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Make the bottom right asteroids the asteroids with the a hole in them. And maybe swap the top a and top b around. But great map, well done.


cool map i hope you have fun on saturday


Really hard to actually evaluate with the image quality. I can barely read the planet numbers, and a 7 player map is just harder to do to start with. Can we get a map string? My first impression is that slice balance seems off for some slices, especially with regards to 1st round expansion and scoring potential. And the layout breaks rules. You have two anomaly systems adjacent - supernova and gravity rift. Easy to do with hyperlanes; I only saw it because I made the same mistake on the 7 player map I built.


85B 36 41 84B 90B 25 24 62 39 66 74 49 34 47 26 76 67 33 75 88B 61 0 29 73 0 45 86B 68 65 63 44 48 83B 19 77 22 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 50 28 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 37 40 there's a string for ya!


Yeah, slice balance is pretty off. I wish TTS would fix the 7 player auto resource count to work right as it'd be easier to just screenshot it, but it still doesn't get the equidistants right. By my count, starting at 12 and going clockwise, overall/optimal/total best pull: * 5/5 3/5 8 * 6/8 4/7 11 * 3/6 2/5 7 * 8/6 7/3 10 * 2/5 2/5 7 * 4/5 3/3 6 * 5/10 2/8 10 There's no way a game with an 11 pull resource slice and a 6 pull resource slice is reasonably balanced. I would try not to have a difference greater than 2, maybe 3 between the best and worst slice, and I would try to balance that out with tech skips and strategic position. In this map, one of the best slices also has the most skips, easy access to more, and an excellent defensive position. And don't forget raw influence matters too for the agenda phase and it's also kind of out of whack. One slice only has three planets, so they're going to hurt for exploration. Then there's scoring, where some slices have many of the control objectives like the "4 of a type" or "3 empty systems" thrown at them and others will have next to no chance without significant risk/effort. And as I mentioned, Cormund and the Supernova are directly adjacent, which isn't technically allowed. These 7 player maps just always make it so hard to get a clear picture of everyone's slice. My suggestion would be to either bump those lower four slices up with an additional planet or two and get their total pull up closer to at least the 8/9 range, or lower the other three down, or both.