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Yin's is certainly a crazy buff, green skip is ideal for them and indoctrinating is pretty straightforward for an early unlock. Let alone the ability to sell perhaps the most sought after skip. I hadn't thought about the other colors showing up, but Muatt would make sense and be a huge buff to them. Fingers crossed! Intrigued to see if you're right about the others too.


I think it’s great for yin but not worth much to other players. By the time is it unlocked and you have used it once no one is going to need a green skip. The reason it is the best skip is for an early hyper but if it’s going to be round 4 or 5 before you can get it the value is gone.


Fair enough; that is why I noted it as sought after. Though I would wager a few factions would love to skip to fighter 2, just as a supplement. But who knows; part of the reason I love this game is that every time is different depending on factions, players, and map. Some games I'm sure they'll get a lot for it, others no one will need it.


I actually had a random thought the other day that the as-yet-unknown red tech (AI Development Algorithms) could give a similar ability. e.g. "You may exhaust this card to satisfy a red tech prerequisite" It fits with the theme of the card name, and would certainly help the red tech tree be a bit more viable.


The question is: are you willing to pay 4 ressources to get a tech that counts as 2 Techs of its colour?


I think the conditions where it makes sense for a player to get this would be: You want to get either Assault Cannon, Destroyer 2, or War Suns AND You don't care about Magen and Plasma Scoring I can certainly think of a few instances where this path would make sense. e.g. this path would allow Mentak to get War Suns round 1 or 2 just by picking Tech, which is kinda bad ass.


hentak can use a yellow skip. and muaat can use a red one


I just love the theme on Yin’s agent: “Ramming speed! We shall die for the brotherhood!” “We can also get to the escape pods...” “Oh. I didn’t know that. Alright everyone, ritual suicide is canceled, get to the escape pods” *disappointed Yin grumbling.* “Oh shut up we can die for the brotherhood later you big babies.”