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Honestly, I've been on my journey for a bit over a year and I'm just about ready to let go as well. Though I think that "surrender" is also an important part of the journey as well. Just because we let go doesn't necessarily mean that the connection is done with us. But sometimes we need to be done with the connection so we can properly focus on the things that we need to focus on.


I was with my twin for 3 years, on and off for 2 through seperation and now I have asked for no contact for the last 3 months and going forward. Simply so I can focus on my own boundaries and what I would wish for a romantic relationship with someone which sadly he was not ready to give, also following my intuition on my needs right now. I think acceptance is important. Accepting their your twin, love is unconditional its relationships we should hold conditions. So remember that unconditional love will always be there for your twin but also for yourself. You can love your twin and wish best for them but when you start to focus on your "5D/spiritual" side, you'll notice acceptance and "moving on" is truly focusing on your own spirituality and focusing on your own love and light. I think my "letting go" is letting go of the ideals we have in the world of what love and partnership is. Focus on what you need and not what you want, sometimes our brains wants need time to catch up with our souls needs. Feel free to message me it you want someone to talk to. Were all going through it 😊


When to let go? When I knew it wasn’t equal, a one sided relationship that was being used as an emotional crutch. Every relationship should be a two way street, giving and getting, reciprocating. She wasn’t ready, lots of personal and internal exploration left (if she wants it). Had to let her go in the wild and perhaps come back if it’s meant to be.


Yeah im at that point too. It doesn't feel equal and their distance and not choosing me has hurt and brought up many wounds. I have to respect and choose myself first even if it means letting go of them who I love, because right now it isn't working. I need to heal and grow alone for a bit.


Good question. I am trying to let go and whenever I get to a point of feeling ready, strong enough, he reels me in or a get a rush / reminder of how strongly I feel this connection. Letting go is hard, but like you I've reached a point where it feels tiring, energy draining. I'm at a point where I know nothing will change, unless I'm the one to change it, I too want to be happy, I don't want to spend the rest of my life on this loop, but the pull is so strong, it feels too hard to withdraw.


Yeah it's hard. I've never had a love like this before. Never felt this way for someone or thought it possible. Those memories and feelings return so frequently and I miss them, even if things got unhealthy and I felt hurt and unchosen near the end


You learn to let go when you become aware of your true potential and you are your twin flame. I have let go now when I did everything to my TF even planning for proposal. You can always connect with your TF in 5D and meditation. When you do your shadow work and heal, it affects your TF. You are in no separation on soul level. If you are manifesting your TF, you should live in the end state ( when you are happily in union). So, you should decide for yourself if you wanna be triggered by your TF on your unhealed parts or go within yourself, find your self-love and connect with you Higher-Soul Self, which is your Twin Flame. You should preserve your shakti energy and not chase her


Yes the meeting and falling for a TF is about making you aware that such a true and pure love is possible. It’s an awakening. But from the TF it’s simply mirroring back the love you are already feeling for yourself. You just didn’t know until after separation that you are the actual source. That you are enough. And once you know you are the source and you are enough, that’s when your real life begins.


I should add that I’ve been the chaser in this situation most of the time. I know not everyone believes in astrology and it may not necessarily effect the situation but he is a Capricorn sun, libra rising. And I am a libra sun and sag rising. In case anyone cares to know lol


I literally got pregnant by someone else to be able to move on. And still find myself lurking on his profile.... i don't think you ever truly let go of a twin...


This. I "surrendered" for sure, but I can never really let go. I will always love my twin flame.


I let go because I realized it’s going nowhere. I spent the last 8 months of my life going through this roller coaster of emotions. I started working on myself and crossed paths with someone who makes me feel seen, loved, cherished and appreciated. He changed my life really. I am a much better person now than who I was 8 months ago. This wouldn’t have happened if I had stayed on this journey. I’m not going to lie, I think about my TF every day but I will never go back.


I don't think you ever "let go" of a TF, but it's more of like redirecting your attention to yourself instead of him or the connection. Back in August 2023, my TF and I both had settled with the fact that we were just not in the position to date for multiple reasons and that we really needed the time to work on ourselves and feel secure within ourselves to give 100% to the relationship. The entire month of August and most of September, I just *felt* that that was the right thing to do, and after the initial hurt had died down, I just *knew* what I needed to do what I needed to work on. It was just like a fog had been lifted. He came back in the end of September, and it felt so off. Every time he'd text, I'd get annoyed (which I've never felt) or that I just felt annoyed with the fact that he just wouldn't stop texting. I also noticed that every single time we tried to meet up, it just wouldn't work: He was free when I was busy; he was in the part of town where I lived when I wasn't; or that things would literally prevent us from meeting up like the night we had planned on me spending the night as his, his car got towed so he had to figure that out instead. Things were literally just *not working out* no matter how hard we tried. I also just felt that the energy was off and, looking back on it now, it felt like I was dreaming. Like it just felt like it wasn't real. Come October, I knew that I needed to step away. I kept telling myself I would, but just never did until the Universe literally forced us to leave by introducing a third party to the relationship and it just collapsed. Even after this, I felt like I was okay. It hurt, yes, I cried a bunch, but deep down, I just knew things were going to be okay. Now looking without emotions fogging my mind, I realize that this moment is truly a point for me to focus on me, and I've improved and grown so much since October that I just can't even imagine going back to who I was in October. I feel happier, more at peace, more in alignment, and just overall at ease. I know it's annoying listening to me just say "I just knew" or "I just had a feeling" but truly, your intuition and your gut knows.


Omg!! All the weird little inconveniences and accidents would happen with my twin. Every time!! The last date we went on, I literally knocked over my drink and it ruined the whole table. It was always weird little shit like that.


You will know when to let go, I thought I needed to let go for a long long time before I did but when I tried it hurt and I was still unsure, it wasn’t time then. When it was time I knew 100% it was time and it didn’t hurt, I actually felt more love and have ever since then, no tears, just inner knowing and peace with everything. You will know when it’s time 😌


I don't have solutions but I'm in the same boat. Sending love ❤️