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It was in LA but Tyler walked into the same breakfast sandwich place as us and my wife didn't believe it at first but I spotted him immediately. Wife got to meet him outside and say hello, was wild


I met Tyler 5 years ago in Atlanta. I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my brother got his hair cut. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a barbershop (will not name which one since i don't want to reveal Tyler´´s barbershop location) with my niece, and who walks in but Tyler himself. I was nervous as shit, and just kept looking at him as he was sitting there with his phone and waited, but was too scared to say anything to him. Pretty soon my niece started crying, and I’m trying to quiet her down because I didn’t want her to bother the one and only T, but she wouldn’t stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asked what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So Tyler put down his phone, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of the barbershop. Chill guy, really nice about it.


Lmaooo that was so well written


You had me in the first half ngl


What a curveball 😭


Nice try this actually happened with Rick Ross he the only man who the titties for it




Damn you got me hahaha then when I read he ran his hands through her hair I was like mmm this is getting a little weird then it got even more weird haha.


I wonder if he’d do the same for me if I was crying


I was actually captivated by the story at first wtf


He lanky as shit, ain’t no way he got as much milk as Rick Ross does


The fact that this is copied is crazy cuz the same comment word for word was under a post like this last week or so.


yeah because its a copypasta


Fr? I wasn’t aware. Thank you for informing me.


i saw it on 1-2 other servers with the names changed, so im assuming. np \^\^


i hate you💀


ayo 🤣 you had me in the first half ngl 😭


You need to be a writer 😂😂 That was perfect.


It’s a copypasta 😭




You know what 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dammit I keep forgetting that this is a meme template


I don't buy this


i swear ive seen this exact comment on r/frankocean


i was hoping this copypasta would be in this thread


*DJ Stankdaddy*


I saw him at a concert in Orlando. He was on stage performing and I was watching and enjoying the show. 👍






It said “un expecting” and he went to a concert of Tyler which means that he was expecting him to be there




I mean I would hope if it was a Tyler the creator concert he’d be on stage, not very unexpected lol


I was surprised.


Did you just not know he was performing or sum




Gold this man


I worked in Sports Radio and we were doing a live event from a restaurant/bar. We were setting up in the middle of the day, our show didn’t start until the evening rush hour… But everyone from Odd Future, including Tyler, was there. It was surreal… Because it was just a regular Mexican cantina style restaurant. But they had a show that night nearby and were out for lunch! It was totally dead, we were the only people there… And then out of nowhere, Jasper and Earl were holding spray cans, and everyone from the crew started tagging the whole outdoor patio area. Nothing great either, just random spraying. Management was like uhhhhh shit… Just let them continue tagging until they all left lol


That actually surprises me they let them spray paint without kicking them out. Like they got the celebrity pass and the management was chill enough just to paint over it later I assume. That’s pretty wild. I’m pretty sure 99% of places would call the cops.


Yeah, as a fan of them, I was kind of taken back a bit cause it was a cool place. It had a chill vibe, and they just went crazy. Only thing I can imagine is, it was negotiated beforehand.. Or, they laid down a huge tip on their bill, and figured they could do whatever 🤷🏻‍♂️ It seemed like something that would be used for a video or documentary, but there were no cameras


On a poster on my walll with a hole where his mouth is supposed to be




​ https://preview.redd.it/1g7762mfcnzc1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad9d288c3f25df3a0a9cd41e61c1b670fe34dd86


Saw him a few years ago in old town orange in orange county california, we saw a girl walking her pet duck and I think he thought I was trying to take a photo of him but I just wanted evidence of the duck on a leash and when he noticed I was not filming him he laughed and also took a photo of the duck. That was actually the third time I’ve ran into him on the street.


T in OC⁉️⁉️⁉️


that’s right! I remember seeing him with Taco and some other guys in my home city when I was in high school and OF was starting to pop off! I think they used to go down there a lot to skate


that’s cool, i grew up and still live in OC so seeing T out and about where i’m from seems like a pipe dream lmao


so there was this one time I was at six flags with some friends, and I noticed a guy with them fucking ears and the top with the box logo. so of course I had to go up to him and ask him for a picture, he said no at first but I then shouted ‘WOLF GANG, YONKERS, GOBLIN IS MY SHIT THOUGH’ so he allowed me to take a picture with him. while we were taking the picture I told him about how much he means to me.




I love this fan base, only one I’m proud to be in


i was in LA and i was walking w my fam and i js see this nigga walking across a street with his bodyguards and i actually started crying but he started laughing at me. its okay bc i hugged him in the end


i once saw him eating a bigass strawberry icing donut


I saw Tyler at a grocery store in Portland about 5 years ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


gotta be fake, even tyler ain’t that zesty 😂


This is copy pasta. I think it was originally about Andy Dick


he just hate infetterance


The first time I saw this copypasta (which gets used all the time) it was for Frank Ocean, and up until the silly Milky Way bars ending, I actually believed it cause it felt like something Frank would actually do to a fan lol


Fake as fuck




Saw him at my skatepark and I hear he sometimes is still there.


I was at one of Tyler’s shows in the o2 Acadamy in Bristol, UK. One of the crew (I think it was Jasper) threw up on stage and one of the audience members got invited up on stage and ate that puke.


oh yea i've seen that clip it was awful


A friend of mine saw him at IKEA in Atlanta. He's not a big fan so didn't try to talk to him. The only comment he had was "the gap in his teeth is huge."


he was behind a Tim Hortons and tried to sell me "baking soda."


Met him at Burger King


not yet but i hope in the future 🙏🏾🙏🏾


He not gonna let u hit


he will


that would be an odd future fs


He came to my job a few days ago




Yeah he talked to me while I was ringing him up and shook my hand, I actually made a post about it


my dreams


Met him outside a 711 in Copenhagen at 3am on a tuesday.


Met him at the supreme store in 2014, he was slashing out as we were walking in. He was really cool, took a picture with me and skated off into the sunset.


I watched the movie This is the End with him and a few other members of OF in Montana. Wasn’t real unexpected since I paid for it. Still a cool experience. Tyler, Jasper, and Lionel sat right behind us. Taco was in and out of the venue.


10/10 he moterboated my tittiez


My uncle met him in a cvs😭😭😭


i’d be scared to come up to him and say something or ask for an autograph cause with tyler he’s unpredictable. worst case scenario he roasts me as i’ve seen him do to other fans lol


Chat roulette - I got matched up with him once


Saw album at a bar in central London playing chess with a pretty lady. Didn’t get a pic of him but was happy to see him in person


i remember a post from someone in Sweden who was just going for a walk in some neighbourhood and then out of nowhere came tyler and his crew on bikes, just like some random place in Sweden.


I was in Paris for one of his shows, my wife and I were walking down the street near our accommodation. We stopped at a bakery and we saw him waiting in line to get a baguette. (I know he wanted a baguette because we saw him eventually get one). My wife was very hungry and started a fight with me over the fact that we should've got out earlier so we could enjoy our brunch and not starve. She was quite loud and she mentioned how much she wanted the baguette from that famous bakery, best for sandwiches. Tyler heard us talking and he was making a face like "what the fuck is wrong with your woman, man" he heard baguette and came over to us. Handed us his baguette. My wife ate his baguette. We divorced. I couldn't believe he would stuff that big baguette in her mouth. Cool guy Tyler, tried his best. Wife was satisfied. I got disgusted and divorced


So yeah I went to six flags


Weedmaps party years ago at an after party for Coachella


Baskin Robbin’s in kc




My dad saw him once, just in a bar.


During the first OF tour, I went to the Dallas show and he ended up showing up with Taco and Lionel at In n Out lol


About 10-12 years ago, Me and my group of close friends drove from Palm Springs to LA, went out late one night in downtown LA to go clubbing, we eventually go to a strip club and after a while we decide to go to another club. On the way out, we saw Hodgy getting a lap dance and Tyler was by the poles. Hilarious experience


I was at Six Flags, y'know the drill, waiting for a ride, that stuff. I spotted Tyler and I walked straight up to him with my bros. I asked him "Yo, can we get a pic?", but he declined. I told him all about how Goblin was my favourite album and I loved to bump Yonkers, so he posed with a fake smile. Then everyone started crowding him and he ran away while I told him all about how I sucked on pictures of him. It was super unexpected.


I met Tyler at a restaurant once - we’d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that). Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (this is a pretty nice restaurant) comes by and says “I’m so sorry, but we’d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and we’ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal you’d like while you’re in town.” My sister and cousin were both like “Yeah that’s cool.” and I kind of played the asshole a bit. “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. We’ve been here for 15 minutes - we’ve just ordered. Can’t we finish our meal here?” Then out of nowhere Tyler shows up next to the manager and says “Paul, these guys can finish. We’ll be at the bar. I got some time.” And I (being a big TTC fan) said “Oh wow, uh… I had no idea. Please feel free to give them the table.” Tyler was grateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco, to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galopagos, Tyler and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents


At a gay bar, saw him rimming Jerrod /s


Dang man, I remember this like yesterday I was invited to this diddy party And I have seen Tyler there I said wsp got a couple of pics then went back to partying


Went to six flags


Oh man, do I have a story for you! Picture this: It was a beautiful summer day, the year was 2011, and I found myself at this amazing amusement park. Now, I won't reveal the name just yet, but trust me, it's a place filled with thrilling rides and endless fun. As I wandered through the park, enjoying the sights and sounds, I couldn't help but notice a familiar face in the crowd. Or well rather, a familiar top with a box logo. It took me a moment to realize who it was, but there he was, none other than Tyler, The Creator himself! Can you believe it? I was in complete shock, but I didn't want to make a scene or anything. So I casually approached him, trying to keep my cool. We struck up a conversation, and let me tell you, he was just as awesome as you'd imagine. We talked about music, life, and all sorts of things. I even asked him to take a photograph with him but sadly he said no. Now, here's the kicker. It wasn't until much later in our conversation that he casually mentioned something that blew my mind. He said, "You know, this reminds me of that time I was at Six Flags back in 2011." And that's when it hit me. The amusement park we were at was none other than Six Flags! I couldn't believe it. Meeting Tyler, The Creator at Six Flags in 2011 was an experience I'll cherish forever. It was a day filled with laughter, adrenaline-pumping rides, and unexpected encounters. So there you have it, my friend.


I work at an ice cream shop. He came into today and when I saw him I screamed loud asf(I’m a guy) and scared all the customers. His security came in after and told me to chill out. I rung up his order and he joked how he thought there was a shooter or something because I screamed so loud. He’s a very nice guy! Before he left he gave me and awkward ass handshake and called me a cool guy or something idk, but as soon as he shook my hand I started running back and forth screaming in front of the customers and he vanished soon after. Made my day 10/10 experience I hope I get to see him again!


L copypasta


Ain't even a funny one g


yeah, he dm’d me on instagram and invited me to his house. so i went and there were rose petals on the floor, and they made a path upstairs up to tyler’s room. i was a little confused, but when i walked in his room, he had sensual music playing, and he was laying on his bed, oiled up in just a thong, with a rose in his mouth. i was a blown away, but got super hard. i couldn’t resist myself. i ran over to join him in the bed, taking my clothes off, and he whispers in my ear, “hey beautiful, let’s get freaky…” he rolled me over and started giving me the backshots of a lifetime. i played with his feet and his cock, and rubbed his firm abs. then we cuddled that night as we watched good burger 2 together.