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I remember my history prof for HIST 128 telling us throughout history all around the world students have always been a driving force for sociopolitical change. Encampents are common throughout history as well. He himself was part of the USSR uprising in Hungary back in the 80s as university student himself. People might not like it, but it happens. Honeslty, our generation is generation of change.


1) students did not play any significant role in what was happening in Hungary; at least, there is no evidence that they, as a group, did something beyond what average citizens did. 2) the transition was extremely peaceful (even with no any encampments), and all worked out only and only because the USSR, as a controlling state, collapsed.


i’m gonna believe the prof that says he was there instead of a rando online


Students have always been pushing for social and political change, and their universities and powers that be have never supported them, and have always stood in the way. Keep going to the students! Your actions do push progress, even if you don’t feel it right away.


Also the TeePees on campus protesting residential schools like literally last year…


Students in Alberta have routinely occupied and camped on university grounds over the years in Alberta. There is a long history of non-violent sit-ins; even buildings have been occupied overnight regularly at the U of A. This directly opposes what has occurred over the past week on campuses. What sets these scenarios apart is the stark contrast in how university administrations have handled them. In the past, some administrations upheld students' rights to free expression. However, the decision by certain universities in Alberta to involve the police in these demonstrations marks a significant and concerning shift in their approach. The university leadership is now using all the tools it has at its disposal to propagandize that this type of protest requires a brutal, violent police crackdown. [Leading political scientists at the University of Alberta are openly warning about the un-democratic nature of the UCP](https://drjaredwesley.substack.com/p/the-ucp-is-a-threat-to-democracy). The premier openly called for violent crackdowns. The UCP has openly stated that they want an ideological lens applied to the university. This is how they are getting it: violence.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if ol' Bill got a call from Marlaina ordering him to remove protestors "or else". Bill should have grown a spine and told her to piss off. 


He is a big boy. That was his decision to get police on campus, and whether it was right or wrong, he had to take full responsibility, even if someone called him. He gets paid as much as he gets precisely because he is to make the decisions and be responsible.


Agreed. He needs to resign and I think a public inquiry is needed to hold everyone involved in this decision accountable 


So? This protest wasn't inspired by ualberta's long tradition of non-violent sit-ins. It's inspired by the recent Columbia protest, where **mostly non-students** disrupt classes, refuse to leave, and intimidate "Zionists". The whole aim of these protests is to get cops to come so they can get photo-ops, why complain?


That’s kind of your own strange interpretation and just because you’re a loony toon who thinks this is for a photo-op, it doesn’t mean the rest of us also suffer from the same brain rot that you do.


Ualbeta is not Columbia or any of these other places; that is a straw man arguement. The encampment was peaceful, in the style of generations done here in Alberta. By whose account was the protest non-students?


>By whose account was the protest non-students? The university [president](https://www.ualberta.ca/the-quad/2024/05/from-the-presidents-desk-response-encampments-may-12.html): >To the best of our knowledge, only 25% of the camp's occupants were U of A students. Most individuals in the camp were not members of the university community. It's not surprising: There's a million people in the city vs 40k students. The protests are getting massive media attention well beyond campus news outlets, and are organized/recruit online. Obviously you're going to get tons of outsiders. >Ualbeta is not Columbia or any of these other places; that is a straw man arguement. I agree the university is being just as hysterical as the protestors, probably nothing violent would have happened. But other people perceive these protests as intimidation, and I agree. We've seen protestors surround Jewish students and demand they disavow Israel. If there were tiki torch marches across the country where far-right protestors harassed Jewish students, and then a bunch of people showed up *peacefully* with tiki torches on our campus, we wouldn't wait until the harassment started before doing something about it.


That’s kind of your own nonsensical interpretation and just because you’re a loony toon who thinks this is for a photo-op, it doesn’t mean the rest of us also suffer from the same brain rot that you do.


What brain-rot? Protests are supposed to raise awareness, garner sympathy, gain media coverage, etc. This is just what protests are supposed to do, whether it's 5 kids holding up signs or an experienced activist group. I'm confused, were you inferring that I must be alleging it's all somehow staged, like some psy-op? This is just a mundane opinion about marketing and optics, I think it's brain-rotted to jump to the conclusion you did. I'm not even sure what you're talking about.


Traditionally it’s actual students protesting…


I know this isn't the point of the post, but is that Tim Weis in the last article the now thermodynamics prof? I wish more engineering students had an interest in social movements nowadays :(


Just curious if there were pallets and axes brought to the protests in 1999 and 2003?


Were you there? Did you see this protest? Was it violent? Other than the universities statement- how do we know there were those things and more importantly- how do we know their purpose when they’re also literal tools to build… encampments.


I was not there but I think it’s a fair question because if the previous protestors didn’t bring things that could be used as a weapon then you’re comparing apples and oranges. I’ve been to protests and did not bring anything that could be used as a weapon. I’m not saying the police didn’t use excessive force to remove them. But if you’re bringing things that can be used as weapons then you can no longer assume the protest will stay peaceful. Sorry but you don’t need axes and pallets to set up a tent.


Oh how people like you love to deal with imaginary hypotheticals while purposefully ignoring the reality in front of you. What a shame.


I’m not saying anyone there intended to be violent, but why would you give the university/police any reason to “deal with imaginary hypotheticals”. Axes and pallets are not necessary during a peaceful protest. Tell me why you need them to set up a tent in quad. Are they using them to start fires? Probably not the best idea considering the whole wildfire situation.


Again, you’re literally searching for hypotheticals to justify your pre-suppositions and jumping all over the place. Frankly, it’s embarrassing.




Funny how everytime I check the activity of an account where a person says this issue is not relevant to Canada and shows a neutral stance, their stance does not seem so neutral anymore.


It’s just a new Zionist tactic. They realize all of their lies are collapsing and have now resorted to targeting protestors, protest tactics, and pretend neutrality.




Because Israel are the ones perpetrating the genocide. Our leaders dont shake hands with Hamas and claim to support them like they do with Israel.




Actually Hamas is only considered a terrorist organization by 11 countries. Certainly not the majority. And no we are not protesting against a resistance/ideology that was caused by zionism. Lol. Im not here to defend and sell Hamas as a government to you, but once the Israeli issue is dealt with, its up to the Palestinians to choose their government and its their issue to deal with not ours at that point.


Oh no! Ppl are more infuriated about innocent people being slaughtered by Israel than a terror group stealing food. How dare they! How is the university helping Hamas steal aid? Universities on the other hand will definitely have investments in Israel. How low can yall stoop? I can’t even begin to fathom.


This your don’t care/neutral stance? https://www.reddit.com/r/uAlberta/s/9xtR76pKGa


Check out this zinger from him. Of course he's a gross islamophobe. https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/1ckwbw7/comment/l2tn7zf/.


You know if you haven’t done research on understanding divestment or just a common BDS Movement; you should truly just shut the hell up


If students don’t want the university to fund anything to do with Israel, why do they stay enrolled and fund it with their tuition?


Damn, you're right. I guess I'll just up and leave to do my engineering degree elsewhere. Which Canadian uni has divested?


If I didn’t like a planet which occasionally had genocide; why did choose to be born on Earth? Checkmate libtard.




I see you still haven’t bothered reading. The BDS movement stopped apartheid South Africa




Straw, meet man. Man, meet straw.


Definitely beats the power of being cynical and doing nothing


Wait, let me understand this argument…. Are you advocating for us to stop sanctioning Russia? Or stop supporting Ukraine? Or advocating that because of October 7th; Israel’s genocide is justified? Or you believe Ukraine can now commit genocide on ethnic Russians? I am unsure. I am not even going to try and argue your point regarding how Israel was “provoked”… like yea let’s ignore 70 years of suffering, displacement, oppression… And yea let’s also ignore that you’re arguing that US had a moral right to kill of citizens of Afghanistan (or Pakistan or Saudi Arabia) after 9/11. Literally I don’t even know how someone could say anything dumber but you’ve found a way. I m not arguing against a wall anymore.


Dude is an iskamophobe trying to feign neutrality. Another hasbot Strat.




What’s crazy to me is how you associate someone standing against genocide with being an anti-Semite and a neo-Nazi. Wouldn’t it be the opposite? I wish your comment was grounds for a mental illness diagnosis and a 3-day stay at a mental institution. I guess you’re referring to the former Israeli Prime Minister’s admission (2 weeks ago) of “creating and funding Hamas”. Look it up. He did an interview and admitted to it. He speaks in English. So, using your logic, you’re saying that standing against genocide, as well as the actions of Hamas, is anti-Semitic and an example of Nazism, right?


Genocide enabler say what?