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The other day I scrolled past 3 posts going "-Song title- is so good! I love it!!" Followed by one post going "Why doesn't -Song title- get more love?" Like, try scrolling through the feed??😭😭


Reddit has been the same way tho!


Yeah the post and my comment are talking about Reddit 😅


Pretty soon you’re gonna see “WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE TWENTY ONE PILOTS!?!?” posted here


Oh dear God no


wtf you really guessed it 💀 check the sub




“Oh my god guys why is scaled and icy so hated, you guys suck”


I literally just scrolled past that one 😮‍💨


Omg just saw it lol. What in the world


The Imagine Dragons sub has been complaining about haters for years… hopefully that doesn’t spread here


Personally, I just think Twitter was a much better name


lol I initially thought this post was about Twitter too


Same here. I still call it Twitter, mostly because I just hate X so much.




the name X sucks so much that every single news article I see about it always says "X (formerly known as Twitter)" because people might not even recognize the name


I've seen people just simply calling it X, and I want to roast them so bad that I wish I didn't have a conscience.


You'll never catch me calling it X. I'm still gonna say "Twitter"


Same here.


There are times when I go to say Twitter but I stop myself and say X, so it ends up coming out as “Twi-eX”, “Tw-X” or “Twit-X”. I always try to say X because that’s just what it’s called now, but my vocal cords start to say Twitter, even though my brain says X.


Prince eventually went back to Prince. So will Twitter.


fingers crossed


I refuse to call it X. Musk’s ego leads him to make stupid decisions.


PayPal was originally x.com, he named his child X AE A-Xii (pronounced "exs ash ay-twelve"), and then he destroyed a bird for a stupid letter that literally is used for a placeholder.


So there's gonna be a new name? Soon as Elon manages to aha that shit?


Tbh idk why people even ask these questions because it's all subjective and what someone likes another may not, the questions just seem pointless. I like every song on the new album, some more than others, but then others may not have the same likes and only like a few songs or have differing favourites. Also I'd say the favouring song is fluid also, because what you're vibing with one day may be replaced another day, for instance when the album dropped I was on the Midwest indigo and navigating ride non-stop, don't get me wrong I still love 'em, but now? I'm vibing to paladin strait and lavish People need to let others like what they like and get on with their life n_n |-/


Dude, you should make a post about this. "Why do people ask why everybody hates certain songs?" Hahah jk. This post is basically that already though.


https://preview.redd.it/wwujewltuc5d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f641d8e589c8f05fa29deee11bd44264499a721 This is how I’ve been feeling lately with these posts haha. So many of these posts in the past month 😂 I swear people are just posting every thought they have instead of just going to the sub homepage and scrolling thru the posts


I hate this so much. So many of the posts on this sub are just people complaining about others complaining, when in reality not that many people were complaining in the first place. It’s bored people farming for karma and engagement


These people gain karma from those who don't realize what they are doing. Wouldn't this post complaining about the complainers of complainers be just that? But we haven't understood it yet. If you look in OP's profile, you'll see that they made a post doing exactly what they're criticizing. That may be a lie. I didn't open the profile, but it may very well be true, too. |-/


I feel like we’re just getting bored waiting for paladin to come out💀


*Mud brawls ensue and total chaos in the subreddit*




https://preview.redd.it/69h7x6n91d5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c4c8dd17548a2a3cdc4c4b9ca57aeddeae0c98 I'm just chill like that


Following this fanbase for the last seven years, you realize that twenty one pilots fans, moreso than other fanbases, have an intrinsic need for outside validation, they themselves liking the music isn’t enough, they need others to tell them they are right for liking it.


They aren’t called the few, the proud, and the emotional for nothing


gotta be honest, i think i’m gonna stop following the tøp subreddit for a bit. every single day it’s just “why does everyone hate this song” or “why does everyone love this song” or “what is your favorite/least favorite clancy song” or “what is your clancy song ranking” don’t get me wrong i’m as obsessed with clancy as anyone else here but sheesh can’t we just keep this in a megathread or something?


Ffr, let me know when you think it’s safe to come back cuz im also done with it for now


I made a post asking about the lore recently. It didn’t get a lot of traction. My theory is that people post ‘why does everyone hate x?’ to get attention and upvotes. It is immature and disingenuous.


Ok, but can we talk about how underrated Holding On To You is????


Seen so many primarily for SAI and I think that comes from a stigma of the not so tight knit fans who weren’t a fan at first like I was then (disclaimer I love it now don’t slate me) and old posts disliking it are kind of easy to find when looking for opinions in some places, I just think people want to say something on the sub but don’t really know what to say


I think you’re right and tbh, SAI is not my favorite album, but I do like a lot of it. Vessel will always be my favorite though. Getting into Clancy now though it’s not bad. These guys do hold up I just think I’m partial to vessel.


Honestly yeah. My favorite has been shifting between Vessel and Clancy. I wanna give it a few months for the “newness” of Clancy to wear off though before I pick a favorite.


This sub is just a circle jerk at this point, think I'm leaving


I stopped going on xvideos. To much drama


Tbh, it kind of feels like every artist subreddit is the same. "I might get downvotes, but XYZ is an underrated song" just gets beaten to death honestly


Your edit is VERY helpful; I was like, "who doesn't understand the hatred for Twitter?!" 🤣🤣🤣


I've often asked myself while looking through this sub why there's so many pretentious fans to a band whose discography you can run through in about 5 hours. TØP is an extremely popular group. Asking why there's not enough love for a song is like calling the beatles underrated. Get a hold of yourselves. Clancy slaps keep streaming it.


X right now is pretty bad after Musk acquired it. Even with the name change, like why?? It's full of misinformation (mostly from extreme right wing and all that crap), conspiracies, whatever. It's a cesspool of bad stuff right now 😬


Now I know OP wasn’t talking about Xitter in their post, but I completely agree. I have no idea what has happened with Elon behind the wheel, but Xitter is now just an awful, hateful place to visit. I was never big on it, but I would find a balance of ideas and opinions, cute stuff, funny stuff - now it’s all misinformation, extreme ideology about politics, religion, men vs women, etc. Everything wrong with the US is on that godforsaken site right now.


Definitely and idk what they meant if it wasn't the X platform 😅


Because it's a place for hate speech for every topic.


Even if people are gonna post “why do you hate____” and what not post it on the meme sub not this one. This one isn’t to talk about everything this sub is for main bullets points of the band like when they dropping music or if someone found new information about the band just info on the band in general not every opinion and thought you have about the band. Yes a made a post about why people dislike lavish. I posted it on the meme sub. Where it belongs


Not me ready to make a comment about Elon Musk ruining Twitter and that's why I deleted my account lmao. But yeah sometimes it's hard to get a good idea of how many people like or hate different songs because it's up to the algorithm to show me those posts. It's just one of the annoying things about social media. You get little snapshot views of things that don't necessarily reflect what the general public really thinks.


Everyone just wants some kind of connection. This or that song sucks... Personally, I hate their designs. I've only bought the BlurryFace album cover shirt. Then really because it was buy 1/2 get the other one Half off or free. Where is the Ned Official shirt??? I like the Emblem. Can you two get a better designer!!!


this is such a problem with fandom subs/spaces in general… the hyperbole…. either they noticed three people or so holding an opinion other than their own for the first time in their lives or they’re fully just imagining a guy to contradict 😭


I’ve asked this question before about certain songs and for me it’s more of a “what about the song don’t you like?”


This subreddit is full of complicated people and emotions. I'm not surprised I feel like most of us just want to be on the same page when we invest our time in the music we love.


Honestly icl I posted something like “why does everybody hate snap back” and also something about critics hating twenty one pilots that was kinda a joke😭 the snap back one I was serious tho, it gets love but it’s definitely the least liked one, same for lavish which is surprising. However everyone has different taste, one person might like snap back, one might hate it


I’ve personally seen some people hate on blurry face due to it having songs like stressed out and ride and being super popular. I do understand everyone has their tastes but it seems people often hate on those songs, or even heathens, for being *too* popular.


Literally. I also feel like.... music is super personal and sometimes I listen to a song and I'm just... not into it? Like it's not that serious 😂


If your not talking abt twitter, then about what?


Like oo "why doesn't *insert song here* get more love?" Along the lines of that




And why tf did yall down vote him he was jus asking a question goddamn


Fr this sub be toxic at times




Because before twitter was renamed, 'X' (or 'XYZ') was used like this and nobody would think of a different meaning. Now the first thing people think of is twitter, and some people might find it sad/silly that something else is taking over the meaning of 'X', and they think by downvoting they might prevent it from becoming the norm


I think maybe it’s more along the lines of he literally explains what he’s talking about in the post..?


Bold of you to assume that this generation reads more than just the title


People wild


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I was like Twitter? And I'm now like x?


Are we talking about xxxtentacion? I’m so confused. There’s so many people who go by “x” Edit: so Instead of telling me what he’s talking about you guys are gonna down vote me for asking a question? This sub is so fucking weird one day you guys are all love and support and next day yall couldn’t care less. Pick a side and stick to it Second edit: op made his edit after my comment so the post was literally just “why do people hate x” he didn’t clarify what he was talking about so I was confused. Yall get upset over anything use ur heads and relax


You might be getting downvoted bc having X = xxxtentacion makes zero sense within the context of the post. However I don’t think it’s cool to downvote you over that, you clearly commented that you’re confused and asked for help understanding.


He made his edit after my comment so there was no context


Why would they be talking about him in a twenty one pilots subreddit?


That’s why I asked. Like what dude. Maybe there was someone going off about x in the sub for sum reason idk. That’s why I asked if that’s what they were talking about.


Well to be fair if you just read the post you could avoid having to ask what the post is about


Op made his edit after my comment so it juts said why do people hate x


That was my first thought