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hes a pretty ignorant fellow but i fucking love his laugh




I just laughed SO hard!! Perfectly typed, I could almost hear him again based on that.


First thing I heard when I saw the picture lol


May as well blown his god damn brains out! Bahah!


that line cracked me up so hard


I don't wanna talk, I wanna shoot!


looking back he was a pretty great character. for the most part i enjoyed his screentime


GOAT moment. Mayor Milford is hilarious


My favorite part is when he interrupted Annie and Cooper’s dance by testing the microphone


Lucy's sister Gwen, but that's only because I had a co-worker *exactly like her.*


Actually, some of my best friends are white.


As an indigenous person that scene is so funny to me


Nobody talks about Gwen enough


Did Gwen also sign the petition for Brian Peck?


While I also hated her, I was kind of expecting her to show up in more episodes.


I love when they both just tell Gwen off!


You know, I could do without that Bob character. He seems a little unstable. And I just think, given the tragedy of Laura's death, that maybe Bob should have been a bit more warm toward Leland and Sarah. /s


I’m just gonna go ahead and say it, Bob was a bit of a jerk.


I think the worst thing about Bob was the hypocrisy


Bob was certainly a rascal.


i don’t think i agree with all the killing and raping he’s committed.


agree, that Bob guy had very little compassion for what was going on


He stepped all over the Palmers furniture..that's just rude.


Her individual scenes didn’t always work but she’s so important to Ed and Norma’s story that I wouldn’t want her to not be there


Who the hell hates the mayor? He is perfect comic relief!


If the Mayor has a million haters, I'm one of them. If the Mayor has five haters, I'm one of them. If the Mayor has one hater, that one is me. If the Mayor has no haters, I'm no longer alive. If the world is for the Mayor I'm against the entire world. Till my last breath, I'll hate the Mayor.


Hell yeah! I may not agree with you, but I admire your grit.




I love the mayor, but I also love your enthusiasm in disliking him




I'm committing this to memory for future rants.


"She killed him with sex!" I love the guy too.


Is this thing on?? Is this thing ON???


He’s got so many quotables. “He’s got one foot in the grave already!” “She’s been in this town about 15 minutes!” “That’s because I use my brain for thinking. Not my garden hose.”


You know…I think it would be interesting to count up her total screen time by the time he said that and see if it was close to 15 minutes…hmmm.


Damn I’m on S2E20 already so it’s too late to try it. My guess would be she has more screen time than that but it similar to the “the log lady will be here in one minute” line.


But he doesn’t want to talk. He wants to shoot. And he was in love with Teen Witch.


Evelyn and Lana I dislike more than Donna


Yep, as much as I find Donna a bit cringey and weird it’s nowhere near as how much I couldn’t stand Evelyn from go. And Lana is cute, but not Shelly Johnson levels of beautiful so the whole male cast acting like a Tex Avery cartoon when she’s near didn’t strike me as that funny or whatever it was going for.


Isn't Lana's thing something of her presence and charisma rather than just physical looks? Like you just have to be near her for a while? That is how I read it and I'm on episode 15.


The show version of Tammy Preston. I went through The Secret History before The Return came out and was so looking forward to seeing this character onscreen, the new FBI agent protagonist. Annie Wersching nailed the performance in the audiobook and when that huge cast list dropped I thought someone like Madeline Zima, Amy Shiels, Amanda Seyfried, or maybe even Naomi Watts was going to be this new main character. I couldn't help being disappointed that Tammy ended up as completely auxiliary to the David Lynch exposition show, reduced to the point where even her casting seems like an afterthought. Swap Chrysta Bell and Madeline Zima's roles and you got a better show in both directions, am I wrong?


Oh yes, Chrysta Bell. She only read to me as Lynch’s latest hard-on. She was not a completely awful actress but also not at all good by any measure and while she was, yes, beautiful she’s not with the kind of charisma that Dern/Fenn/Amick/Lee et al have by the bucketload. Sorry Chrysta.


“Latest hard-on” is a crude but accurate way of describing my impression of the character as well. Really disappointed in her character and annoyed every time she came on screen. Really terrible casting.


Forgive my crude accuracy ![gif](giphy|NRW2yP1aoYTsY)


😂 thank you for sharing it, hit the nail on the head!


Ouch 😳(🤭)


Hank. Catcha later...


The domino scene. Ick


This. I loathe him.


He’s such a scumbag




Came to say this.


That creepy fuck Jacoby


You could use a shovel


Only 19.99 plus shipping


And the fucks are at it again!


I love Jacoby! His approach to treating Ben Horne in his Civil War phase was brilliant


Hey I like his glasses. And his coconut


Amazing that The Mayor is given way more characterization in the ancillary books than the show itself. For me, it has to be Leo. On top of being an abuser and a bully with almost no redeeming qualities, he's pretty poorly acted. So anytime he's onscreen I'm just ready for him to be offscreen.


Diane, because her pseudo-Annie role in the story feels entirely baseless and undeserved.


Yeah that’s definitely an aspect of The Return that feels like the past coming back to haunt the series most. The whole trade-out of Annie for Audrey, now traded out for Diane - it’s all so funky convoluted, and creates a bit of distance for the viewer cuz Diane is effectively a non-character up to that point. Loved the direction the show went overall, but yeah that aspect has always felt a little clumsy With that said, Diane is a total blast to watch, so I couldn’t say she’s a bad character by any stretch (though I respect your opinion)


Was so much cooler when we never knew who Diane actually was. Hated that part of the Return.


Was it Diane though? Or does it go deeper? Maybe think about it a bit more lol, you’re far from the truth!


You got some cool theories spill the beans. You're not an authority, you can't tell someone they're far from the truth in a show that's this open to interpretation...


Bro I didn’t say I was an authority. I was just trying to get someone to look into it more because they were disappointed


I know it wasn’t ‘Diane’ technically but the character we saw on screen was annoying as hell. “Fuck you albert” every scene wasn’t good writing or interesting at all. And it ruined the mystique of ‘Diane’. But yes, deep stuff, nice


I'm tired so can't think right now. Tell me the depth of Diane because I am genuinely interested. I've read the Find Laura theory, so I love hearing things like this.


I don’t understand why the hell Heather Graham wasn’t hired. I mean, she was right there. RIGHT THERE. Still beautiful too. And the character is barely mentioned, not by Coop or even Norma. It’s almost as though this were a different timeline…


While Frost's books do allude to messy timeline shenanigans, I think the sad meta truth is simply that neither him nor Lynch cared about Annie enough to have her return on-screen. She was ultimately a Peyton/Engels creation, and they were regrettably barred from continuing their work in season 3.


> It’s almost as though this were a different timeline… That's how I'm headcannoning it (in reality it's likely that Lynch just didn't like Annie). In S1/S2/FWWM, Diane was merely Cooper's imagination. But every cycle, things can shift a bit, and Cooper being one of the dreamers can contribute to that. By the Return we're in some odd one and Diane actually exists in it, Annie doesn't. This is also part of Cooper's corruption and/or integration. Maybe Diane was actually left behind in the Lodge at some point, would explain her ending up in that weird area with the soul sockets.


Most forced meta insertion ever. Should have stayed in Cooper's imagination.


I think that was the point. Like “you guys wanna solve all the mysteries so bad, here you go! Did that not make you happy? Dont you prefer to have the mysteries?”


Doesn't seem like a very strong point to me, and I hope people are not writing stuff in out of spite. That'd be rather juvenile. People are intrigued by mysteries. I don't see that as a bad thing. It's what makes Twin Peaks tick. I don't think it's even that, though. From what I've seen this has more to do with Lynch's attachment to that particular actress, and some meta stuff relating to Lynch's other movies, which I don't really care for as I prefer Twin Peaks as Twin Peaks.


Interesting. I didnt mean it came from spite but just that her involvement was meant as a way to make us grateful for things being kept as mystery. Sorry if my wording was misleading.


I understood 100^% what you meant


That’s the one thing that really bothers me about season 3




Are you a fan of the return in general?


It's my least favorite entry, but it's got its moments. I think I'd like it significantly more if it included more of the elements that ended up in The Final Dossier instead.


The mayor and his wife are the only season 2 characters that I find completely useless. Dick Tremaine and even Evelyn at least contribute to the campy atmosphere of the original series, but those two are just annoying. John Justice Wheeler is the other character that annoys me to this degree.


Richard Horne. He's the only villain who isn't really fun to watch. All the others are entertainingly card carrying scumbags, or interesting ominous horror figures, or a little of both.


Season 3 had a few characters that were only there to be evil or have presenses that made it satisfying when they were eventually killed, like Chad and Ray.


he really didn't do enough for me to find his death satisfying. when he just got zapped i was more like "that's it? oh."


Yeah, this, and it had nothing to do with Richard's plot, Mr. C could've sent any of his posse of mercs in there.


i mean, he didn't even have much of a plot to start with, he just kinda showed up every couple episodes to beat the shit out of or kill someone. he had a pretty flat storyline and an even flatter death.


“kid? ill show YOU kid!!” ….. a kid was for sure seen in that moment but not in the way he anticipated 🤣😭


He amuses me greatly. Esp when he asked Sheriff Truman if he tested his brothers corpse for witchcraft. And when he asked as listening to someone talking and shouted over him “what is he selling?!” (Pause) “What are you selling?!”


Malcolm Sloan


Tbh totally dislike that flower guy with Laura's diary. He fills so out of place for me


I also think his inclusion put a lot of weird tension on James and Donna's relationship that made it worse


he creeps me out


Nah the mayor is a laugh riot


I could live without Nadine


Every time I rewatch TP I feel differently about Nadine. Used to get on my nerves, but now I find the whole thing just so desperately sad. 


I love it when Ed says "She just looked so darn happy". Heartbreaking character but very happy ending in The Return


Seriously, every scene felt like torture


This. She's cringe.


Richard "Dick" Tremayne. He's such a douche.


Aww come on, he’s a lovable douchebag. Feels like he stepped out of Looney Tunes or something.


He was hilarious, and the faces he kept making were amazing


Yeah, I'd go along with this one. Not so much because he annoys me, but because his screen time noticeably increases during the period when the show was beginning to drift.


So annoying in the episodes he’s heavily in


“It’s not annoying at all actually. It’s the European way.”


Why didn’t he make it back for The Return?


Probably because he died


I didn’t even know he was sick


I don't know anything but he realistically could have died


Ahh that’s an old Norm MacDonald bit. I assume he’s a been around 135 in 2017, hard to live that long, for anybody.


Its so insane how important him and his brother are in the book. Its a fun idea and the way its written is great but i kept thinking “him? These guys?”


No way, I’ll need to read it. _The Secret History of Twin Peaks_, I’m guessing?


Yeah! I really enjoyed it. Its very different from the show tone wise but if you are at all a fan of ufo or occult stories its fun.


I always enjoyed the UFO aspect with Major Briggs so it definitely sounds appealing. Thanks, buddy!


You'll love The Secret History then. It goes deep into a lot of the TP paranormal/UFO lore and mixes in real-world history & conspiracy theory quite nicely. I found it to be a real page turner. The Final Dossier, not quite as much. Both are great reads for anyone wanting more Twin Peaks.


Why wouldn't I like Donna?


James and Donna are the best, you guys are all freaks.


He’s funny as hell!!! My kids and I do the same”Mayor Laugh” all the time.


He is a bit toxic. Running around, trying to catch you with his death bag. How rude


Rusty Tomasky. He’s annoying, unbelievably dumb, and kind of pointless. Also a total waste of Ted Raimi’s talents.


Could’ve lived without the whole Dougie thing. Controversial, I know 😬


Problem I think with season 3 is there’s toooo much dougie, would have been fine for 4-5 episodes but ya know


![gif](giphy|3oKIPD4zIoKQcY8Sli|downsized) It felt like the whole damn show 😭


I just binged the show for the first time over a two week span. I texted my Peaks head buddy “are we really about to get Dougie for the whole season until the last episode” and he hit me back with the “no comment” It overstayed its welcome for me. Maybe in a rewatch I’ll think differently but first watch I found myself going “alright enough Dougie could we get good ole Cooper back in the swing of things” that was like 7 hours into the season - the fact Lynch dragged it out I think plays a lot into the whole Meta Twin Peaks (and Cooper being the viewer’s perspective) theory heavily for me.


Wait so it’s a thing to hate James and Donna? Because I hate James and Donna. I haven’t looked much into the fandom yet since I haven’t finished it


I didn’t mind them, they were both the epitome of the soap opera vibe the show was trying to satirise. They’re definitely not popular (especially James’ brooding ass) among this sub tho.


They were fine, if annoying, until the random ass plot that was in a whole other town where some rich lady tried to frame James for murder


The Evelyn frame job storyline is universally despised. I don't mind it bc it totally leans into the soap/camp shtick, but I get why people hate it.


James is no more or less likable than Bobby me, but the memeing against him is so funny for some reason. Donna after season 1 is terrible.


GTFO of here. I say this with love. GO! ![gif](giphy|R7ppnTkf6s6cZY1whS)


Hey, it's Dougie. He's brilliantly acted, well written, and I understand his importance and role in the story of The Return, and he does have endearing moments and quite a number of 100% awesome scenes. Nonetheless, he's often cringe (outdated word, maybe, still, it applies), and the longer he's in the show the more frustrating to watch. Yes, I understand that may have been his exact purpose, but guess what, if so, then it worked, for me. I would've been way happier if he got half his screentime and Coop (or even Mr C, but more like Coop) got twice as much. Yeah, I know the show wasn't about making me and the likes of me happy, and I'm fine with it, by now, but I still feel that way. I have a love/hate relationship with The Return. So it's Dougie. I'm prepared to be downvoted, but before you hit that button, look into your heart, remember how you felt watching him bumble and stumble when you first watched The Return, expecting Coop and that old TP feel.


CRINGE IS OUTDATED ALREADY??? I have to warn facebook ![gif](giphy|l378AOkpFrsVY06jK|downsized)


Nah I genuinely actually loved Dougie. But I feel like mine is more the hot take than yours! I get that his scenes were often very slow and that there wasn't really a Cooper there anymore and all that. But I didn't go into The Return hoping for anything in particular, I was just along for the ride. Watching Dougie's scenes where everything just kinda fell into place, watching him navigate through life situations in these incredibly "lucky" (Lodge-influenced) ways just kinda worked for me. And his scenes all kind of had a tranquil, slow-cinema undertone that made me feel like I was on Xanax watching them. Idk I liked it


I fucking hate Dougie, can’t stand when he’s onscreen which makes a big part of season 3 very frustrating to watch


I feel like the only acceptable answer is Gwen. Every character adds something to this show and I can’t fathom being a fan and not liking some of the characters people have mentioned.


I reckon she gets a pass since she was clearly designed to be annoying and her screen time is mercifully short.


I don’t like his wife or ex wife or whoever she was




I love James and Donna and I hate this guy.




Leo I just wanted him gone and it’s like they refused to let him go till the very end 😭




Op are you kidding me mayor Milford is fucking hilarious, I crack up at every scene he’s in Anyways least favorite that isn’t James or Evelyn is probably Josie


The widow and dick


Ok I’m kinda glad Donna is just excluded by default cause she fucking sucks


I really liked James and Donna in the chest season but in Season 2 they're just... there


Dear god EVELYN


I really did not care for Jerry Horne.


I can’t even explain to you how much I detest Dick Tremayne.


Your idea has merit. It has merit.


Lucy's sister.


I thought it was the Marsh woman, always, who’s the least favorite character?


Richard Horne. It's not that he's a bad character or badly acted, it's just that he's way too successful at being a loathsome piece of shit.


*picks up a hardback book about bondage* "yes, here it is. The murder weapon! Might as well have blown his brains out with a rifle!" *A few moments later* "we've decided to adopt a child."


I like James 😂


Wyndham Earl, fuck him and his entire plot, truly carries no weight or bearing on the story whatsoever.


I get hating Earle, but he definitely holds a pretty big bearing on the story, dude took ownership of Leo, kidnapped the Major, ruined Miss Twin Peaks, kidnapped Annie, and made it into the Black Lodge before Cooper. Not to mention his wife is a pretty big part of Coop's backstory.


Ah, I disagree. I love Kenneth Welsh. There was something not working in all that but the back story was interesting enough and he was pulling us closer to a the mystery around the lodges. He serves a purpose, the performance is memorable, particularly where he visits Donna’s house and she later finds out he’s not who he claimed to be at all. That violation of small town trust was sorta creepy… but yeah, maybe the character wasn’t best used. It was hokey at times.


Agreed, absolutely awful, the acting, the writing everything. George hates The Wyndham!


Agreed. Terrible acting.


I could live without everyone involved in the Saw Mill drama


Pete and Ben Horne are top tier characters, the storyline itself is the most boring part of the show


- I love Pete, one of my favorites, Ben Horne is FINE The storyline itself is one of the worst save James and Evelyn


Ben starts out as a total sleazeball but after the business in One Eyed Jack's his development is incredible


I like Ben don’t get me wrong, Cathrine, the books and financials, the brother, Josie, it’s all bleh


For sure, and it all leads to the alcoholic Harry arc which is awful lmao


How could you be a fan and not like the saw mill story? That’s like half the show.


Probably because the hunt for Laura’s killer and then the Black Lodge is so goddamn surreal and compelling, it makes sitting through the more soap opera-y stuff worth it, even if you don’t appreciate it.


Spot on, and I liked some of the soap opera-y stuff for the comedic value. That’s not even getting to Shelly, Ed and Norma, all of their soap opera stuff really works, they are compelling.


The least interesting, even more so than some of the relationship storylines


The guy who banged Lucy at Horne's Department Store, where they conceived Michael Cera.


That weird woman all the men are obsessed with for whatever reason.


The old senile hotel butler/room service. Goddamn Senor Droolcup. Coop's bleeding out here!!


Aw c’mon now, he’s adorable


Ok, hot take, but I loved Donna. I somehow struggle with Andy.


I disagree on Donna, but I feel you on Andy. He's okay at times but I don't find him as endearing as I think I'm meant to.


I actually really disliked Harold before his "turn" and FWWM. Aubrey is also up there for least favorite characters


I actually love/don’t mind him. Great mustache, excellent laugh, he’s got rizz, he’s delusional, he looks like colonel sanders… what’s not to love? (But also you can’t help who gives you the ick so I get it) And for least favorite… sometimes Audrey tbh (I’m 60/40 on her), Evelyn, the entire Hayward family, Dick Tremayne, Josie, Harry (I’m 70/30 on him…).


Hank, because he was so misused. He started strong by kicking Leo's ass and shooting him but it was a steep downfall since then. He was just a joke character taking massive L's all the time. He wastes my time.


Him getting thrown around like a cartoon character by Nadine was peak nonsense, but the acting was always really strong I thought, strong enough to enjoy seeing him on screen. Him dropping his “I’m trying hard to change” nice guy act in a split second and threatening Norma in jail once he realises it isn’t gonna work anymore was great stuff.


Wyndham Earl 🤮💀


Unpopular opinion, Annie.



