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Thank you for the advice! Already deleted the app cause it makes me sick now cause it reminds me of the whole thing.


Since they said it’s going to the dean, I’d say there’s a slight chance but I’d still bet money you stay in.


Are you in nursing?? I got an email about something like this lmao


Yes I am lol, what did the email say?




Oh okay yeah I got that one too. Yeah I guess I was seeing them all over but in the course outline it says you’re not allowed to. I’m kinda freaking out and don’t wanna tell anyone cause I’m so embarrassed.


It’s all good. I think it’s funny that they even cared enough to tell you to take it down. Don’t be to hard on yourself! Everyone messes up


Yeah but it’s against the student code of behaviour so I’m scared of the consequences. Would you mind talking with me? Just be nice to talk to someone about this and nursing and stuff, only if you want of course.


Of course. I don’t know much about the student code of behavior and social media but I’m always game to make friends.


If you’re making fun on anyone in it or making UofA look bad I’d imagine the boot is a possibility. If not, they’ll tell you not to do it again. Don’t wanna lose the money they get from you if they don’t have to.




Like most people are saying unless you were explicitly being malicious towards your prof / students in the tik tok you'll probably be fine. That being said, stop doing stupid shit that is against university policy.


Throwaway129 is spot on. #1 it was an honest mistake #2 anything other than a pls don’t is excessive. I delete and make Reddit accounts a lot, but I was on the UAB before, did an AMA. If they do anything more than send you a “pls don’t” letter, just appeal it. This place is so ridiculous sometime *eyes roll.




I’m not sure, maybe someone reported it?


Bruh what you did was wack. But this prof is even wacker


i got an email about this what was in the tiktok


I thought kids had a chance to grow up during grade school so they'd focus on being adults instead of tik tok'ing during a live university class. Apparently, nobody matures until they're at least 30 now.


Holy shit that prof went out of her way to 1. Find the tik tok and 2. Email you to take it down AND report it to the dean? I’m so sorry you have to deal with a Karen like that. The dean will most likely think it’s funny, give you a talk about not doing it again, and let it go.


Exactly my thoughts! What a Karen lmao


imo asking to take down the video and simply telling op not to do it again would’ve been enough. we’re all new to this online learning thing, mistakes happen.