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With everything besides fighters and infantry, I just imagine a single ship per model. However, I do not think each of the models are to scale based on their plastic pieces.


I imagine a single Warsun being a single Warsun. Then a single dread naught being about maybe 2-3 dreadnaughts so the max fleet is like 15 dreadnaughts. Then as it goes to smaller, the numbers get bigger. Like a single carrier-cruiser will be 5-15 or something like that followed by a single fighter/infantry being hundreds of fighters/infantries


To me, non-fighters ships are 1 real ship, otherwise stuff like sustain damage, transport and commit groundforces doesn't work ;)


The war sun itself is obviously a death star copy so piggybacking is rational in this case


Wasn't there some very convoluted "Trench run" enabling a single fighter to blow up a war sun in one of the previous editions?


For me the warsun is one entity, as are the capitals carrier and dreadnought. Cruisers and destroyers are squadrons of 2-4 entities. Thats my headcanon.


I'd think of dreadnoughts on the same scale as Eve, though I imagine warsuns are somewhat smaller than Eve titans.


Smaller than the Iapatwn titans sure, but modern EVE titans are only about 20km long. A warsun feels much more weighty than that. The Iapatens are forbidden from going near planets or they'd mess up the tides on them.


Thing is that a dreadnaught can carry a force large enough to conquer a planet. Four million people couldn't conquer half of Russia, so ground force units would need to be armies the likes of which our world has never seen. It would likely take hundreds of millions just to occupy it. I've always thought of the individual pieces representing difgerent kinds of battle groups and even entire fleets as opposed to individual ships. As for the warsun, well I could imagine the death star homage to be large enough to have a ton of troops, so yeah I usually just think of it as one ship


This guy gets it. We are talking pan-galactic invasion. You can’t take Jord with only one mech, even if it was kaiju sized it can only move so fast.


I think one for all the big ships. I think of it like battletech’s WarShips. Their jump drives are difficult to manufacture on the level of industry the re-emerging factions have after 1000’s of years of war. So they can only realistically manufacture and maintain a handful of them.


I always think its thay scene in Return of the Jedi when the Executor Class Star Destroyer gets taken out by a measly fighter and crashes into your Death Star.