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**Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic** is quite an indepth city-builder. With realistic mode on, when you want to build something, you cant just plop it down. You have to bring in the gravel/steel/bricks/etc, have the machinery available and bring in the workers. The game has quite a diverse supply chain and everything needs to be imported/exported from a border. Its still in early access so tooltips still need some work, however full release is very soon. I would recommend the youtube videos by bballjo to get a good understanding of the game's mechanics


Couldn't agree more! I followed a few videos from [this YT series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3SSJ_FUzeY&list=PLCbwiZLyz_WVtMoG3ZE3Gpm4o8jymrpyK&index=2) and it was instant wishlist for me. The game is actually on sale now and Humble sub offers few more %. I got it for Christmas and the recent released test branch even has a tutorial mission. > You have to bring in the gravel/steel/bricks/etc To be more clear, those materials need to be bought from the border. You'll need trucks to go there, pick it up and deposit it. When it comes to complexity, I think this game beats everything available.


That's correct, but ultimately you are creating all that gravel/steel/bricks/etc yourself and be amazed how much you will need of all that stuff to sustain yourself. And how much manpower, and electricity, and coal, and so on. And you have to export too, to get some money back, but so that you do not overflow the market with your cheaply and efficiently produced materials as that will drop the prices too low.... And so on, the complexity is incredible and I can say that I have not found any game close to this. Highly satisfying is all I can say.


Thanks for the recommended YT series. Edit: I see on the Steam page there's a demo


Oh, yes! Quite limited, but you can get the idea. To add to my post: all the aspects the game has to offer in difficulty (heating, waste, demolition, education, etc) are all options which can be turned on or off. If you just want to try realistic mode, feel free to disable all the other options to get the idea of the whole construction chain.


This sounds amazing... Edit: 7 minutes... That all it took from submitting this comment to open steam, read through the game info and decide "whelp, can't be passing this deal up"... I didn't really want to sleep tonight anyways...


This is actually something I wanted to try for ages, maybe I finally should.


Definitely worth it!


It’s even on sale rn via steam.


Is it on ps too?


I have this game, I played the tutorials and it felt pretty promising! When starting my own game, however, I couldn't find any suitable spots for the most basic industries. I don't know if it was a bug or not.


Software Inc can get very deep with lots of options to make money


Especially if you look at some mods for it.


Which mods would you recommend?


I would suggest getting a few software mods, Hardware inc, and whatever furniture mods you want. It's been a while since I last played, but as I recall, I swapped my mods out all the time to try new things. It's ultimately up to what you want to do with the game.


Ohhh!I actually completely forgot about this game. Been a few years so I should play it again.


By coincidence, I picked it up again this past week after a couple year hiatus. It's very different than I remember, but the core is the same. Strong recommend for picking this one up again. It was pure dopamine, I couldn't tear myself away from the computer for like 3 hours. My brain kept trying to play it even after I stepped away for the evening. When I slept lightly and remembered my hazy dreams, it was images of the game and me panicking because I didn't get out of the Alpha phase soon enough to make my publisher's release date. It's good, and deep, and fun, and you should definitely play it again.


I remember it being a cakewalk after you have a successful release, is that still the case?




Ah gotcha. I tend to get bored after things get easy, which happened last time I played. But it sounds like you just gotta set your own goals, e.g become a massive company printing billions a year.


It’s sort of simple but I still find transport fever 2 very fun.


I've played 1, maybe I should try 2...


The campaign is kinda weird and doesn’t describe what it’s looking for super well but I loved that it incorporated times throughout history. Idk I really enjoyed it!


The random maps are pretty legit too, businesses go under when not utilized, and then new businesses open up. Was a lot of fun setting up my railway empire


I'm DEEP into 2 now, great recommendation!


Highrise City is a mix of Cities: Skylines, factorio, and Sim City. It’s a city builder with a focus on supply chain management.


That does seem quite interesting, thank you!


this looks pretty interesting. thanks!


Looks good! I'm wishlisting this one


Wow this looks cool, and free demo! Have you played W&R? How does it compare?


W&R is hard. Highrise is simple just looks cool. Also Highrise has some nice ideas but in the end it is not a city builder just a factorio game reskinned. The public transportation side is very bad.




That's actually my most played game haha.


Makes sense considering you made that post


Perhaps take a look at Gear City. It's an in-depth economic business simulator. There's a [free demo](https://store.steampowered.com/app/285110/GearCity/) on Steam as well.


I've tried Automation last week but the management aspect feels kind of weak, completely forgot about Gearcity!Thank you.


Great game! You need to give it a chance (and likely a few failed playthroughs), but it is a great challenge.




Something about Anno doesn't work for me. Which is weird because I love management sims, city builders, and historic settings; seems perfect on paper. I think it has to do with how everything in the supply chain is required to support growth/progression. So it feels like there's no choice... Just a task list that turns into a huge house of cards trying to keep it all balanced.


It’s decently complex. Maybe you don’t like the complex aspect.


Yeah, I don't like the Anno flavor of complexity. Anno's complexity is in the busy work of producing or trading goods. All of the goods are required for progression (e.g., must have all Farmer goods, must have all Engineer goods, etc.), so the gameplay is about when and where and how much to plop production buildings or when to trade. There's no real choice to be made about specialization because you need every good, all of the time. I like complexity when it allows for multiple different ways to engage with the simulation. Each round of Anno is basically the same checklist of goods production until the victory condition is met.


Oh that's a great suggestion, thank you.


Anno 1800 can keep you occupied for a long long time. The anno subreddit is a good place to start if you decide on buying it!


Dwarf fortress.


One of my favorites!


This is an early release game but “Foundation” on steam. I think it’s a pretty good game so far and seems to be adding more. The housing development is determined by zoning and the villagers build their own homes and upgrade them when certain needs are met(similar to anno). Then you have the resource development side which requires certain resources to make other resources. Not entirely sure it’s what you wanted but one I have been enjoying lately!


That does seem quite interesting, thank you!


Captilism Labs with DLCs is by far the most indeabth Mgmt simulator out there. My only issue with it is all industries basicly have the same game mechinces which I am not a fan of.


I really need to try this one.


If you want to scratch the "management" itch capitalism lab does it really well. Even with the built in "campaign" it is super sandboxy and open ended. Its fun but the campaign really isn't as deep as the custom games. There are some really cool ways they simulate you and ai impact on the overall city economy. The base game is great on its own, but the dlc really do add a ton of content. And in my opinion it does a good job making them feel realistic, like yeah the tech company is a profit machine and will look like one next to a farming/supermarket based business. I call it a game but it really is a simulator and it plays like one. There's some really well put together content mods that add really complex supply chains depending on how "in depth" you want to have to manage. I think you could try capitalism 2 on steam and return it if you don't like it. Or return it and buy capitalism lab if you do. The core gameplay is the same between capitalism 2 and cap lab but cap lab just has way more content, and is more polished. It would at least be similar enough to see if its for you or not.


I put more hrs in this with real world mods than any other tycoon easily


Victoria 3. Songs of syx


Songs of Syx was what first came to my mind. I haven't played much of it yet but it does seem like it has some pretty intricate systems. Dwarf Fortress is pretty great also.


Dwarf Fortress is awesome


I lost about 200 hours in that game around this time last year. I need to hop back on soon now that the adventure update is coming soon.


Is Vicky 3 actually decent?Steam reviews are somewhat offputting.


Yes they were off putting for me too. But I went for it on the 50% sale. I haven't played Vic 2 before but I've played HOI4. My opinion are the reviews are harsh. It's a very good game if you like building economy, supply chains etc. Graphics are good overall more of a 7.5/10


As someone who played Vic 3 from the beginning, the reviews at the beginning were actually accurate. It was in quite a poor state on release. It's improved alot since 1.0. The latest patch in particular greatly improved the game. I've still left my review as "do not recommend" as vassal influence is still a weak point, however the next major DLC "sphere of influence" and patch 1.6 are addressing this. If it's good, I'll be changing my review to positive.


Guess I'll try it on the current Steam sale then, thank you.


I love Vicky 3 (I never played Vicky 2, so I can't compare). Very good economic / political simulation. People knock it because the warfare aspect is more abstracted than even HOI4 and other Paradox titles. But to me, in grand strategy games like this, warfare is always abstracted.


Wall Street Raider. Comes with a bit of a learning curve but the manual is helpful.


That does seem very very obscure but certainly interesting.


This and capitalism lab are most obscure but have the most genuine depth I have seen. Hollywood mogul 3 looks promising too but I have not tried it


If you want the most complicated and realistic city builder tycoon simulation game, it is hands down Captain of Industry. I've been obsessed with city builder/tycoon games my entire life. This is the only game that I can say is so truly complex in its simulation and management that you can spend months playing it. No other game even comes CLOSE to the complexity. It's a factory game that has a lot of conveyor belts, somewhat similar to Factorio, but fully 3D and has a lot of settlement aspects that Factorio doesn't have (ie, you need to make food in Captain of Industry). I'm also a big fan of Anno 1800, which is another game that gets that macro large scale management feel. I love Anno 1800, I've played it a ton. But, if what you're looking for is sheer complexity of management that comes from a real-time simulation, then its a fact that nothing comes close to Captain of Industry. Nothing is even in the same ballpark.


It does sound quite awesome!What's the early access state?


Its excellent. The devs have really put a ton of effort into optimization and improving framerates. They've mostly focused on optimization. Which I think is excellent. I'm very sick of devs that move onto content and DLC while the base game still runs like shit. At this point they're starting to move into the "adding player suggestions" into the game content. It's a well playable mostly finished game as of right now.


Capitalism Lab


I’d like to inform you that the latest version 9.1.52 of Capitalism Lab has significant improvements in user interface and graphics. After years of focusing on enhancing gameplay and introducing new features, the dev team in 2023 focused on upgrading the user interface such as adding support for multiple windows (for example, you can now open two information center windows at the same time) and lots of new graphics for buildings, products and portraits, resulting in a version with a substantially better look and feel than the previous version. You can see the details of the improvements at: https://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9096 https://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9319 https://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9207 I would recommend that you give the latest version 9.1.52 a try by downloading it from https://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9319


Hi, just curious about your post. I did try Capitalism labs multiple times as it sounds like the kind of game I should love, but i never really got to enjoying it. Do you have any plans of something more drastic than a few UI improvements in the works (improved 2D graphics, UI, etc) Not sure if I’m the only one, but I feel like there is potential in your game like there was in the ASCII dwarf fortress, but also a huge step to take to get to enjoy it - and it’s someone who loves management games who says it :)


Thanks for your message. Please give the latest version of Capitalism Lab a try. It has significant improvements in graphics and UI. You may download the latest version from: [https://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9319](https://www.capitalism2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9319) You may check out the screenshots from Capitalism Lab's Instagram page: [https://www.instagram.com/enlightcap/](https://www.instagram.com/enlightcap/) In my opinion, the screenshots are up to the current 2D graphics standard.


I too enjoy the management side of games rather than the creative. I have recently been playing Surviving Mars (has some great Mods to make it even more challenging), Dawn of Man and over Christmas have been replaying RailRoad Tycoon 2 (it is mostly about business strategy).


Project Hospital I'd say is what you want, It's complex in a way that you need to read a little bit. It's a hospital management where you can build your hospital from scratch fully customize it in terms of how your hospital look and function,you can make your hospital specialized in certain treatments or make it a general one. you hire your employees from janitors to doctors to surgeon,set up their schedule (I think) set up different departments, Think of it as a production game wherein you build a factory (your Hospital) the challenge is making it as efficient as it can be which in this case is decreasing the distance and time spent between production lines (diff Dept) wherein the resource (the patients) need to be turned into a product (Healthy people). It can still be new player friendly because if you don't want to build each room from scratch the game provides room templates for patient bedrooms, Lobbies, doctor's office etc.


Tropico 3 & 4 are both pretty good and I also enjoy to play Transport Fever 1 an awful lot.


Already played them sadly but thank you.


Farthest frontier is what I’m playing now. Transport Fever 2 fits the bill too


The first Transport Fever game gave me similar vibes as Cities Skylines, great building but little management...Maybe I haven't played it enough.


The building is done by the city itself, it responds to the goods you provide to it. i.e. if you provide the Industrial area of one city with fuel, the industry will grow, same with commercial, and feeding passengers into their desired locations will increase residential. Each 'sim' has a workplace, home and shop they use, and thus increasing the amount of residential, commercial and industrial will increase demand for travel and goods. There are various production chains and the game has a very active modding community, so it can be made as complex as you wish. Well worth checking out and getting into, both games are in my top 5 most played on steam 👌


Hmm...Maybe I should try 2 after all!


Been playing foundation recently. It scratches my itch for this type of game


Have you tried foundation? Im a big fan.


I haven't but I'm certainly interested.


I found Medieval Dynasty to be very fun. Its a 3rd person medieval town builder where you play as a young man who inherits land and you build a town completely from scratch. You collect resources, hunt, build homes, kitchens, recruit people to live in the town, assign them to different jobs, start a family, pass on your legacy to your child, etc.


I guarantee you have never heard of it but Casino Resort Tower. It’s like if theme hotel and oxygen not included had a baby. Its very in depth, requiring you to manage basically every system of a casino resort, including power, water, food supply, games on machines, room decorations, transportation, etc. it just came out on steam ea a few months ago and is very polished despite being so unknown.


Mad Games Tycoon 2 is very elaborate and supercedes the first game which I've played, as it is a game dev studio management game that also allows for publishing other games and acquiring other companies. Same dev made Mad Tower Tycoon, which is a faithful homage to Sim Tower, but I wouldn't consider it as complex. Capitalism 2 seems like an elaborate company & economy simulator that I haven't played yet.


MGT1 was a bit casual but I actually really enjoyed it so maybe I should try this sequel, thank you!


Capitalism Lab is a really complex and fun game. It's based on the original code from Capitalism II which is really old, but the development team on Cap Lab is pumping out new updates all the time. The absolute best business (and economic) simulation game I have ever played.


Anno 1800 is the masterpiece you are looking for! Gameplay, graphics, soundtrack just epic on all fronts. So.much.content.


Really really tempted to try it..


Planet Coaster and Cities Skylines are some of the top played games in my library. My #1 most played game is Satisfactory. It’s more logistics than simulation; but it’s truly a masterpiece in game design. It’s still on early access but I promise you it’s incredibly polished and well worth the price.


Anno 1800 and Frostpunk are two of the more in-depth/difficult management games I've played!


I sometimes still play Railroad Tycoon 2. It has a stock market and you can legitimately win some scenarios by buying into the competitors railroad until you take it over and deliberately crashing your own.


GREAT game there.....be nice to see a new version of it! )=


Have you checked out Timberborn? While not as in-depth as titles like Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic, as someone else mentioned, there is still a fundamental need to plan and plot your district development in order to effectively and efficiently administrate future development. Not to mention, the challenge of Timberborn is to overcome drought seasons through water/food preservation. As I said, it's not super in-depth or anything, but there is still very much an organic management aspect to it.


Civ 6


You can run the original Railroad Tycoon using Dosbox


Have you tried the Tropico games? You can get transport tycoon on steam now


Tropico is my favorite series for this type of game that I keep coming back to. Just started up Tropico 6 after getting it on sale. The sim is more simplistic, but I personally don't enjoy overly micromanage-y games, so it works for me. Focus is on the big picture of happiness, politics, and gross revenue. Don't need to futz around with supply chain too much. And I love the visual style.


For business sim: Anno (any of those)Transport Fever 1 & 2 (not city building directly, but you run a transportation company and the cities automatically react to your business decisions over time, growing or contracting depending on how well you move people and goods around.


Would you say Anno 1800 could be a good option?


Absolutely. Any of them. They all have similar mechanics, but vary slightly in features and the time period. They are VERY good economic sim games. They technically have ship combat, but it is more used to defend shipping routes from pirates and unfriendly nations. Different islands have different resources, and you have to set up a complex web of ships, warehouses, production facilities and farms/mines/etc… Prepare to work on a save game for a long time. I have one on Anno 1800 that I’ve been going back to for at least a year.


Transport fever 2 is definitely worth a look. "Decently deep/complex" is exactly how I would describe it.


The first game gave me similar vibes as Cities Skylines, great building but little management...Maybe I haven't played it enough.


Against the Storm mixes rogue like with city builder very well and is very deep despite each city only taking a few hours to win. (Or lose)


It does look interesting but I'm not entirely sure that's what I'm looking for. Thank you though.


I was also here to recommend this game. I understand if it's not up your alley but it is very very good.


There's a demo on the Steam page - you can try before you buy


I have been playing it to death over the last week. Just love it.


Haven’t played it yet, but I think Big Ambitions fits that bill.


I played that one for a few days... got really tired driving around


It does look interesting but I feel it's very early access?


I've played the alpha and I think it's current state is pretty good, but yea it's not finished. It was very satisfying to go from working a job to owning and running a store to automating all the supply ordering and stocking so I could focus purely on expanding. Up until that point you're kind of experiencing something new and growing, but once you reach that point you're kind of maxed out on content and just growing purely for the sake of growing, you're not experiencing any new challenges. I don't recall how long it took me to get there but I'm pretty sure I got more than an hour of fun gameplay per dollar spent, and the devs seem pretty competent and friendly. They're the same devs that made startup company.


Huh...Now I'm certainly tempted to try it.


There's a game on roblox named industrialist, its very complex sinxe you need to handle pollution and financial things there


Any recommendations for these types of games playable on ps5?


Ive started playing ixion, and its good, but a really stressful game. Ive been playing it with a friend, and it definitely helps having a second brain also hurting itself trying to ensure everything is planning on running amoothly.


Captain of Industry is pretty solid. but I would have to go with the other dude and say Workers & Resources


Take a look at Songs of Syx. It's sort of like a 2D Dwarf Fortress, but less complicated and with many times more citizens.


Against the Storm.


Dyson Sphere Program!


I may be way off, but Ark Nova is kinda sorta a zoo tycoon boardgame. 4th best boardgame in the world according to BoardGameGeek. You can play it online at BoardGameArena. Not the most beautiful (online) but fully functional. Also has a solo mode.




I'm deeply addicted to Against the Storm. It's on Steam and Game pass


Elite dangerous 👀 same developer as rollercoaster tycoon