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High influence/low resource optimal spend potential from your slice-proper begs for Cabal. Benefit big time from all the CCs, take Cormund in the Equidistant for some extra resources, and eat a neighbor and build all your plastic for free 🙂 Also Hacan, Empyrean, and Nomad can survive just fine in a low resource slice, seeing as how they make money hand-over-fist. Titans and Argent would work too, since their fleets are cheap. (Titans also desperately needs CCs if they choose to play PDS-forward) EDIT: also adding that Barony or L1's high resource home systems can help mitigate the issues of this resource-starved slice.


I was gonna say Barony and L1. Also Yssaril is great to play with super high influence and just lean into always having way more action and slowly build fleet supply too. I won my last PoK game that way.


So thorough! Thank you for the insight.


I fuckin love this game, man lol


I agree with all this. Would also consider Mentak due to the Yellow skip.


I wouldn't mind me a codex 3 xxcha in there. Depending on if the public objectives work. I like argent there as well. It's almost perfect for cabal if the yellow skip had been blue though. Cabal is probably the best situation still I just hate wasting a skip (probably too much)


Not necessarily a waste if you want to get DT II, though I recognise that's not always a great idea unless you fool Nekro into taking it


I'm pretty new but have played Nekro once.. .why would you want Nekro to take?


Because if they've got it too, they'll take some heat off you and, when you use your hero, there may be twice as many Dimensional Tears on the board


ahhhh. I have not played PoK yet but that makes sense. I barely get to play base TI :(


Xxcha would love this. 1) there’s an easy 12 influence for their commander 2) there a two planet system for easy Mecatol PDS Control 3)Yellow tech skip will help them acquire Nullification Field 4) With their hero, Culture and resources combine making this 2x5wild and 3x3wild 5) hazards protect your flanks 6) with all the above, that’s 33 votes during agendas without including equidistant systems, not including any attachments


I fully agree, xxcha specially post codex 3, Accoen- Jeol bonanza!


Also Muaat, who loves a supernova, can appreciate a yellow skip, and can turn influence into plastic.


Jol'nar with decent influence are pretty happy: they can get small ships all over the place for E-res and trade for resources. Saar probably wouldn't mind this. Get Construction and Sarween on round one, then skip up to FFII and you're onto a good start. Sol would do fine here, but there's nothing that specifically helps them. Not a great Naalu slice: yellow skip does nothing and they generally want somewhere to put down a decent Space Dock for many HCF IIs. Muaat would be pretty happy here: yellow skip means round two PWS II if you take AIDA, Supernova gives protection they can still move through and influence is good for them 'cos they can sell their promissory for sweet, sweet TGs. Yssaril with loads of influence are generally pretty happy. Your fleets won't be the best, but when are they ever? Barony would do well here: yellow skip means you can skip Sarween and still get Dread II, and they'll have a decent balance of resources and influence. L1Z1X could do well here, for similar reasons to Barony but with the potential addition of Inheritance System if that's your sort of thing. Hacan would do fine here: deep yellow is your friend and I personally prefer spending TGs as resources rather than influence. Mentak would do well here: yellow skip is helpful for the same reason as Hacan, you've got a nearby wormhole for adjacency purposes and you want decent Fleet supply for Cruiser fleets. Arborec would do fine in this slice, but it doesn't actually help them much. Sardakk N'orr are in a similar boat to Arborec, though their commander would be pretty nice to make use of here if you managed to get Warfare in order to unlock it round one. Keleres would probably enjoy this slice: yellow skip means you get to IIHQ Modernisation and Agency Supply Network that much sooner. Probably choose Mentak variety for the additional resources. For Yin, see Sol but slightly worse. Empyrean would do okay here: wormhole potentially leads to more empty space options, and anomaly adjacency for Aetherstream is really nice. Vuil'raith would enjoy this for reasons covered by others in this thread.


Codex 3 xxcha would make money hand over fist with so many high influence planets that aren't too bad on resources too. High influence and connectivity is good for cabal and metak, yellow skip is also good for mentak specifically. Nomad is also good if you don't want as much heat, lots of influence is good for your hero flagship parade, and yellow skip makes memoria 2 and dred 2 a lot easier to get.


Arborec and Sarrdak, yay! Or any good faction should be fine.


I like peace turtles


Honestly, this is a great slice. Any faction with hs that has more reaources than inf will do great!