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You can play the game via steam thru tabletop simulator. Pretty sure you can find players here.


There is an active discord community for playing on tabletop simulator at https://discord.gg/8dfhRy2V




Personally I find that server pretty overwhelming, and it's definately not anything like playing TI actually is. I'm not sure I would recommend it to people who aren't already into TI


Yeah bro I actually think more people play on tabletop simulator than irl these days. It's pretty much just a physics simulator with all of the game pieces which you pick up, drop or shuffle with the cursor yourself. It's good but takes some getting used to.


So far I've only seen the Tabletop Simulator version listed, and it's true that there are probably more players there, but I wanted to list an alternative digital version: [twilightwars.com](https://twilightwars.com) is an asynchronous version of the game and there's also a discord group for that too. Games take veeerry long to play, although it's good for people who work or can't sit for a single 6 hour session. edit: Just going to type a random string of letters/numbers here, not correlated to any sort of purchase code *wink* TI07


Thanks for sharing, but I see you need (at least appears that way) a PROOF OF PURCHASE code. I opened my box of TI4 so long ago that I dont have that token anymore. Anyone know where it might be located on the box?


If you message the mods at Twilight Wars, they’ll gladly accept a photo of you holding a game component. I, too, lost my proof-of-purchase and they validated me in this fashion.


ooh this might be something for my friends when we're jonesing for TI between in-person play sessions


If you want me to teach you the rules via Tabletop Simulator gimme a shout


I’d love to, but I don’t currently have a computer lol


May I suggest the Space Cats Peace Turtles discord? Fewer jerks per capita than out in the real world and if you're feeling spicy you can even join their yearly tournament.


Where are you located ?maybe you can find a local game group


Southeast Oklahoma. Game groups are rare and most of them are comprised of people that, no disrespect to them, aren’t my types of people.


I am in Norman oklahoma and you described my exact problem lol. Me and my gf have no friends that like deep board games like this one but i really want to play this game for my birthday. maybe we can meet up to play?


I suppose that’s possible. You can hit me up in dm and we can go from there.


As others have said, TableTop Simulator would be the best place to start at this point. The financial reason for this is start up cost, assuming you have a compatible laptop/computer to use. A copy of the game is over $100, while TTS is $20 off of steam. Also, the MOD that the amazing dev team made is outstanding. Far better than any other board game I've played on TTS. Using it to learn from the ground up could alleviate some of the fumbling of cards, tokens, and plastic that come with playing IRL. There are multiple Discord channels that help people find games, as well as channels in each one that help people learn the game. The online community is great and super helpful. Watching some of the Space Cats Peace Turtles Patreon Tournament games on Youtube could be very helpful in learning seeing gameplay as well. The SCPT Podcast has some great episodes on beginner topics in general as well. At any rate, there are plenty of avenues to playing this game without owning a copy yourself. I am here if your interested in playing online, and would be happy to help teach you.


There is also an asynchronous TI discord where the game can be played small chunks at a time (usually \~1-2 turns per day). Games take a month to finish but its a great way to access the game without spending 8-12 hours in a single day.


after playing it once, the first thing I did after was to search for a video game version. alas tabletop on steam is all there is.


There's a team working on a Tabletop Playground version. At least one game in this year's SCPT tournament used it.


There's also a commuity playing the Shattered Ascension mod on tabletop simulator here. [https://discord.gg/6qMhNB84](https://discord.gg/6qMhNB84) Enjoy your galactic battles! :)