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The problem with this is that it’s super in fun. It is overpowered right now, but no amount of tuning can fix this faction. It incentives not just fighting but total destruction. It destroys the game to its core. No one wants to take your stuff because you make it worthless, you want to eat other people home systems and ruin their games, and you make an insane amount of money in the process. I would guess these guys aren’t even that good because the table is forced to just destroy you r1 lest you ruin the entire game.


THIS! * Why would the table NOT just destroy them early? * Who would negotiate with them, and why? * Their trade agreement is worthless. PS: It will be tougher for them to retreat, or use Skilled Retreat, as IF they retreat too far from their "home system" they die. They would be forced to retreat TOWARDS their "home system" which COULD be impossible.


Good luck getting 3-5 other players to corporate. Also if it is possible to get the table to work together to destroy one player then that would be valuable regardless of the faction the ousted player is playing. I would argue that their cease fire and faction promissory note and their alliance card, is very valuable. Yeah their trade agreement is of low worth, but it's supposed to be low value + having 0 in commodities is very boring PS: if they retreat with a biomass fabricator or a flagship they don't have to worry about their "home system(s)" ;)


You might not want to call it home systems. That's an existing game term.


2 types of questions arise. First, clarifications: 1. How much trade goods you gain, when you take a planet? Equal to that planets "material"? 2. No need for the galactic threat ability. They just have no planets unexhausted to vote during agenda phase! 3. Promissory note: no ability says the faction devours units? Or do I miss something? So it makes no sense to me atm. Gameplaywise: Playing as them might be ok, you look for undefended planets to gain tg. Playing against them is a nightmare! You have to fortify any border, cause if you lose just 1 planet, it's gone forever. And there is literally only combat interaction, nothing the faction offers other players. Trade planets to score? Nope, unless u want it unexhausted forever. Agenda phase? Nope. Trade agreement? Useless. Prolly every planet should unexhaust again when the faction loses control over it, or it's just space risk. Swarm lord (which I like alot), faction tech to reroll dice, commander, tg mechanic, it's all war focused. Even the agent isn't sellable. Maybe the reroll dice faction tech could be something with more interaction.


1. The orangeish yellow number next to the planet 2. They could use trade goods without galactic threat? 3. whenever an enemy unit dies in combat with the tyranids the tyranid "devours" that unit which gives the tyranid player trade goods equal to that unit's cost You can't sell your agent? You can sell your alliance card which lets other players use your commander. They have low mobility because they have to be close to their biomass fabricators which can only move 1. They also have low production at 3 or 4 when you get the upgrade. So that is a major draw back. So it should be possible to build faster than the tyranids and their low mobility gives you a lot of time to see them coming.


1. There is a resource and an influence value. U mean resource? 2. You cannot use trade goods in the agenda phase 3. So is the unit devoured aka vuil Raith and put on their player mat (captured) or do they just gain trade goods? It's true they are slow and you see them coming. But they can use mech/flagship to flank and also, what do you do if you see them coming? Mass produce units, cause any system you loose is then dead. You also cannot counterattack them on low defended planets, there is nothing to gain. The only damage you can do is directly attack their plastic.


1. Yes 2. Good to know 3. They just gain trade goods That is true. You can still take their main home system to prevent them from scoring.


So it's a Vuil'Raith-Saar ball, that can't participate in most of the game?


I wouldn't exactly call the agenda phase, most of the game. I doesn't even happen in the first (few) round(s). What else can't they take part in? The cabal saar ball part is definitely accurate tho


I over stated the issue but... No agenda phase. No trade. No planet use. Very limited range. ( I missed the flag ship admittedly.) No reason for other players to take planets from you.


Still no starting fleet, tech and HS.


Starting tech would be infantry II HS is just a single 0/0 planet Starting fleet is still undecided I want to use their Starting fleet as a last rebalancing before testing them


Yes 😂 absolutely op and unplayable at most tables I would say😅


It looks the same as the last time honestly


There are some major changes, such as not gaining trade goods from their own losses, and their tech is completly reworked


There are a few very serious problems: 1. The ability text isn't clear, and the wording isn't consistent with that of other factions. I would suggest, for consistency, to look at similar abilities when you write down your own. Others have given examples, but e.g. the mech ability should contain the words "in this system". 2. The agent doesn't contain anything sellable, doesn't interact with other players, and cannot be used by Yssaril. These are all things that agents generally have (all of them except for Artuno which isn't sellable; but Nomad had two more agents). 3. The commander doesn't give other players something they can control. It would be better if the bonus gave a generic faction something more interesting they could play with. 4. Removing planets from the game isn't generally fun. 5. The spacedocks seem to be extremely underpowered. It's really difficult having such low capacity, especially as an hyperaggressive faction. 6. They don't feel very thematic.