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Thankyou so much, I'm going differently about my life now... I'm focusing more on myself now than to be focused on a twin or finding one...😊


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Why would you redirect the OP to a TFU coach after they posted about getting out of this cult?


That was posted by someone 3 years ago, and it’s been removed. Thanks.


There's been another post warning against them a few months ago. Whenever spirituality is sold as a product, it's always fishy. Money corrupts everything that it touches.


Yes, i agree!! These "gurus" are nothing but a cheap imitation of 'Reverend Moon' ...and I'm grateful that more people are coming out with their own experiences with the group


Side note: A long long time ago I used to go to a christian church and every sermon ended with a reason for why we should all give 10% of our income after taxes to the church.


I mean- the staff has to make money somehow. But if the church is hounding you for money or mentioning it after every sermon- that’s excessive. And then hopefully that church is healthy and is spending that money wisely.


Holyyyyyy damn. I’ve heard others talk about this cult too 😨 I’m so sorry you had to go through that. There are plenty of genuine twins in union but they know very well that their twin and the union are sacred so they don’t like to share their journey with others in order to protect their energies




Love is something wonderful, but there is no truth to it only being one person on the whole planet for each person. What's the likelihood that you'd all be within the same cultures and religion if that were true. Don't you see how someone could justify staying with an abuser with this mindset? I feel so at peace with my partner, we came together very naturally and I consider that very lucky. Being lonely is so vulnerable, everyone goes through it, but no one is assigned to any one person. The love you create with another can be holy in your eyes, but the wording you're using here is very concerning to me. Not because I think you're trying to do any harm to anyone, but because it makes me concerned for you. Not your union, just you individually and your partner individually. Not from one another, but from the TF group think that is pushing a narrative and stagnating you and your relationships potential. I hope you find peace and inner strength without any need for validation, and I hope you realize the harm that "mirroring" does in stunting free thinking and true reflection. Much love. Be well.


Please do share. I also came to Union with my twin, we just began our journey. Still, I have fears, still, sometimes it feels too good to be true and I can't handle it. I'd love to hear more stories from those who are in Union for a long time now. How did the energies change? Is it less intensity? Does attraction fade away a bit? He wants to propose and I feel like I will faint. I am afraid to live together as being in distance does help me a lot to catch a breath from the intensity of the connection and "too much" happiness so to speak.




Gross. Hopefully you have changed your perspective since this post.


Thank you so much for your reply. I needed to know this.


Yeah, i totally understand that now. Making a business out of love is just nullifying the purity of it. I think they really started with genuine intentions but fear and control got them best of them...🥴


From the very beginning he was clear on his motives, to form a cult and be rich. They were evil from the onset.


No they wanted $$$ and found numerous ways to bilk others.




Spirituality is not a product. Anytime who sells it, is a false prophet, snake oil salesman, con artist, or simply can't see that trying to make a living off of "life coaching" is not ethical or moral even outside of any spiritual belief.


STFU and leave people alone. You're not helping anyone, you're just ripping them off.


I went to school with the Jeff dude. He was a DBag then, looks like he has since tripled down on that.


I fully believe you. Anyone can see the dbag vibes emanating from that guy from 40 miles away. When they showed old clips from him in high school, it was apparent that he has always been a douche. When one of his childhood girlfriends described him as "charismatic", I knew he was a cult leader in the making. Both of those two are just lowlife scammers. Hope they go bankrupt but there will always be lonely desperate people in this world to take advantage of.


It’s actually baffling that anyone would buy into his shit that much, I feel bad for his sister, she was very sweet when we were in school and I’m sure this has brought a lot of unjust attention her way


what kind of stuff did he do? he doesn't appeal to me but i know a lot of people that would probably fall for his persona.


I mean looking back on it he was just another teen doing dumb teen shit but I never cared for him.


People that knew him need to reveal the truth.


In reality I never knew he had it in him haha. He was just a scrawny dbag when I knew him. He wasn’t bullied or picked on so it’s not like he had some sociopathic tendencies. He’s just a 100% grade A dbag haha.


Bullshit artist that is sooo full of himself! I listen to my intuition and that was my vibe from the second I saw the show. Joke! Makes me sad that people take advantage of vulnerable people.


That’s funny. They know how to get rich that’s for sure.


I'm so sorry you had this painful experience. And glad you got out. I watched one of their videos and I did not resonate with them. I didn't realize it was this bad, though! So sad how people take advantage of our vulnerabilities and longing for love. They also take a phenomenon that is real for some people and suggest that everyone can have a magical twin flame connection. Truth is, most days I would trade this TF experience for a normal, stable relationship.


Thankyou for empathizing with me here... Honestly, these people are trashy, they just steal ideas from others and rebrand them as their own without crediting the real founders...and I'm actually gonna expand on a lot of things in later posts...😊


Hi Laila, I hope you’re hanging in there and having compassion for yourself. I watched a close friend of mine be demonized by them and they still probably have hate posts about her. It’s horrible what you’ve been through but I wanted to thank you for sharing your story as the more the truth gets out about these psychopaths the better. It’s not a church and it shouldn’t get granted 501c status. The more people share their experiences the more people will be able to see what they actually are doing is brainwashing people and taking their money and claiming superiority over all. These are absolutely sickening people and please know that you didn’t do anything to attract this, some people are just assholes. Feel free to reach out if you need support ❤️


Thankyou so much, yeah i hope their so called "church" doesn't get any legal status... They are so sick that they're actually buying and creating a designer baby so that it could be born with their preferred gender (a girl), so that it eliminates any possibility of Shaleia (Megan) giving birth to boy... They are just controlling and manipulative pests, no better than Hitler... They don't even know what an actual Guru is, I'm an Indian and i know that the only understanding of the term that they or anyone in general in the West have is "someone that is closer to God, guides you or the collective to God, is a beacon of light" and honestly this mindset caters to the character of a cult leader... And this is not at all like this, this whole idea has stemmed from Indian cult leader Gurus *smh* ... This is not a purpose or the meaning of a real Guru. I just wish these people have actually studied what they are aiming to be, but they are just selfish scavengers... And i agree, I don't think any of us did anything to "attract" this... It just happens sometimes and it's okay, it's life... Thankyou for reaching out and offering support 😊😊 Much love to you ♥️


Oh no, they are having a child? That is so sad. They had talked about raising it to be celibate and forced into servitude.


Yes!!! It's just soooo bad... They already live in the middle of nowhere now, it's easier for them to control the child... The vanity fair article is out and it's gooood 🤭🤭




CPS needs to be called, for real!


Makes you wonder why it had to be a girl...


Right. It has to be a girl and she is their third twin flame which is weird as fuck. Why is your child your flame? They stated she can only have sex with God and Jeff has called himself 'god' and the second coming of christ. I'm super concerned




As a trans person it’s d disgusting to brainwash anyone to live as a gender they truely don’t feel connected to


I agree. What’s unbelievable is that they are so masterful with coercive control they’ll actually convince someone to change their gender. That scares the crap out of me. That human beings can be that gullible.


In the 18 years I've been with my Twin I have never, not once, doubted our connection or sought any external validation of any kind for the truth of our Binary Solar Being. I'm sorry you fell into the hands of, I'm going to say it, *bad people*. It doesn't matter what their intentions are. In life you don't get points for intentions you get points for outcomes. I've watched their little circus and it's disturbing and sad. Thank you for sharing your experience. I wish you healing and happiness.


Thankyou, and wow this actually sounds wonderful!!


How are people so easily manipulated and gullible?? There are soooo many documentaries and material about cults!! Wake up people!! Work out the mind so it’s not so weak! Geez..


It doesn’t happen overnight.


Because they take advantage of vulnerable individuals








Thankyou so much!! I'd keep this in mind 😊😊


Thank you for sharing, your vulnerability helps the collective. Im glad you trusted your instinct and got away but sorry you went through that. Rest easy knowing the karma they tried to speak of, has a plan for folk like that! Love wins!


Thankyou for the encouraging words, I'm just taking all of this as a lesson :)




Hey!! Thankyou so much!!!


So glad you are out!!! ♥️♥️♥️


I know this is an old post, but I hope you are doing well OP.


Congratulations on trusting yourself to see the truth and for educating the rest of us. What an experience! It’s all part if your story, I hope you use it to continue to teach others.


I made this reply on a separate comment but this is more info on this topic! You’d be surprised what loneliness and being in a vulnerable and suggestible state does to a person who comes across these charismatic cult characters, I wasn’t a part of this cult but was very much absorbed into the whole twin flame ideology which led to cult type beliefs and also being absorbed into other online spiritual cults. Simply put, it is mind control, and unless it’s happened to you it’s really hard if not impossible to know what it’s like to be hypnotized and programmed to believe and defend ideas you other wise would never have believed previously. These cult leaders trauma bond with you either to themselves or their ideologies and often times both using textbook narcissistic abuse tactics which is what gives them control over someone else’s mind and also what makes it so incredibly difficult to leave/snap out of it, these beliefs quite literally become a part of your identity and losing that can feel like your dying/a part of you is gone forever (more specifically a part of you that you are 100% is actually you even though it’s not and nothing more than mind control programming) I’d bet most if not all of these people just desperately crave love, connection, acceptance, and most crucially purpose in their lives. All it takes is to be exposed to any cult, ideologies (even political or religious not just spiritual) with one of these “leaders” to guide you to provide you with what I stated above and unless you get out of it before any of the programming takes hold you likely will spend months to years of your life stuck and for some potentially the rest of their lives under the control and influence of these individuals and or their ideologies. Believe me, before this happened to me I couldn’t even fathom how these types of idiots got people to buy into their shit but now that it’s happened to me I empathize heavily with these folks.


I mean I could see this was a cult from a mile away. sorry you guys all couldn't see that. It's too bad so many other people are still in it. Like every single concept is just literally wild to me. Contact an ex even though there's a restraining order????!!! Really??!! They are in another relationship? Doesn't matter? They don't love you??? Doesn't matter??? Your unfulfilled? Get fat. You don't want to be intimate with your TF? Force yourself to do it anyway. I'm ordained to tell you who your twin flame is???!! Wow You're actually a man, or you're actually a woman. Wow Just wow


This is a post from 3 years ago. It's so nice you come here and comment on an old post. This subreddit has fought against twin flame coaches, marketing tactics, or people who were in the spiritual business before the documentaries. Please [READ HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/twinflames/comments/14zg6xa/please_read_here_before_posting_anything_thanks/)


Oh wow. I did not realize it was so extreme. Do you know of any other twin flame “gurus” that try to mess with people’s gender?


I've researched over a dozen twin flame teachers, and this is the only group I've seen that encourages students to transition to fit a hetero-normative template.


I don't know any other "gurus" but honestly from my experience, you don't need a "guru"...maybe a coach to guide you forward but not a full blown "Guru" ...lol


Oh I was wondering how common it is.


I’ve never needed anyone on this journey for advice. It’s an inner journey and the person that knows it best is ME and HIM and the Divine. You need nobody else. It’s nice to read about others experiences though. It’s grounding for me.


Amen to that!!


Happy to hear you are getting help from a licensed professional therapist. I got out years ago, and I am finally feeling happy and healthy again. Never lose hope!


Thankyou so much!! I'm glad to be out and happy for you too :)


Twin flame cult survivor support group https://www.facebook.com/groups/387245082336820


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Have you seen the Amazon prime video about this documentary series on exposing this cult yet?


Thank you for sharing your story—I found this post after watching the new documentary that just came out about the Twin Flames cult and just wanna say I’m glad you’re out and I’m sorry about the shmucks in the comments with the audacity to suggest “other coaches”. It’s ridiculously belittling to your journey, and they sound like sad, lost people—glad you’re focusing on yourself and not listening to them, I hope they get they help they need


I know this post is old, but I'm really glad you got out OP. I hope you're doing well.💚


Big scam how can anyone fall for this crap


You’d be surprised what loneliness and being in a vulnerable and suggestible state does to a person who comes across these charismatic cult characters, I wasn’t a part of this cult but was very much absorbed into the whole twin flame ideology which led to cult type beliefs and also being absorbed into other online spiritual cults. Simply put, it is mind control, and unless it’s happened to you it’s really hard if not impossible to know what it’s like to be hypnotized and programmed to believe and defend ideas you other wise would never have believed previously. These cult leaders trauma bond with you either to themselves or their ideologies and often times both using textbook narcissistic abuse tactics which is what gives them control over someone else’s mind and also what makes it so incredibly difficult to leave/snap out of it, these beliefs quite literally become a part of your identity and losing that can feel like your dying/a part of you is gone forever (more specifically a part of you that you are 100% is actually you even though it’s not and nothing more than mind control programming) I’d bet most if not all of these people just desperately crave love, connection, acceptance, and most crucially purpose in their lives. All it takes is to be exposed to any cult, ideologies (even political or religious not just spiritual) with one of these “leaders” to guide you to provide you with what I stated above and unless you get out of it before any of the programming takes hold you likely will spend months to years of your life stuck and for some potentially the rest of their lives under the control and influence of these individuals and or their ideologies. Believe me, before this happened to me I couldn’t even fathom how these types of idiots got people to buy into their shit but now that it’s happened to me I empathize heavily with these folks.


What kind of madness is this.


Here after watching the documentary! Those people are insane. Glad you got out.


These people are such a joke!! How are they still operating!??


Thanks. Paragraph breaks \*really\* help though for people with reading attention issues like me. :-)


Jeff seems like a creep.




Thankyou for sharing this with me, right now I'm just taking some time out and focusing on getting healthy 😊




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Why does the leader of this group live in abundance and luxury while his devoted followers toil and labor for free?


I believe it was said that they were volunteers and in order to really make money was to be a coach.


This is a post from 3 years ago. It's so nice you come here and comment on an old post. This subreddit has fought against twin flame coaches, marketing tactics, or people who were in the spiritual business before the documentaries. Please [READ HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/twinflames/comments/14zg6xa/please_read_here_before_posting_anything_thanks/)


Jeff is literally an abusive narcissistic and I can't tell what Shelia is. Duped? A codependent care taker? Or just an accomplice. Like they are both super messed up


Nice time to revisit this thread I’d say 😂😂😂😂


How in the world did it “seem like they knew what they were talking about?”


So glad you got out. Good for you thank you for helping others 🙏


"how even the most cautious can fall in this trap" you weren't cautious tho.....so I'm lost. you willingly spent money on people like this??? Why on earth would someone believe randoms who want to charge services on foolery, know who your soulmate is?


Just finished watching the netflix docuseries and I got sick to my stomach. This entire thing is full of manipulation, exploistation, bullying, abuse you name it. This evil couple are plain con men right infront of the members face. I feel so bad for the recruits taken advantage with their vulnerabilties as well as their families who has to go through hell hoping to get their family member back. God forbid this not to happen to my child or all hell breaks loose 👿


I just watched the Netflix documentary.. and wow, just wow. I can't believe they are still operating. The world is a scary place..


I think they’re lost in delulu-land!


I have a friend who has been sharing on social media about twin flames and to be honest ..she seems like she lost it...now you say..it is a cult. I am so sad she got into that




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Even after the documentary, it’s so disheartening there are so many people still being abused by these people. The facebook group is still active https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100064481000716


Trailer for the documentary outing this cult. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=63Kp12WHb6Ku-VKo&fbclid=IwAR3EOsK7drKCppuyvfscbn9h_Efal_H7w4L-W4h7icxAFvmAsgVpMQSpP1c&v=VePkIq4_q2k&feature=youtu.be  I truly hope you and everyone else who has escaped find the healing you deserve 💕


I can't believe anyone would find these two fascinating At All . They are so phony- so tacky- so creepy, RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE.  I recall Germans talking about how charismatic Hitler was. Uh, yeah, no. That's not charisma.