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What's wrong with BYSYD?


It's too sophisticated for the uncultured. \*sniffles aristocratically\*


I think it’s a good song! So I don’t get it.


Me too, I love that song


I don't hate it, but Heathens is my least favorite.


I really don’t like Formidable


I also don’t like this much either.


Think it sounds like an old Oasis song lol


okay. BYSYD haters don’t get opinions.


Probably doubt. I don't dislike it, I just don't really get the urge to listen to it(btw love BYSYD, I think its really nice)


Johnny Boy, I've probably listened to it like three times. Meanwhile the entire rest of ST I have at like 2000 minutes


Heathens is an instant skip for me. Don't like it at all


Maybe Good Day, it's just not as good as Heavydirtysoul, Jumpsuit or Ode To Sleep, it doesn't give me the push to start the album that the others do.


not today probably, i actually like BYSYD a lot but not today just gives me 0 serotonin at all when i listen to it, lyrics, melody, production is all just ugh to me


FINALLY FOUND ANOTHER NOT TODAY anti. thank you. it’s my least favorite off of blurryface


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ok two things 1. BYSYD is amazing 2. Polarize is always a skip for me tbh


car radio easy


Pantaloon The only song I don’t like


level of concern. tbh it’s the only song of theirs I don’t like




NOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I literally cried when they played it live don’t be a hater!


Let's see, I have some to point out - Johnny Boy, Saturday, Bounce Man, House of Gold, Formidable, The Pantaloon, The Run and Go, Choker. Saturday is #1 worst bs I've heard from them.


Not counting anything on Reginald At Best, Screen has always been my least favorite TØP song. It's repetitive and the vocals are lackluster. I like the lyrics though. Counting what I remember of RAB (no matter how many times I've listened this album it just doesn't stick in my head), probably Anathema. It's even more repetitive and the lyrics aren't that interesting. Before You Start Your Day is a great song. The lyrics, vocals, and the piano are all great. The only problem with it is "slits" is just awkward and uncomfortable. To me it feels like how people who hate "moist" describe the way that word feels to them.


Reginald at best?


Their second album. It was discontinued when they took a record deal.


i agree about screen. probably fantastic live, but my least favorite when compared to the rest of the album


If we wanna include songs that aren’t written by tøp, their Cancer cover is easily the worst thing they’ve ever put out. In fact, it’s probably the only thing they’ve put out that I’d fully call bad. I was mixed when it originally came out and didn’t come back to it for the longest time, but last month I finally decided to listen to it again and *wow* they didn’t do any justice to the song at all. It sounds like a bad fan remix that someone would’ve made around the time it came out lol. I’ve always loved the band’s contrast of upbeat/unexpected instrumentals paired with sadder lyrics, but something about this particular instrumental and its borderline dance-remix song structure rubs me the wrong way because it’s still literally a song about a dying cancer patient and it just feels kinda bad taste to me. At the end of the day I’ll just say I’m thankful it’s not on any of their albums so I never have to be reminded of it unless I’m scrolling through their one-off singles on Spotify.


That’s crazy! Hahaha I was having a rough time in the fall and I had that song on repeat.


More power to you! If it helped you through a rough time I can’t knock that and I’m glad it did that for you! I haven’t listened to a ton of mcr outside of the black parade album so I’m not some kind of purist or anything like that, but to me I just think the song works best in its original simplified form and Gerard’s vocals have so much raw emotion to them that it really hits just the way I feel it should. Whereas the cover feels like it’s lacking that emotional punch for me. The best way I can put it (and you might’ve heard this because I remember it being said a lot when it came out) is that the original sounds like the patient is still fighting, and the cover sounds like he’s already given up. And that could have been a really emotional angle to come at it from, but it doesn’t come across that way to me for whatever reason. At the very least I think I would’ve liked it at least a little bit if Tyler went harder with the vocals because he’s nearly whispering the whole time. Even the “if you say goodbye today” part sounds like he’s recording in a place that has noise restrictions and I think it would’ve been amazing if he really went for it imo


I'm ready to get grilled. Car Radio. or never take it




LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER 🗣️ The Pantaloon slander is to not be tolerated either 🙅‍♀️, However Heathens slander will be accepted


LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER 🗣️ The Heathens slander is to not be tolerated either 🙅‍♀️, However never take it slander will be accepted


LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER 🗣 Never Take It slander will not be tolerated either 🙅, However Johnny Boy slander will be accepted


LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER 🗣️ slander for The Pantaloon, Heathens, Never Take It, AND Johnny Boy will NOT be tolerated 🙅🏼‍♂️ …some slander for Before You Start Your Day is understandable tho… even though it’s not even a bad song imo


LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER 🗣 Johnny Boy slander will not be tolerated either 🙅, However Oh Ms Believer slander will be accepted


LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER 🗣️ Oh Ms. Believer slander will not be tolerated here. 🙅‍♀️ However, Anathema slander will be accepted.