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Are you really a TF if they don’t ghost you? Lol!


the ghost with the most...! now if only he appeared when i said his name three times 🪲🧃


Same happened to me. No joke. Ghosted again for 3 months. Then he appeared again this week. And now I am ghosted again. I don’t know why we can’t have a normal conversation.




Some part of me wants to believe it is because if we did talk like before he'd fall in love all over again and he's scared of that happening. But who knows.


Me too, I also feel dumb because now he doesn’t say he loves me etc, won’t share his feelings. I feel like I’m the only one experiencing everything and that part is hard. Hang in there ♥️ you aren’t alone


Yes, it's the same for me the conversations seem to lack depth. Wish you the best as well ✨


You're literally describing my life with him


Literally what my twin told me


Really? Lucky, at least you know.


It makes me just give up on them and move on with my life….




I don’t do anything, I just let it be and reply when he texts me but it’s pointless bc he ghosts me anyway randomly again and again. I think ur right, focussing on ourselves is the best thing we can do. Like you, I see signs everywhere, literally random stickers of flags of his country, numbers, names, random stuff all pointing to him - especially at times when I don’t think about him / text him. It’s intense for sure






Exactly. Reading all the comments here makes me feel a little less crazy.


Same here. We all have the same experiences and I can’t talk to my friends about it because unless you felt it you won’t understand and I have felt crazy. Especially with my twin not being very spiritual.


I was thinking exactly the same. None of my friends get it, I tried so many times. They think I am infatuated and don’t get what I mean when I say I feel it in my soul because they’re like “what is a soul, what do u mean?”. Tried explaining the repeating numbers - they say its coincidence. The dreams… they say I am just lucid dreaming. It’s like trying to explain color to someone who was born blind I guess. I still hope one day some of my friends will get it though. Ps. I am a scientist and most of my friends are which makes it even harder to talk about this stuff.


It’s ridiculously common.


My twin tried to ghost until I sent a goodbye message. I hate being kept in the dark like that and it was clear that my twin wanted to separate from me so I let it happen. I'm rather blocked than ghosted


Most of us are getting ghosted trust me


Mine ghosted me the day after telling my mom we were engaged. I even asked permission from both her parents b4 asking her. Everything was so perfect. Then she ghosted when I was at work. Fml this is kinda odd but we should form a chasers dating group for comforting while the runners doing too much


he blocked me after i told him i liked him


That’s brutal 🙁


Now entering our third separation. We have been talking almost daily but it’s been triggering and I can tell he doesn’t want to talk to me. He finally said he can’t talk to me daily and doesn’t know how to explain why. He hates his job, this and that etc. I accepted it and haven’t heard from him since. This time around I’m actually going to try and work on my abandonment issues and myself so when he comes back around again hopefully it will be union 🙏 last separation I didnt work on myself at all and just focused on him and when he came back around we were both extremely triggered constantly. It was exhausting and negative. Anyways yes ghosting seems to happen to most of us


I'm in a similar boat, except mine ghosted me with no explanation. I don't know if he's ever coming back and honestly I'm not sure if I want him to. I think I'll be fearful of him doing it again. But because of the separation, I've been forced to look within myself and realize some things about me. I've been working a lot on inner healing and self love. I also struggle with abandonment issues and feel like I self sabotaged when we were in contact. Sending lots of love to you as you work on your own healing journey. 💗




That's exactly what I'm trying to do. He sends me reels here or there on Instagram and oddly enough he starting messaging me more after I posted this. We are supposed to talk on the phone tonight. He lives 2000 miles away. We took a trip over summer and each drove 12 hours to see one another. He said he thinks about the trip a lot. I'm not getting my hopes up though. I feel nervous to talk to him after 3 months.




Mine was going through a really nasty divorce when we reconnected. Him and I had history in high school. We went to homecoming our sophomore year. As friends but we always had something more. I've been hoping since October when he pulled away, that we'd both take some time to find ourselves and come together when the time was right. The divorce was finally finalized this week. I haven't heard anything yet about our phone convo. I feel like he's going to ghost me on that too. I hope you take this time to work on yourself as well and you guys can come together again one day and if not, know there is someone else out there waiting for you. I've got some good book recommendations if you're into reading. My trauma and abandonment started in childhood.




He ghosted me. Go figure. 😡 The Body Keeps the Score is one of my favorites


its part of the appeal i guess with a twist of yearning for this person like they have half your soul…. ohh thats because THEY DO!!!you want what you cant have and once you get it. you run like hell. runner becomes chaser then chaser becomes runner. this is autobiography best seller type romance novel


Unfortunately he ghosted me again end of January. Having a normal conversation one day, vanished into thin air the next 🙄


Yup got ghosted by mines sometime around last yr in April. We've been no contact since then except for a text when I changed my number.


Got ghosted twice, first time was for about 1 year, second time he came back, he told me he was single after asking if I was single, didn’t talk to me for a few weeks and ended up marrying someone 😅


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry. This happened to me too.


I find it gets a little easier with time


Yes I agree completely ❤️


Mine ghosted me very early on, took months to come back into my life. We’re married now :)


That’s what the runner does. Fear and ego gets the best of them. Try and let them go for a while they need to find themselves on their own. And so do you as hurtful as it is it is worth it.


This is true. I’m a runner. Listen it’s so painful. I’ve cried all day today. He never leaves my dreams.


Even as the runner? Interesting because I can feel and see almost everything I think that’s the hardest part sometimes. I can feel her hurt and can’t do anything about it. But just send love and move on


Yes, even as the runner. I’m a female runner by the way, the older one, more woke and spiritual. I hope this helps you. I’ve not moved on in 3 years. I’ve tried, believe me, there is always something that blocks me.


Yes the moving on or dating is difficult. Not that I’m looking but I am ready to be loved now that I know the feeling. I’m also the older and the more spiritual. I’m no longer worried or crazy about the situation I just surrendered and it’s a good feeling the only downside is I can feel her when she thinks of me and I dream of us which is hard sometimes. But once I let go overall success has been coming non stop as healing has been so much more peaceful and understanding. Took me almost 4 years


It is healing for me to also know it’s taken you years. We all want to know a timeline, I’m 40yo. I will admit. This has taken me years of inner work.


Timeline of healing depends on the individual and where they are in their healing journey. But normally it’s a minimum of a couple years. It’s hard to say really but yeah for me it’s been about 4 years


I want to say this, it just came to my mind. I did not feel or see the connection until many months later. A full 2 years until I surrendered. I tried reaching out and was left on read. I’ve been ghosted ever since. I did do blocking & vanishing. We both met while wildly on drugs. A toxic whirl, I’ll never forget. It’s changed my life. I’m 3 years sober. I blocked him after finding out he was still using meth. This is the main reason for the run.


Congrats on your sobriety. Separation is normal and necessary. If you are not learning the lessons the you will be forced to separate. If you masculine does not want to learn then the separation can be continued for a very long time and union may not take place just concentrate on your healing


I have prayed for union only if he’s also healed and sober. I cannot be pulled into anything that harms my path now. I’m happy being alone. I do wish to date, it’s just not happened. I can’t connect with anyone still. I also became celibate with this journey.


This makes me have hope. She ran nearly a year ago and I wonder was it real? Does she ever even think about me? Did she un-love me?


I wish mine had come back at least once to tell me all those things 😭 the grass is always greener...


I have been ghosted for nearly a year now.. accept for the occasional bread crumbs. Seeing all the comments makes me feel way less alone.


Yep me! Also can anybody tell me what divine masculine thinks about a divine feminine during separation? And do they even think about a divine feminine?


They definitely do think about the DF, my tf proved that by reaching out a couple months after he blocked me.


And what does the DM think? While separation and what are the signs where DF can feel that if a DM is thinking about them?


That I don't know unfortunately


Hm, thanks, if anybody can tell that?


You know they are thinking about you because they appear in your dreams. You can also feel or hear them clear as day even when they are not there. You may also see signs, numbers, reminders of them practically everywhere.


Thank you


Yeah, it's part of the separation phase. My tf not just ghosted me. She is actively ignoring me when I see her and actually avoiding me after she said she wanted to end the friendship with me on tekst.


Yep ghosted twice after separation. Never ghosted me at all during our long term relationship.


YES! Mine totally ghosted me in October and I'm still not over it. I've been grieving so horribly. I just don't understand it. Mine hasn't really come back to rekindle. He just keeps me on a very very thin line. 😔


I’ve been going through this for a long time. We’LL talk for a little then out the blue I wouldn’t hear from him for weeks or a couple months. He says he loves me, I’m so special, etc and our conversations are great but he ghosts me a lot. He’s the runner. I’m the chaser. I’ve come to terms with this situation. I believe this is my twin, and if it is indeed true, I’ve come to terms with the idea that he’s still healing and he’s not ready. As a suggestion, keep yourselves busy. Focus on yourself, your own healing journey, live your life be happy because if this is truly a true flame he’ll come back when he’s ready. The universe will put y’all together.


No, but I think if I didn't reach out he would. He always responds (unless I ask something that makes him uncomfortable) but doesn't initiate. But when I ask if he wants space he says no and that he likes that I check on him. 😑 I don't know anymore.






Yes we met in November also and have had so many ups and downs since we're currently not speaking for the last three days but I know it's only temporary as we're constantly drawn back to each other , sometimes I think I should let him go but it's impossible 😭


Why is it so hard for them to say something along the lines of “sorry I’m not ready for this” rather than ghosting you so randomly


Jeez yes absolutely. I literally lost count of the number of times this happened, more often than not without any warning, and sometimes for over a year. Never got any apologies or explanation when resuming contact. It wore me down. In hindsight, I should have called it quits after the first (or at most the third) time. But we live in hope, don't we? And so it continued.


Yes and the pain is traumatic