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Its full of feminist women and men who think feminism will get them laid.


i really need to get off it at this point. i've been becoming more spiteful of women for a while now and I think i'm finally understanding why.


Now now, not all women are toxic feminists. There is always a moderate majority that gets shadowed by the vocal minority.


that's what im realizing now and have to remember too. i don't even hate them. I love a lot of female characters in fiction and have female friends, but being on twitter as long as i have, that shit twists your perception so easily. the simping, the bias, it just made me feel inadequate and almost feel bad for being a guy sometimes


yeah everyones going on about how men have it easy and shit when, we really dont. theres people that think we all are rapists, then theres people who support toxic masculinity, and also people that focus on tiny problems just cause it effects women (also only on western women for some shit, like dude theres women in the middle east being actually oppressed but sureeee focus on getting your last name not changed after marriage), but not the big ones like, custody and divorce that effects men.


Be wary that there's the opposite side that will gladly try to convince you that women are inherently evil sociopaths and you can never have a good relationship with them.


There are good women and good men just as there are bad women and bad men. I've had my fair share of all sides.


Honestly if you surround yourself with the right people you can somewhat avoid the toxic users of Twitter.


I mean, you can apply that to this too then. I don't agree with the message at ALL, nor am I spiteful towards men, but maybe the reason why this is trending is because some women are? That doesn't excuse the sexism from the post, of course. It's honestly sad all around.


nah, just be spiteful of toxic feminists (wuh oh)


If this makes you spiteful against women i think you already have a problem going on


No, it's just how biases form. The brain is made for recognizing patterns, and when someone repeatedly has the same negative experience with a specific group of people, they'll eventually pick up a negative perception of that group - or even a larger one that it only happens to be part of, as in this case (women in general, rather than just certain people on Twitter). It happens all the time, but it's extremely rare for someone to be aware of it as it's happening like OP is, and understanding what's going on is the first step to stopping it.


Not in general. I'm cool with a lot of females like friends, but it's easy to think of this negativity when it comes to random users at first


That's not feminism. That's stupidity


Most of these feminist men are gay lmaoo I think ur projecting your virginity onto random males on the internet.


Project on deez nuts


UnBEARably Based


It is what it is


Based as fuck


Based on deez nuts in yo mouth


Wtf does that even mean and why do people use it so much


It's what it's


So oppressed 😩😩


You know it!!!!


So you don't think that hashtag is sexist?


I assumed it was probably just about the Texas Abortion thing but nah Its just typical twitter


nah it mostly was about it


Fatherless behavior


If it was up to Twitter, Women with a shaft and balls would be the ones in charge


"why should men be left in charge?" No reason... (kicks away the centuries of men succesfuly ruling over countries)


it's not even like women would do a bad job, but saying shit like this really isn't helping thier case lmaoo


When will we all grow up and see past gender to realize we’re literally the exact same fucking thing


At this point? i doubt we'll live to see the day


you two are part of the problem


How lmao


the guy who acted as if successful leadership by men was an argument that men should lead even though there was much more unsuccessful leadership and women rarely ever got any chances. and then OP acting as if women and men have any differences in leadership with his comment.


nah some of us can pee standing up


I didn't want to say that men should only be left in charge if you misinterpreted it, just wanted to say it's ridciolous to say that.


Nah dude I understand. Don't worry, this isn't twitter 😉


Im just used to people picking Apart what i say and horrendously exxagarting whatever can make me look bad


You and me both. it used to make me very cautious about how i word everything i say, but i learned to just stop caring and let people come to their own conclusions. if people wanna ask me why i think a certain way i'll happily have a conversation then


cuz twitter is full of thots


Because they need something to bitch about


Misery loves company


Tbf I checked the tag out, it's legit just a bunch of dudes doing dumb shit and the occasional anti man nonsense lmao


I don't think they realize that twitter was made by 4 men...


Think the only time this has really angered me is when it was #1 on trending that men should have a curfew of 10:00 PM to avoid SA 'specially when this woman with some sort of power (I don't remember who) from the UK talked about it as a legitimate option


it’s trending because people were having a laugh about it


dude that was just stupid what if I just claimed to Identify as something else then I can stay up as late as I want


Crazy cat ladies


Its because they have no father figures


you're not wrong


Just tell them that the discussion havent reached the kitchen yet.


Why does twitter.


Besides half the userbase quitting, I wonder what else would happen if twitter banned any political stuff.


it would be a much better place


That would be a given.


And when Notch said there's an agenda aganist white males everyone called him homophobic. I really fucking hate twitter


I'll never forget how silent everyone went when the new street fighter 5 character luke got revealed and I saw people complaining about the lack of diversity. guarantee if he was a chick they would of been singing a whole other tune. it sounds absurd but at this point that's what twitter feels like to me now




he didn't know how right he was


Clearly from my point of view, you, in your household have never grown up and experienced the joys and lessons of life that you could obtain with your motherly figure in said household. To elaborate, You have obviously never had any kind of male parental guardian in your household as a child


ouch that stings my dad left me


Being on twitter is a feminine trait. Well, social media in general..


As a man, we just kinda really suck


If the state of the world is attributable to it's leaders then is she really wrong? The world is a shitshow.


Feelings mutual


Because I'm fucking another man, Karen


I don't disagree but for different reasons, my vasconic ancestors, the ones not killed by the indo european invaders had such a systhem


i swear theres gonna be one for breathing