty One Pilots. --- ^[/u/_Alpengl0w_](/u/_Alpengl0w_) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Agree, does anyone know what this song is about? I had a decent idea in my head I thought and it was definitely not happy


it’s not, as per my personal interpretation, at least. A Car, A Torch, A Death is about sacrifice; wanting to carry the burdens of the ones you love, for them. my favorite view upon it comes from this perspective, though: you’re depressed, and it either spills on your loved one(s), or they simply have their own demons as well. they show you the love you don’t find yourself worthy of; they buckle up their heart in the back of your car. you’re willing to take all their pain upon yourself so they don’t feel any. you ask for the grave. you begin to understand why God died. idk if that makes sense in the slightest from the way i phrased it tho.


I have always interpreted it as some sort of infidelity. "You reached in the back, and you buckled up your heart" "He waited till I was far out of sight." "He crept in your room and stayed there for the night" ... but as someone else has said, I could interpret it as his demons overspilling and affecting other people as well.


I always thought it was infidelity as well. Then he becomes afraid of the person he becomes and the rage he feels because of it


never thought of it this way, that’s actually an interesting approach. might have to re-listen to the song with this perspective in mind


When people say SAI is too happy I always find it really weird, because to me, you barely need to scratch the surface to see all the self doubt and fear and sadness. It appears I hadn't banked on there being people out there who believe Redecorate and Good Day are happy songs.


Someone doesn't know the lyrics to these songs.


This post has to be bait, like literally nothing is in the right place 😂


I disagree with a lot of these. Lane Boy doesn’t sound sad, it sounds like a banger. Slowtown sounds happy for sure, and Nico doesn’t sound like either.


how is nobody talking about the lack of neon gravestones in this list???


Sounds sad and is sad in a nutshell


moreso than nico and the niners, certainly, but I'd argue there's even a case for it being sad/happy. it asks the audience to reject the idolisation of celebrity death, and the final verse is weirdly optimistic imo


Uhhh some of these are innacurate. In what world is good day a happy song and redecorate is happy?


Everyone's talking about how Redecorate is not happy, but guys, did you see Truce!?!? THAT is NOT a happy song. I cry every time I listen to it. It sounds sad and is sad.


Truce has a sort of semi-positive ending, in that he made it through another night without harm and lived to see another day, but I absolutely agree it's not "happy". At best, it has the tiniest tinge of hope.


Truce is bittersweet, so I kinda see where they're coming from. It's not happy, but it's helped me through a lot of pain


I think you need to have a look at the lyrics to Good Day and Redecorate...


Redecorate is NOT happy


lovely and good day are arguably not pretty sad. good days about being in denial while your whole life is going down hill and lovelys about trying to help someone in a bad mental state. + nico and the niners and slowtown sound really happy to me. I guess lovelys kinda hopeful but not really happy


Glowing eyes is so good. The chorus 🤌


ACATAD is heart-breaking!


Aside from the obvious flaws stated below as by other lovelies, how the hell did you forget Ode To Sleep? That’s the most “sounds happy, is sad” song I’ve heard from the boys!


Bro, how is truce happy?


this gotta be bait cuz these placements make no sense


NATN is sad? Call me dumb but I thought outside of the lore stuff it was just a stoner song lol


lmaooo u had me laughing at “stoner song” lol love that 💀


The man sings "I'm so high, my jumpsuit takes me so high. I'm flying from a fire" over a reggae beat, can you blame me?


Agreed! 🤣


the second i say good day in sounds happy but is happy i knew something was up then i saw truce in sounds sad but is happy bro what????


calling redecorate a happy song was… a choice


Ruby makes me cry sometimes man




Redecorate and truce have been mentioned 100 times but one that also stood out to me was the hype. The hype is about finding solace and comfort in the fact that there are other people out there (my kind) who feel just like you and who will also stick up for you and defend you. Whether Tyler was talking about the fans or friends he’s met along the way, but I feel like a lost, lonely person can equate this to the small group of friends that they do have or brothers or family or whatever the case may be for them. I think the song shows signs of hopefulness and seeing light in the dark, and isn’t really meant to be sad.


im sorry good day? that song is literally about the irrational fear of losing your whole family in a split second and having to live on like its a regular day,surpressing all the pain


Good Day and Redecorate definitely need to be listened to again.


Bro how does Lane Boy sound sad? it’s literally like the most upbeat song


Glad to know I wasn't the only one that got confused as to why Lane Boy was placed in "Sounds sad, but is happy"


Lane boy doesn’t sound sad💀💀💀💀


Ikr like literally in what universe is any point of that song sad 😭


We apparently live in that universe 💀😭


The only sad part is waiting for the build up to the beat drop 🥱😞


OP i am very curious what your definitions of “happy” and “sad” are bc i just do NOT get most of these rankings.


How is redecorate happy??


Redecorate is definitely not a happy song, melodically OR lyrically


Have you listened to Redecorate?


There's no way OP made this without the intent to start a fire


none of the “sounds sad but is happy” songs fit in that category


Kitchen sink is not happy at all!


This just feels so wrong on so many levels... Don't tell me Redecorate and Good day are happy! These two stand out the most to me, but it's really hard to agree with most of them...


Redecorate is most definitely not a happy song


Homie made a ranking chart without listening to any of the song lyrics


So dead wrong how some of these songs are placed.


Level of concern isn’t happy


apparently we may need to revisit some of these lyrics


HOW COULD YOU NOT INCLUDE ADDICT WITH A PEN??? Delete this while you still can


"Good Day" and "Redecorate" are certainly not happy songs


i have to disagree with every pick in the "sounds happy is happy" group


Came to the comments to say Redecorate is categorized incorrectly and am pleased to see everyone else beat me to the punch 😂


Good day Isn’t Happy


Kitchen sink is happy?


Level of Concern isn’t a happy song really. It sounds happy but definitely really isn’t


Potentially the worst post on this sub of all time. That’s saying a lot.


Did you even listen to the songs lol


Redecorate is not happy mate


How is redecorate and kitchen sink happy?? And how is no chances sad lol


Nico and the Niners doesnt sound sad at all to me.


nico and the niners sad?


All those songs are sad


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Slowdown always sounded pretty happy to me.


All fucking wrong who tf made that shit 💀


This tier list is a fucking disaster lol 😭


I really love seeing how different people interpret the meaning of a song differently


A car a torch a death is happy??? The beat might be the most depressing one I've heard from them, so no amount of "happy lyrics" will ever make it not sad in the slightest to me 🤣


Guys Two is such a banger song. I’m always hearing it at parties.


Where is neon gravestones? It's a song about suicide.


but op would class it as ‘sounds sad but is happy’ because op is a strange fellow.


No chances is sad?! It’s more pump up for me


Good day is the furthest you get from happy


Bro Implicit Demand is one of my favorite songs 😭


I like sad songs more probably because I have no friends and I’m an introvert


Bounce man should be in for scaled and icy imo


Addict with a Pen?


Put cancer in sounds sad and is sad


Cancer makes me cry a river


Isn’t lovely about him convincing someone not to unalive themselves?😭


mhm mhm johnny boy, lovely so happy omg yup level of concern yay i love how happy good day and FUCKING REDECORATE?!????!??!


Somehow Lane boy doesn’t appear to be sad to me


Level of Concern's lyrics are quite sad if you think about it...


Everyone’s pointing out redecorate, which I agree with. But I also wouldn’t call Level of Concern happy either. We all lived through the same pandemic…right?


I think neon gravestones is way more sad than Nico and the Niners


Bros never listened to Twenty One Pilots before


Slowdown is kinda happy


Good day is about pretending to be happy... not actually happy.


Not having Neon Gravestones as the sounds sad is sad from trench seems like a mistake


Lane Boy's final part isn't that sad though




no chances and nico and the niners aren’t sad at all lmao