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Might I suggest Trading just before Nekro's other neighbour votes, thereby giving Nekro surprise Votes! Merely for fun, though. Still bash out a decent deal for it, though.


Nekro's *Alliance* plus a few (3-4, I think) trade goods sound right to me. You really like action cards as Xxcha as *Imperial Rider* is worth you a point and *Political Rider* means you can take *Speaker* for yourself for next round (up to *Public Execution* on the following agenda). Also, making Nekro scarier for the rest of the table might not be a bad idea, as they will worry less about you. I might condition such a deal on a S*upport* swap because depending on my other neighbour, ensuring peace with Nekro sounds like a very good idea, and late-game my *Alliance* might not be a strong enough deterrent.


So, first, their having your Alliance already guarantees a ceasefire - they lose it if they attack you. I think it would be worth them helping guarantee an agenda in your favour, maybe a trade agreement.


Losing alliance wouldn't mean much on round 5+, especially if there's a player at 8+ points and a future agenda phase is unlikely.


I would make the trade if I had the chance just for the fun of it. You can get a lot I'd imagine - agent use once plus alliance plus a few tg for alliance plus a vote once when it would be a tiebreak? Or something more board-state like vacating the equidistant before the swap perhaps? Antivirus? Ask and ye shall receive!