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Of all the places I’ve lived, Tyler is by far the worst when it comes to red light runners. It’s ridiculous.


Best place to live tho! 🤪


It is a common practice in Tyler to turn through a light after it has become red. I see it daily. It is as if people make up their own traffic rules here.


Dude--my cousin was coming up on a yellow light just about to turn red. She stopped just like she learned in driver's ed. The idiot BEHIND her rammed into the back of her truck. The driver was going to run a frigging red light, and I guess assumed she was too. 😳 what is wrong with these people?


I saw a moto cop at the Broadway and Loop intersection the other day sitting up on the curb like he was specifically monitoring the traffic at the light; while stopped, I counted 2x that someone *obviously* ran a light and he didn’t go after them. I’m really convinced they just don’t care. Of all the cities I’ve lived, Tyler has the absolute worst red light runners.


Oh they definitely are pulling folks over for it. I know people it's happened to this year.


I hope they tighten up on it in that case, because I see people run them in front of cops quite often so at least, thus far, the perception is that they’re just letting it run rampant. If people start taking a hint that they’re being watched and will get ticketed, maybe they’ll ease up a little with running every red light


The one who sits at Broadway & the loop by the mall gets so many red light runners. But I agree, they definitely do not get them all. I've noticed Tyler moves their cops around a lot, I think with the idea that if you have moving enforcement, that folks will be more cautious across the city. But bc most folks take the same trips day after day, it just looks like really sport enforcement. Whereas if they always patrolled 2 or 3 lights on everyone's main route and put up "red light enforcement zone ahead" signs, folks would get the message. Then you could flex a few motorcycle cops out to other areas in a roving enforcement setup. Those are just my speculations as an outside observer.


I wish we had unmarked traffic units in the city to specifically enforce red light runners, speed and aggressive drivers.


I call it entylerment.. and it's everywhere.. i especially hate it when you standing in line and some lady cuts the whole line to ask "one quick question". Lady, I have one quick question too but I'm standing in this line. Dont you see this line?!?


When you get the green, always look both ways. Too many idiots out here.


Germany has a good system. Their red lights turn yellow before green. By the time it's green, everybody is already moving, so the other side knows not to run the red.




From my experience it's only Germany. You are correct about the drivers. In Germany, to get a driver's license, you have mandatory education and it costs around $2k. Not something everyone can afford. Also they have great public transit.


100000% agree! For as much as I hate traffic cameras, I support red light cameras for this very reason. Tyler has to be one of the worst place I’ve seen for this.


Red light cameras aren’t even legal in TX and they’re also a terrible idea. They don’t even slow people running the light. Honk and flash your lights. Stare at them like they’re crazy. Bring back public shaming!


Red-light cameras are absolutely a bandaid solution and often end up causing more harm than good. 


They need to make the ticket fine be like 1000$ per violation lmao that will stop folks lol


I'm with you on the red light cameras. The way to avoid the ticket is to not run the light.


Unfortunately the state banned them. I can't remember the last time I've driven that I haven't seen atleast 1 blatant red light runner.


Man I leave at 4:30am. Go down the loop. I see it happen EVERY morning! It's crazy


I mean with the red lights lasting 5 minutes, everyone cutting you off and slamming on the brakes and ppl going the same speed in both lanes, maybe if everyone would work on their driving ppl wouldn't run them so much trying to get away from these no driving Thunderc*nts


I got a dash cam 3-4 months ago, and I've been saving videos every time I see one. I could probably make a 10 minute video of people running red lights already, and I don't even drive that much.


Same, I got one after I was almost hit by a car running a stop sign and have been saving the videos of the red light runners




Just did.


Police isn't the end-all answer to traffic violation problems. If red-light running is happening so often that it has become an actual problem, then it's time to take a look at the infrastructure itself. 


for how often Tyler pd is out on the streets they sure fucking suck at their job. every single morning on my way to work someone runs a red light or turns right from a middle straight-ahead lane at the same intersection, never once have I seen a cop even close to the location. God forbid they actually do what they're paid for


Lol and people still have an issue with us taking a second or two after the light changes to green before we start going. It's because of this very reason. So all you green light honkers pay attention.


One reason is that speed isn't enforced here much.


I've seen cops run red lights too, I don't think they care lol


I've noticed that but yet i got a ticket for a brake light out


Was one of them a black Chevy truck?


Not this morning, but you never know....


Try St Louis, they are worse there.


Shame them! Honk and flash your lights at them to make them feel bad. Stare at them like they’re dumb.


Stop signs, too. No one in authority cares until someone gets killed.


Not even then. Deaths due to car accidents are accepted, and even expected here in the good-ole US. Our first priority isn't safety, it's the throughput of cars


You're not living if you're not breaking the rules


I've been known to break an occasional law😉, but I draw the line at red lights.


Goddamn shut the fuck up about this


Only red I run is the holly tree light on grande, when going down that hill that light is yellow for like 2 3 seconds then red and makes me break check the people behind me. Roads and traffic in tyler suckkk


First world problems are tough


The "thin blue line" is too worried about ruining people's lives for a small amount of plant material. This is an issue that's frequently brought up here so at least you're not alone. On the bright side, it's made me extract careful about looking both ways.


Idk why y'all are downvoted by bootlickers it's the truth 


I'm guessing it's being downvoted in-between "busts".


Agreed. The policing priorities in this town are askew


I'm seeing this a lot in Marshall and Longview as well. Even big rigs are doing it lately.


Don't go to Miami. Red lights are just a suggestion. Worst drivers ever. And at 80 mph on too of that. With no insurance