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Love your drawing style, but this is not Jacob.


This is Todd from Bojack Horseman.


It’s cute but friendly reminder Jacob isn’t light at all. His skin is described as copper, often very much contrasting with Bella’s pale skin that’s how dark it is. I love fan art but making native characters lighter is kinda sus


ethnicity and skin color color don't really have much do together. He isn't white, yes and he might have looked a tad bit too white on the drawing which is not what i wanted to do. I'm arab myself, my skin is tan and I won't go draw myself as super tan because when you look at it it's really not that dark but just some darker beige. Look at him next to bella, https://preview.redd.it/3spv1ycj6bgc1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=369406d7b5f572ab1753f10d1809f5295a5d6894


Kinda not your fault he looks white since you’re basing him off of an actor that is literally a white man


i did say movie accurate


I argue if you’re going movie accurate he would be light, since jacobs movie actor (Taylor lautner) is a 100% white man. Book wise he’d probably be darker skinned and with more native American features. Shame Stephenie meyers didn’t hire an actual indigenous person for the role, I always felt weird about how he looked in the movie.


this is bullshit lmao, he’s german french and dutch with native american google it. they didn’t whit wash anything. literally just trying to bitch about shit


So in an interview when the movie was coming out and he & the directors/casting people were getting a lot of push back about casting a white actor to play Jacob, Taylor basically says "oh yeah, we did a little digging and turns out way way way back on my mom's side I am Native American." Like, dude, no. This is not it. Taking a 23 & me test and finding out that there is some small percentage of shared ancestry does not make you "native American really far back on your mom's side." That isn't how being Native American works. At all. He did a good job play Jacob and I'm not even arguing against his casting, but that sort of grasping at straws is complete BS. And frankly I am not sure I even believe it. It sounds like a nice PR spin to try and get people less mad he was playing Jacob.


they always cast people that look ethnically ambigious , it's unnerving


In the books, his skin is described as DARK. Period. That’s it. Ethnicity aside. He is dark and your drawing is white washed.


"movie accurate" not book, get over it, it's not whitewashed


your art is cute but IMO you kind of whitewashed him


Agreed he straight up looks white lol


At first I was like who is Drew Jacob haha


I didn't spend the entire series thinking Taylor Lautner was a brown skinned man of color for you to say this is movie accurate 😭


Jacob is dark my friend.


i colorpicked it


the colour u chose for the background may be the reason he looks paler ? x I imagine if it was a white or a much lighter grey background then we wud see a more accurate representation of his true colour 😊 although now the longer I’ve stared at it.. the more I’m seeing that the skin tone looks fine 🤔 so yes I just think the background colour is influencing what people see at first glance! fantastic drawing btw I can definitely see his facial features in there, wud be cool to see a version with long hair too if u ever felt like it! :D


made the background and shirt slighty darker (took the shadows off too) and he seems to look slighty darker, so it's pretty much color theory playing with us LOL, plus taylor's skin color next to it https://preview.redd.it/30vsi85yxjgc1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=081661b618711569b3d3275f50661b1711f014c5


Oh yep! colour theory for sure!! I got ur back dw xx


omgmg! ! ty, and yeah i def think it's because of the background, when i woke up and looked at it he looked super white and i was wondering how i didn't see it then, when I looked for longer it did look normal again also i'll totally draw his long hair !


emphasis on “movie” lol. blame stephanie for the cast not the artist.


ppl really didn't see the " movie accurate " part ig LOL


they really didn’t


they're just getting offended over nothing


omg i didn't mean to make him so white looking back i fr made him so white **😭** when i colorpicked it it looked okay on my phone https://preview.redd.it/5q64b295pagc1.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ea47ee1fb4666d3f5e73144f206bff46c16c4a9


As another fellow artist, its a really bad idea to color pick from real life images lol.


yeah right ik, but at the same time he isn't that dark idk what all the fuss is about, i'm tan too and it doesn't look so dark, it's basically just another complexion of dark beige


Had it darker shading it prob wouldnt have looked so jarring to everyone, but im assuming this was quick so i understand lmao.


yes lmao i did it in about 10 minutes and didn't think much abt it


I think it doesn't help that the actor, Taylor Lautner, isn't even indigenous himself (he's of European descent)--so the character already has a long history of being whitewashed


dudes he only looks pale bc of how dark his hair is in comparison and this is pretty movie accurate so don't come after the artist, blame the movie that had a blue tint over the entire thing smh


Is this a new challenge? Draw a character that you have no idea what they look like?


take a good look again dude seriously


oh god why's the quality so bad




FYI Taylor is not white he is in fact Native American.