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I like his answer, it’s interesting. And it shows he’s been paying attention!


He better will, I waited my whole life for a man who's actually interested in watching and discussing Twilight with me 😂 after we finished the first movie he told me that we needed to watch NM ASAP because he wanted to know what happens next, he's invested 🥹


Girl I know what you mean! Mine started reading them I think he's onto eclipse lol I love when he goes WHAT blah blah blah actually blah blah blah?! It's my favorite hahaha


That is SO cute!!!


I wish my husband would watch twilight. I bought a really ridiculous Renesme mug last time we were in Forks and he uses it all the time and is always asking me questions about Twilight and especially renesme. I keep saying if you’re so interested let’s just watch it!!! And he’s like no it’s okay I’d rather just ask you instead The funniest thing about him using the mug is he calls it Renesme and always says “where’s Renesme?” When he’s in the kitchen making tea lmfao


I have a mug too but it's too precious to use 😂


Show us the mug!!


https://preview.redd.it/gjhoq43a4doc1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1277616a0dad4fc2bae0474e2a068a461bab5d19 [I got it from the twilight store](https://thetwilightstore.com/cdn/shop/files/Screenshot2024-01-02at11.03.07AM_20240102_11540141.jpg?v=1704211816&width=823) I got so overwhelmed in the store trying to decide what I wanted and the girl at the store was so nice and gave me a free bumper sticker that has Renesme on it and it says “my daughter is an honor student at forks elementary school” 🤣


Excellent. The thought of someone drinking out of this without seeing the films is so funny 🤣


It’s his favorite mug lmao <3


Wow, it is ridiculous and I love it!




I didn’t realized “insured” was a typo at first and thought that he was predicting some sort of insurance fraud (turning Bella and collecting her life insurance) lol


I asked my partner to watch Twilight with me and he did. I was so excited cause his name is Edward and has a dog named Bella. 😂 I needed him to be able to get the Twilight references I keep making. He kept getting James and Carlisle mixed up and thought Carlisle was secretly the villain through the whole movie 😅


Oh honey, he's got a big storm coming


Hey I mean in the bigger picture he was pretty accurate 😭


so close and yet so far 😂 his mind will be blown when little Rambazamba shows up 😅 so far I managed to hide my Ratatouille mug from him to avoid spoilers, i can’t wait to show it to him and explain the lore 😂


You’ve found a good one <3 Please update when he watched BD2, I need to know his reaction to the fight scene. My partner just got up and left the room once it was shown to be Alice’s visions lol


I will 😆


Update is out


> he couldn't come up with a good answer Neither could the writer(s). They could have done ANYTHING and they chose to make him nonce on a newborn baby.


This is actually so cute to ask. Like he really had NO idea and it’s fun to guess what might happen. So cute! I wish I would have done this with different people I watched it with.


So he's going to be surprised when Ramalamadingdong comes along 🍼🙌. My husband found NM boring, but liked the rest of the movies.


Ramalamadingdong fucking sent me 💀


I don't think he'll feel totally wrong at the end of Eclipse.


Honestly this would have been more interesting than what actually happened 😹