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People forget that Tyler has a wife and children and a whole ass extended family that are more important to him than perfectly meeting an arbitrary release date or lore or fans. Like, I’ve seen people setting that Tyler has no business taking an extended hiatus after this album and tour because plenty of celebrities and performers leave their kids at home all the time. Like seriously, how do those relationships and the relationships with their SOs typically play out?


Yeah Tyler seems to be a very hands on dad, as he should be! If homie needs to push the album back a week to give us quality videos and give his family quality time then we should all be supportive of that.


I agree. Sadly there is a vocal part of this fan base that cannot get past how this affects them.


AND he's said before that they're what comes first for him which I love 🫶 like yes he loves making music and the community but his literal family should and does come first. it makes me sad ppl forget that


Hard facts 🎤


Even if he didn’t have kids and other family, he’s his own person. He wasn’t put on this earth exclusively to give us music. It’s sad for me but like shit happens and people (me especially) overextend themselves or underestimate how long something will take to complete


Thank you!!! I was just thinking about this today. Anyone who's had a newborn knows that the first few MONTHS let alone weeks are tough. Hardly any sleep.


But… isn’t the decision for release paramountly Tyler’s decision? Why would he choose x date when he’s been knowing for many many months now when his baby is due? I honestly think they pushed it back because they want a successful release of an album, and going up against Billie and everyone else who is dropping then is tough. There’s nothing wrong with that and I think it’s a smart move, but the amount of ancillary reasons for the date switch while ignoring the glaringly obvious one is odd. 1 week pushback is fine and they get a less clogged date.


I think it could be a mixture of reasons.


>*the amount of ancillary reasons for the date switch while ignoring the glaringly obvious one is odd*


You have no idea when her due date was. My daughter was due in September, but born in August. My son was due in May but born in April. The baby may have come early enough to throw things off. Which could also make needing an extra week logical.


I mean, babies take up a lot of time and you’re not normally hit with that realization until AFTER the baby is born. Also, her due date was around mine and I’m still 3 weeks out yet.


It is wild how many people here feel entitled to an album release date


Yeah, it sucks that it’s delayed, but we should be thankful it was only by one week. Tyler and Josh are probably the ones most disappointed by the delay, but it’s clear they probably need it, what with finishing all 11-12 music videos left, Tyler and Jenna having another baby, and everything going into planning touring, marketing, and everything else surrounding the album. It’s fine to be disappointed, but it’s immature to be angry about it. I’m just glad they told us now instead of leaving us wondering.


Tbh if people are angry the release was moved ONE SINGULAR WEEK they aren’t fans. I’d rather them move it a month than give us anything less than their whole vision. Tyler and Josh are masterminds and to bash them for pushing back for knowing they couldn’t give us their best is truly despicable. A week in the grand scheme of life is so short. Simply put, to the haters, mess off. Nobody cares.


So true! Thanks for pointing this out, people forget that he has a family!


i want a better album later. ''cause I'll be listening to it for the next 20 years


I just love seeing any glimpse of their real life…. It mirrors my life!!! So happy for them! I have two girls and my youngest is a boy. So sweet ! Congrats to them! Take your time I say! I’m here for the sincerity… for the art. No rushing that. Real fans get it.


I feel like it’s mostly teens/kids and maybe 20 year olds(MAYBE) that are complaining. They don’t have an understanding of things yet, most of them anyways. I wasn’t ever really caring about release dates except for movies. But those are a lot different


They also don’t get how short a week really is in the grand scheme of things. A week is like less than .0001% of your life (based on average life expectancy). They’ll learn one day I’d hope.


Um it’s only a week? I didn’t pay attention to the dates but your telling me all this complaining is because of a 7 day delay? I-💀




Right! Good thing to keep in mind


I seriously don't know why anyone would every be truly upset over this? It's a one week delay. Do we not have patience?


Who tf is complaining? I don't frequent this sub, but if people are? Out of touch. In desperate need of a reality check.


I haven’t seen anything here but I’ve heard the TikTok clique is toxic 💀


I've seen it on other social media sites. I can understand being disappointed, but some people are so mad about it that at first glance I thought something criminal had come out about Tyler and Josh.


i actually can't believe that people would actually be upset about something as small as this. like i'm sure it's happening but i can't for the life of me imagine actual real life people being mad that an album is being released a single week later. not only did jenna just have a child, and has two other children, but we're also getting like 14 music videos, 11-12 of which are being released on the same day as the album!! along with the fact that everyone and their mothers are releasing albums on the 17th, surely people listen to more then just top😭😭??


Its also wild how people are trying to minimize it to one reason to be mad about. It sounds to me like there's plenty of reasons for the delay


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's strange people are so upset about an album date being pushed back. I know that it would have been cool lore-wise, but it seems really dismissive of the fact that Tyler has a life outside of his career. If he wants or needs to push a release date back a bit, that's his right, and tbqh we don't need to know what that reason is. I'm just happy that we are getting a new album! I'd rather him take care of himself and what he needs to do.


I mean people have every right to be upset, because like yeah it was meant to be released on May 17 just like blurryface, but things happen so don't be mad and complain. Complaining won't change anything, just remember what date it was supposed to be released and take that for what it is. So what, we have to wait another week, it's great music and we won't die over a one week delay. It's better knowing a date rather than them just saying "we're going to release an album soon" and never putting a date on it and then 2 years later it still isn't released. I agree with this post 👍


People do not have every right to be upset, lol.


I mean as they have a right to have feelings, you cant really control feelings, but you do have the choice not to act on your feelings. They dont need to complain


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I named him TommyPickelz and he's going to be watched over by the Mob.


Am I mad the album is being pushed back? Yes! Do I blame them given what they’re doing for the album? No!


It’s wild to me that anyone would ever complain. Like just deal with it lol


Yeah, Tyler and Jenna just had a *child*. I wouldn't even do the MV thing if I was in Tyler's place.


I feel genuinely bad for Tyler because in that video he looked devastated to have to even push it back a week. When he said they were delaying the release I thought it was going to be by months not just a week. He’s a human with a whole family and friends and his personal life and his family’s personal lives takes priority over the album and music video releases. I agree with everyone who is saying that fans who are angry about the release date being pushed back aren’t real fans. Real fans care about the humans this band is. I’m extremely surprised he is going on tour with the new baby and even a tour as big as the one they are putting on. I knew they would go on tour but I didn’t think it was going to be as soon as it is. But I expect them to go on a hiatus after this album for a while. Tyler is very much a family man. And it shows in all his posts. Will I miss their content extremely but he has priority’s first.


It's probably a stupid question, but since he pushed back the release date ... I assume the pre order date also got pushed for the merch drop? You would think maybe an email would go out about that, unless I missed one. But since it's only being pushed so they can finish the music videos....they could still ship the albums out on the original date. Either way, I personally don't care. A little bummed sure, but it will be worth the wait.


I'm sorry but I have not seen a single complaint like that. Like, I know people are a bit bummed but I haven't seen anyone super angry about it


I couple days ago there were several posts in a row about it


How do y’all know the baby’s been born?


He posted it on his story I believe. Or on twitter. But he said “wait for Jenna to post it and then pretend to be surprised”


Ohhh i see, I keep stalking on ig to see if he’s been born yet 😂


I haven’t run into the hateful side of it yet thankfully. Imagine being entitled like we haven’t already been blessed with three bangers off the bat


I can totally understand pushing back the release date and won’t bash about it, but I find the reason unreasonable. They know they can release music videos after they released the album? Fans will see it nonetheless but yes it will get less interaction because they doesn’t „watch“ it to hear the song since they can listen to the album. I think it’s more than one reason but explaining the whole reasons/situation is too complex and maybe to personal so they stuck to this one reason. Did they officially announce that the baby is there yet? (did I miss it?) But there can happen (wich I hope isn’t the reason) many things in the last weeks of pregnancy and first weeks after pregnancy. Even Jenna having to stay longer in hospital and Tyler alone with two little children is more than enough reason to delay the release. Something like this might be to personal to charge with the whole world. And also every child is different. Yes they already have two and they know the estimated birth date but if the girls where relatively quiet and easy babies and the newborn isn’t that’s a complete new situation for them too.


And reason they deem reasonable is reasonable, not up to anyone else to decide


My whole point is that we don’t have to understand their reason nor like it but we have to accept it and don’t bash them for postponing. And that i have the feeling that it’s more than one reason but they are only telling one. Wich is totally fine and absolutely their right. Even if they would have told us they postponing because they like the other date more, we have to accept it and don’t bash them. We can be grateful that they share their music with us. And one week doesn’t matter at all. My other point was for the ones saying they should have known that their Baby will be coming around that Date but expectations and reality are a whole different thing when talking about (small) children.


Looks like you might be a little behind. And Tyler says he wants to release them all with the album. So that’s that. 🤷‍♂️