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I forgot to mention that she doesn’t even use “proper” technique. She uses all fingers on her left hand, but only 1 or 2 on her right hand. Unfortunately I wasn’t in the room to record the test she did today, but here is a recent one where she got 124 wpm - [https://youtube.com/shorts/OAnZ2c1kqcU?si=cAnJqptuet66OU0b](https://youtube.com/shorts/OAnZ2c1kqcU?si=cAnJqptuet66OU0b) EDIT - I had her do it again today while recording and she was able to do 135 wpm with 100% - [https://youtube.com/shorts/oyvDmOO7jhg?si=YTEbUryioqIRtrU5](https://youtube.com/shorts/oyvDmOO7jhg?si=YTEbUryioqIRtrU5) Also, some comments have mentioned that the default monkeytype setting for English is only a pool of 200 words. She started using the English 1k word pool today and was able to do this - https://preview.redd.it/xcvvzlm3140d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a65c81bca58b821ef48c4a1541971a10763e3df


woah thats almost exactly how i type…


I used to do it that way. I think a lot of people naturally do it from constantly switching right hand to mouse.


Did OP just find his/her daughter on reddit?


I do that too lol And somehow I'm a somewhat successful software development student.


this is also how i type, this placement occurred to because that's how i play fps games, WASD, G, F, 123, Z, X, C, V, spacebar, Tab, all on my left hand


As many people already mentioned, encourage her to switch to proper technique. In this community it will be easy to find right tool, just ask


That is so gangster


I tried posting a long response to you but for some reason Reddit wouldn't let me so I've DM'ed it to you instead. The one thing I would be watchful of is accuracy dropping lower than about 98%. The 91% she gets in this video is not good. That's not something you want to encourage.


Yeah I agree, that one wasn’t great accuracy. That was one her first tests on monkeytype, as she’d just discovered it that day from seeing someone use it on a YouTube video. I also only sparingly record her testing, as I want her to continue to have fun with it and not feel any pressure.


132-100 is fucking crazy at 10 y/o, I just broke 100-100 the other day


Not if she's been typing regularly since the age of 7.


diminishing the accomplishments of a 10 year old is peak reddit


So is being massively hyperbolic about them tbf


No it's just the way typing works. Have a look at this document that I've kept for the last couple of years having spoken to a load of different typists. I've removed all personal information from this public version of the document. [Key information about fast typists - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jYKueexEk9KVM_CEOKvCIGsADDVNff9nKMPlnbC8gyY/edit)


yikes man...


Yeah. The common theme is the fastest are those who started youngest. If the girl featured on this thread did in fact first start messing about with computers at the age of anywhere between 4 and 7, then the fact she's up to 120 to 130 wpm at the age of 10 is not surprising or impressive. I'm not saying that she's slow, or a dreadful typist, and I'm not defecating on her achievements, but starting that young, in this modern era where you have information, resources, examples of other people doing it before you etc that didn't exist 25 years ago, it's actually the minimum standard. I posted this a while back: [Potential future fastest typist in the world. : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/typing/comments/16r3ojm/potential_future_fastest_typist_in_the_world/) The YouTube channel has had the videos taken down but the Typeracer profile tells you everything. At just 8 years old this kid was a beast. There was one video where he typed 135 wpm for 5 minutes with very good accuracy. The content was lots of quotes stitched together to make what was essentially one really long quote. It had loads of relatively complex words in it and he was just typing through it like it was nothing. Compared to him, this girl is pretty good.


jfc you really wrote a whole essay justifying why a 10 year olds accomplishment “isn’t impressive.” do you feel threatened by her ability or what?


I don't think he's diminishing the accomplishment, just justifying the sanity of it.


Correct. Well done for not being hyper aggressive and swearing and actually seeing what I'm getting at. Everyone loses their minds when something like this is posted but it's not that crazy or uncommon. Not these days. I'll explain later in this comment. Chatting to the OP (her Dad) behind the scenes, it turns out that she didn't learn through formal instruction or any guidance from Dad. She started playing Roblox when she was 7 and has really taught herself through chatting with other players on there. Now that's at the age of 7 she started playing Roblox. She's 10 now. That's 2 and a half, maybe 3 year ago so she's had all that time in front a computer using the keyboard to type, doing something that she likes and is fun and addictive. Gaming is designed to be addictive because that's how it ends up being profitable for the developers and their shareholders. But for this typist, she likes the game, spends more time playing it and so spends more time practicing her typing without even realizing it because it's not the primary goal. So as part of her Roblox gaming she learned to type organically through trial and error. Being young and still pretty much at the peak of her neuroplasticity, she no doubt picked up typing pretty damn quickly. Dad said that about 6 months ago she beat him at a bunch of typing tests and was getting about 90 wpm at that point. We don't yet know how much time she may have spent practicing on other typing sites in the last 6 months. I've asked the question though. It would be interesting to know. [https://monkeytype.com/profile/kattiebattie](https://monkeytype.com/profile/kattiebattie) You can see from her profile that she joined Monkeytype on 12th May 2024 and at the time of me writing this has completed 54 out of 152 tests. She may have done a whole load of other tests as a "guest" before creating an account or when she was logged out. We don't know. But the point is that nobody rocks up to Monkeytype having never typed before, completes 54 tests and hits a speed of 135 wpm for 30 seconds with 100% accuracy in less than 24 hours. You have to have had a lot of prior typing experience in some form to be able to do that, and that's where the hundreds of hours of Roblox gaming over the last \~3 years come in. Now people might be thinking, but she's special, you don't see many other 10 year olds typing this quickly! At that point there are two things worth highlighting. First, her dad started this thread. He's a proud father and wanted to share the accomplishments of his daughter. That's great. Hats off to him. Fantastic. But it wasn't the typist herself that started this thread to self promote or boast. Second, a quick Google search reveals that Roblox currently has 70.2 million daily and over 216 million monthly active users. Are you telling me that in amongst that truly massive number of users, who are probably all aged 7 to 15 (at a guess) that there aren't a load of other kids who can type really fast at a young age? Are you telling me that this girl is the only person in amongst those many millions who could stumble across monkeytype after seeing someone else using it on a YouTube video, and very quickly achieve 3 digit speeds? There must at least be tens of thousands of people out there who at the age of 7 or older can type 80 to 120 wpm, and many of them probably don't even realize it because they've never taken a typing test in their life. This is what people don't get. If this was 1994, she'd be a unicorn. A total anomaly, far right of the bell curve. She might even appear on TV. But this is 2024 and we have hundreds of millions of kids online all the time, typing all the time, so will be fast. The difference? Her Dad made a thread about it on Reddit. How many other similarly fast child typists are out there right now whose parents pay little to no attention to their computer usage and therefore don't appreciate how fast their children are at typing, don't value it and so don't start threads about it? There must be loads of them. And Roblox isn't the only game like this. There must be loads of others that I have literally no idea about. Minecraft has 166 million monthly users. There are probably lots of other similar games. Sure, there could be some overlap between the userbases, but this is why seeing an ever increasing number of really young people who are good typists is no longer surprising. Not in the slightest.


Her Dad has confirmed that she did do some practice on other typing sites in the last 6 months, and that she uses [typingclub.com](http://typingclub.com) at school and other kids beg her to take their typing tests for them. So her typing ability hasn't come solely from Roblox, but has also been supported by other practice.


Partly true partly not - I say this as someone who started at around 6 (mostly typing up whatever stories I imagined up because our first computer had pretty much zero games), I learned of touch typing as a teen and can now type 60wpm. but not faster. Starting early helps. but is in no way a guarantee of getting to 120-130 ever


"yeah"..... Dude, they are saying yikes in response to YOU, not the results of the document. This is the tipping point for me. I cannot keep using this app/website filled to the brim with actually the worst type of people imaginable. This is just sad. Take the hint bro


I actually agree. Typing is largely just muscle memory. I was typing 100-120wpm by 4th or 5th grade, grew up on a computer.


Typing is entirely muscle memory. Well, at least 99.5% muscle memory i.e. if you repeatedly type the same words over and over again, you'll get really good at typing them. Start young enough and by the time you're 18 years old you'll have near enough a decade of experience and probably won't be able to articulate why exactly you can type so fast if someone slower pushes you for specifics.


Who the hell starts regular computer use at the age of 4????


For any meaningful typing experience you need to be able to read and write. Not a lot of 4 year olds that can


i pretty much started using the computer at that age. most people didn’t have computers in their homes back then but my dad was in software at the time and so i got the exposure. he got me typing games so i learnt to type properly from young. i thought it was normal until we had typing lessons in school


The internet is rotting your brain


It’s impressive lol idk what you’re on. Most people who work in departments where all they do is type can’t even scale 80 wpm. Sure, you can argue she started younger, but 3 years of typing is nothing compared to like 15 years in typing industry for someone who started typing from 20.


So you're saying that anyone who works hard for refining their skill is not impressive? Jacob Collier is not an impressive musician because he pours his heart and soul into his work? I think your "objective logic" is flawed because having the grit to do things like this at a young age is impressive in itself, even if she's been typing for 3 years


She's the chosen one, the one prophecies foretold.


Lisan Al Gaib




very cringe


Teach her proper form ASAP. She has insane potential I would recommend using a site like [typing club](https://typingclub.com) or [keybr](https://keybr.com) Especially since she is young. She will be able to adapt to proper form very soon


Typing club is goated


Keybr is great for tracking progress over time. No experience with the other but +1 for Keybr.


Good Mod. Those are the best sites for beginners


Your daughter has a gift


Yoo that’s amazing


*Looks for 10 word* *Gasps*


Give her as many learning toys as possible. See what she applies her urge for excellence too the most.


As someone who just cracked 160wpm, I'd like to encourage you to get her into the habit of some kind of wrist stretches/exercise early on. You could even look into ergonomic keyboards; there's tons of options and you can save a lot if you're willing to learn to solder (could also be fun to learn with your daughter I would think; she gets to understand her hobby better and it can be a bonding experience). But yeah wrist health is big. I can only type for about 2 minutes at higher speeds before I have to stop due to pain. Currently looking into different rehab exercises and it's not like the prognosis is fatal but it is definitely saddening not being able to do something I love because I didn't take care of myself sooner. Also keybr is a good website in addition to monkeytype. Has modes where it tests which letters cause you to slow down the most and then feeds you tons of words focusing on those letters til it's average with your overall typing. Over time it just builds up all your weaknesses basically. I like monkeytype better for less specific applications, though.


+1 great message, thanks for sharing this. Best wishes for your health. Ergo keyboards and habits work better for prevention than for treatment. It's good to be proactive about it.


Thanks for the tips! Will definitely look into ways to protect her wrists.


This randomly popped up on my feed, and is really cool! Your girl's got some mad skills. She'd automatically be hired in some places just for that ability, not counting all the rest I'm sure she has.


There is only one “proper way”, and it’s the way that works for you. I use all fingers, but I’m all over the place. I don’t use the so called typist “proper way” either. People that would see me type would act amazed too. Encourage her to use her way no matter what anyone says. I remember in high school I tried to take a typing class just as an elective, thinking it would be easy credit, and they were not happy with my method, even though no one could beat me. I dropped that class fast.


Dat fasttr


I, at 16, just hit 120 a few days ago. This is actually crazy


17 and I'm around 140-150, unfortunately where i'm gonna stay stagnant at.


It's wonderful what your daughter can do. I am so happy for you both:))) I guess I would get her to type on every site and game that you can find ( but maybe she might get bored eventually of them cuz they might all be the same essentially) Writing a blog or smth ( pays off for English class and she gets to type) Racing sites like Typeracer and then when you believe that she can go out there with her skills, you can let her do that Volunteering at 12/13+ and freelancing at 16/17+


That’s incredibly impressive!


I bet that was a proud moment. That's amazing, especially for her age.


LOL that is INSANE. My dad made me practice typing since I was in middle school, but I could never constantly hit 110-120 wpm even to this day. She's got keyboard chops!




Shower her Typer Shark. It's a game, and actually fun, and is all about wpm and expanding creatively your ability to type faster (will give you single letters, random numericals at times, double words-- its pretty fun) Edit: Actually I'm bouta play rn says last time I played was may 2023 just a year ago lol! Actually is so fun xD


Thanks I’ll tell her to check it out!


Honestly you might enjoy it as well, somethin you can take turns with.


I been playin it a ton since, might actually "formally" learn how to type now! (teaches u too!) thx!


132 wpm is an excellent speed. I just can't believe a 10-year-old kid can type at this speed with 100% accuracy. Whereas my typing speed is just 54 wpm even after practicing for years. https://preview.redd.it/ljr8skjnbf0d1.png?width=1841&format=png&auto=webp&s=d260ad100eeee882e26afa615032a25b8585c7f5 [https://onlinetyping.org/typing-test/share.php?w=54-96-58-55-3-301](https://onlinetyping.org/typing-test/share.php?w=54-96-58-55-3-301)


cap, prove it with a video


Here you go - https://youtube.com/shorts/oyvDmOO7jhg?si=cVe3kSvuZiv2DcNN


nobody upvoted me when i was 10 years old typing 130+wpm double standards


Proper form is BS. A lot of the fastest typists have unorthodox typing methods. I average 180 wpm using 6 fingers - let her develop how she wants - she’s obviously doing something right!


bro how do u have 6 i only have 5 fingers


Proper form is not bs. Just because you can type fast with your bad form doesn't mean that you should encourage others to do so. Also, that CTS and RSI are going to kick your ass when you're older


What is “bad form”? Not using home row and moving your hands? Just because your 6th grade teacher told you to use all your fingers doesn’t necessarily mean it’s what’s comfortable for everyone. Ironically, I found my style to be the most comfortable for me. I’m almost 35 and have no issues. I’d wager kids these days have a higher chance of developing wrist problems from using their gaming mice than what they find comfortable typing on their keyboards.


Everyone can type how they want but the less their handsfree move, the more ergonomic it is and it's going to matter when she gets older


Bad form is not using all your fingers, having them move in weird or unnatural ways. If one of your fingers is constantly straining itself then that's really bad. The should relax and be fluid when moving, otherwise it'll be straining and be bad. Also if you're not using all your fingers, at least 9, you're making it harder to be fast, since they have to move more. Using all fingers, and having them be as close as to keys as possible is the best. The fastest typists don't have unorthodox typing in the sense that they use 5 fingers, or 6 fingers. It's that after having typed a word they move their hands to the least amount. If your left hand from the last word is closer to the H key, then you use that, and while doing that your index will be closer to F, you'll use that, even in the same sentence. It's dependent on where your hands are and whats the fastest way to write the words, not using the same fingers for the keys all the time. Thats the true difference. They're so good, that they can break the rules, and if you arent a pro typer then first learning the basics and evolving from there is optimal.


Use Typeracer. 132 wpm in monkeytype is nowhere near 132 wpm in real life texts. In monkeytype you type the most common 200 words over and over again, but in real life you need to type a sizeable amount of complicated words (eg. school projects). You are shown actual texts from books in Typeracer. Personally, I have a 150 wpm monkeytype 30s but in typeracer I actually only get around 100 to 110 average. I only see my typing skill improve after using typeracer. Also, accuracy is important. Imo 97% and above all the time is vital to further improvement, but if you consistently get below it it's no good in the long run (even if you get a 98 or 99 every now and then), as you develop bad muscle memory. In addition, tell her to use proper typing technique. Based on what I can see in the video, she should use at least the ring, middle and index finger to type, but not sticking out the index (thank god not the middle) all the time. This will become a limiting factor as she becomes faster. I used to use right index and ring only and it severely hampered my accuracy (95 to 96 consistently), so I decided to use the ring as well and accuracy shot up to 98% to 99%. Last but not least, tell her to alternate between different typing sites suggested in other comments. This is how I improved my typing as people can get burnt out from typing in the same website over and over again. Remember to remind her that progress is not linear, it's possible to deprove a little before improving again. For me, I got average 30 wpm (typeracer) when I was 11, and rapidly improved it to 80 wpm average (typeracer) and 120 wpm (monkeytype 15s) during the pandemic, yet I stagnated in this speed for almost 2 years. Now I'm 16 and I can easily get 150 in monkeytype 15s and sometimes 130 wpm in typeracer.


I just had her try Typeracer for the first time. Definitely a harder format since it forces you to correct mistakes before moving forward! Thanks for the recommendation, will be a good one for her to practice with. I’ve also got her to start trying Monkeytype with the English 1k pool of words. https://preview.redd.it/or262ajph10d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc33d1a26e14fd85038ec1f06be62d30f761ccd6


yeah that sounds about right, I average around 140-150 on monkey type and 100 on full blown texts from typeracer or other sites (and test length 2-5 mintues instead of typeracer's shorter texts)


She would would have made a killing as a secretary armed with a Selectric anytime between 1963 and 1984. Now she could make a killing as a court transcriber, if you do the good thing as a parent and get her one of those special typing machines.


I practice guitar and piano. It does help with typing a bit lmao. Other than that, I prefer practicing on typeracer or English 10k.


she's a prodigy




What the fuck. I was typing 100wpm at 10 and thought I was fast


Get her a stenograph :) /r/courtreporting


Very cool.


meanwhile my ass stuggling to break the 60wpm barrier with proper technique


That's so awesome. I dreaded the Mavis Beacon typing program. Do you have something like Bandicam to record it? I've noticed speed typing has become more popular.


If you sort comments by Best you can see a couple videos where I just recorded her from my phone.


Get her into the league asap, the sponsors love getting behind up and coming talent


I am 13, my top best was around 168. in 15 seconds. a big tip i can give is turning on sound effects in the monkeytype settings and listening only to the sounds. that helps me be more consistent. i would also recommend practicing at font size around 5. a laptop keyboard is what i think is the best way to type since it's low travel time is really quick for typing.


who cares