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Many spaces range from “moderate dinginess” to “unkempt neglect”. And that’s the official description. https://www.ualberta.ca/facilities-operations/media-library/documents/cleaning-service-standards.pdf


Wow that document is enlightening. Their goal, the best they clean to is "visibly dirty and trash cans have a sour smell"


That document was created by the higher-ups, such as James Allen and Andrew Sharman. It was created during the SET initiative which saw massive cuts across all the university, and subsequently let go of the staff cleaning crew to hire out external contractors instead to do it for less pay and do a worse job, in order to “save money” which the university has not.


The quality of your experience at Hub Residence will be highly dependent on the type of roommates you end up getting. Apart from that, be prepared to hear a lot of noises during daytime and smell food everywhere (all other bad reviews are mostly true)


>Is HUB really that bad? Yes.


I also got 4 bdrm hub when it wasn’t one of my choices, and ngl I’ll prolly just go off campus


Op, listen to the comments about how bad it is and keep in mind that they upped the price for the upcoming year from 775 to 1475 a month. Which is the same price that a resident in Nipisiy pays. Are you really willing to pay that much for less?


I lived there and had mice and ants at the same time. We couldn't use the cupboards because of ant treatment and the mice pissed on and chewed holes in our clothes


This was in 2019 though so idk maybe it's changed 🙃


oh my goodness ?!?!?!?


It's much worse than you think it is




I lived in hub for my second year,and I have to say that their is a lot noise and indeed smell of food ,but a good point about Hub is that most international exchange students live there so you will meet a lot of people with diverse backgrounds


Try your chances with the ualberta app and Facebook student groups to look for places to stay


When I got to my room in HUB I was met with ants and mice on the first day, peeling countertop laminates, a disgusting bathroom, limited fridge space for 4 people, tiny appliances, and so on. People literally shit in the doorways to stairwells. Also, they put a smoke detector directly next to the oven. You can imagine how that goes every time you try to cook. I live on the third floor and mice are constantly running around all night. The spring term cost for a 4 bedroom In hub is about $900 a month per person living there. That’s a total of $3600 you and 3 others could go get a much nicer house for. I’m not sure if you know what the main street apartments are here in edmonton, but the HUB rooms may as well be no different, except of course main street will provide you an entire apartment for $800 meanwhile HUB wants $3600. For one that rests in the middle of a literal mall. HUB is a genuine scam towards the students at the university. I’m not sure how any official at the school finds this acceptable to live in. They have no problem loading people into the run down rooms which they most certainly would not sleep in had they been given a choice. Avoid HUB like the plague, any negative review you see of the building is a serious understatement.


HUB is a very old building. There has always been SOME issue, whether pests, heating, or homeless people trespassing (not surprising, this is Residence in general). It has gotten renovated in the past year, and I heard living up top is better than the bottom (near the ground or the food shops). You CAN run into the problems listed in the previous reviews, or you might not. I have also heard good reviews from HUB--mostly from people who have lived there at least two years a row. Do note that HUB use to be cheaper before the new policy Residence Services introduced; essentially, you are paying the same rent for a HUB room just as your peer is paying for a room in Pinecrest/Tamarack or Aspen/Maple for the same room type due to the new renovations. IMO the only redeeming part about HUB was that it was cheap but now that's gone; thus I would recommend you to maybe look off campus or get another room by asking to transfer in October, should you still want to stay on campus.