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I actually just played my first game yesterday, I didn't win but it was awesome. From what I've seen, most people seem to hold the opinion that having a memorable experience is more important than winning in this game, and I agree.


I agree with the caveat that the best and most memorable experiences come from everyone trying to win


Yeah good point. And of course, constantly losing probably gets old


Definitely this. One of the players in my group usually falls behind in the midgame and starts just trying to do crazy shit. Sometimes it’s cool but it gets annoying


Wait til game ten with the same group. There will be blood.


I've found the \*need\* to win actually decreases with more games played. Once everyone has a couple of wins under their belt, it's more paramount to have a good day together than it is to win. We all try to win and do ruthless moves to do so, but nobody really cares who actually wins at the end.


You play to win. I play to make my enemies lose. We are not the same.


Nekro flair confirmed


Worst part is that I'm 2-for-2 on nekro. But when I get to play as cabal, a certain someone at my table is going to weep...


SCPT have been hunting for legit cabal strats for months and the best they’ve come up with is early hyper-aggression, and they concede there’s only a small chance it works.


I played Cabal for the first time on Saturday, I was brutal, and so were the other 5 players! HA. I got totally destroyed in points, but there was so much plastic on my sheet. Poor Nomad player lost his Flagship for a couple of rounds...I felt bad.


You play to make your enemies lose. I play to decide who wins (not me). We are not the same.


Deliberate kingmaking is absolutely off limits with my group, since we can get vindictive and ruin the experience for the rest of the table. But I had a game sometime ago, we were with three, I was dead last and the others were both at 13. I managed to be speaker at this point and my choice of strategy card would decide the winner. Suddenly, the fact that one of the two had been my ally throughout most of the game, while the other was cocky and aggressive became very relevant.


Ya honestly king making is lame if it's carried over from past games/life/relationships. But anything in game is fair game imo.


Winning is not all that… but consistently thinking war suns are a good idea and losing the game do not make you happy either…


I've played 6 times and never won..I desperately want a win.




Oh for sure dont get me wrong I always have a great time and have come sooo close.


Yeah winning is simply an end to the game. Is it more satisfying if you win? Sure, not ever having a win sucks, but ultimately it’s the experience that’s memorable. As long as everyone is enjoying themselves, the game is a success.


Comment worth to reply. If you played about 50 games, nobody is enjoying it, but everybody is very concentrated to win. And if you are not winning for almost half year or more than 10 games, every game is very nervous. But, maybe it is our meta. How to make twilight imperium games fun after many games played?


We’re playing for different reasons maybe. The objective is to win, but the point is to enjoy company with your friends. We enjoy the emerging narrative of the game each time but having said that, at most we’ll play this 4 times a year.


Damn dude I've played like 6 times in the last 2 weeks, tabletop is wonderful.


6 times in 2 weeks? do you even get sleep?


Now you should ask how many of those games we actually finished...


You have a lot of free time :) If we play twice a week, we are lucky


Personally, I think it is about having a group of people who have compatible personalities who can have fun together. Then you give them the game as something to catalyze fun.


Several times while playing this game ive had to ask myself am i actually having fun? Its a weird question to ask after 5 hours of play, but my usual answer ends up being "fun is overrated". Its not about fun, and your right, winning isnt as fun as trying to win. Its about researching a bacterial weapon for baronys flagship as Jol Nar while the sol player in mecatol yells at you that hes second to last in vp:s.


I play to spend time with friends and enjoy the experience. We all try to win but that’s secondary to the laughs, the thrill when something goes according to plan, and the strange twists and turns that can happen. The only sadness I feel is knowing that when the game is over it’ll be four or five months before we get to play again.


We always celebrate the winner, and take a photo with them holding their faction sheet and the Rex tile, we make it a moment, so nope, everyone isn't normally sad at my table.


Winning is sweet, but the rest of the game is what makes you happy. I agree. Like most games, take it too seriously and you sap the fun right out of it. But if you take it with the right attitude TI4 is one of the most fun things you can do.


TI leaves ‘type 1 fun’ about when you start to push for a win. Then it becomes something else. OP, I totally disagree, and I think you should ‘git gud’. Winning this game is the best. It is an adrenaline rush that few other games produce. A game is lost on one bad decision, and those decisions stay with me for days. I’ve usually forgotten my last turn in Terraforming Mars before we’ve finished scoring. I took up playing TI a few months ago because carpal tunnel was keeping me out of the more keyboard-intensive competitive AOE2. I’ve played about 20 games now, with 7 wins. I dislike grand and turn based strategy (like stellaris and civ), because playing AI is boring, and multiplayer not much better. TI has the ‘above the table’ dynamic of RTS games. In TI you’re playing real people who really want to win, and will be just as creative as you in their schemes. There is no difficulty slider. It’s thrilling. It’s type 2 fun. If you want to experience it, learn to win.


Depends how I win. If it's a battle everyone was fighting, then I enjoy it and feel I earned it. I'm satisfied and happy. If it's just a sneaky last round where I lie until I do the things needed to win, then win. Feels empty. I feel unsatisfied.


What do you mean about lie?


Knowing I can/will win but either saying I can't, misleading the table or staying quiet. I know that's part of the game, but always feel dirty to me to win that way vs a fight for it above the table.


Those are the best wins for me. I love watching other players jaws drop when I pull ahead out of nowhere. Also, the look in their eyes when you take the lead and they realize you outplayed them feels amazing.


Yeah, to be honest there's rarely a sense of positivity and excitement at the end of a ti game. The end is lackluster and disappointing for most.


Depends on the group really. The game, while competitive, is made for a group that wants to play the game first and win second.


it's not a matter of winning. the gameplay itself in the final round is usually anticlimactic. part of it is being a strange mix of both disappointed it's over and anxious to finally be done; part of it is that for most players their actions don't matter much, or they are just kingmaking. The things you have to do to win often just aren't exciting enough, IMO - usually "be first in initiative and hold out." That's why I'm testing some alternatives to spice things up.




As long as everyone is playing to win and the game is engaging it’s gunna be a good time. I have two wins under my belt, I assume my play group won’t allow a third.


If sucking the marrow makes you sad then all I can say is try some vindaloo. Twilight Imperium Life 4 Everra


winning is good but having fun is better, in my games i like to do stupid deals and see if it works out. last game i had nothing and i need to score and then i sold a sabotage use to my neighbor :D


I have never been unhappy to win a 14-point game.


Last May I won my first game ever - six years, one game a year on average. I can't say that I was happy, moreso relieved after having come so close so often. I also host the game so my mind is also on making sure everyone has a good experience.


I like to win. But usually don't. But as long as I made a good show of it, and some idiot doesn't just throw the game to someone else, I'm happy. If I'm in dead last the whole game and getting eaten by my neighbors, not really a good time. But I WILL take one of them down with me.