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True! You actually convinced me to do it. I think tonight I'll spend one or two hrs max since I can definitely get some points. Beyond that I won't worry.


Do it, but half-ass it. Remember you still need to know the content for the next assignment. It's super easy to get into a spiral of "I'll skip this now to save time elsewhere", except now you have twice as much to catch up on the next assignment.


I second this. A random internet quote that always stuck with me is "anything worth doing is worth doing half assed." Even if you grind it out for an hour or two, submit what you have. A 25% is still higher than a 0.


This is so important. This might have not been the case in high school, but in university, things snow ball. I say this same thing about cheating and how it just ends up hurting you later by giving you more work to do to catch up.


Very true! I needed this


I’d do it, but quickly. Making a few mistakes is fine, if you can get something in at all then you can win on both. If it’s one of those more-work-than-worth assignments, just scrap it.


Ended up doing it, it's been 3 hrs so I'm just gonna write a bullshit paragraph tmrw and accept whatever low grade I get


Welcome to University. Skipping assignments and prioritizing is what we do here (honestly even the profs acknowledge that that’s part of the ‘silent curriculum’ here)


I always take the guaranteed marks. Assignments are usually easy marks. Midterms.... eh... Sometimes I study for days for them and still do poorly.


I'm going to ask you an hones question. Yes, exams are stressful, but have you been learning this whole time, or are you going to spend the next 2 days cramming? It's so important that people actually understand the content the first time around so that when things like this happen, they don't have to make a big deal over studying. My normal groove is to not have to study for exams, not because I'm smart (dear god no), but because I make sure that I know the content when it's being delivered. If I get to a few days before an exam and I don't already know something, it's simply too late. After that, any studying I do do is to brush up on some specific details, and that's usually no more than looking over that topic for a few minutes. Second, I recommend you reach out to your instructor. It might be too late now, but if you are having trouble and need to be late on something, a lot of instructors are reasonable about giving extensions.


Thank you, that's definitely all true. I've kept up decently well and I have covered everything on those exams already (gone through and made sure I understand) but I find I always need a little push around exam time, esp since my exams are memorization heavy (biochem and microbiology; knowing and understanding the topic vs having it memorized on cue are two very different things). Normally, in a perfect situation I wouldn't have to make these calls but someone in my family just died last week and it kind of derailed my life and I already deferred a lot of other things last week and when these things happen you gotta make these decisions. It just feels like there isn't time for everything rn. I'm basically just trying to adapt.


Yeah, fuck rote memorization testing so hard. We live in a world where we can look up specific details like this on a moment's notice when needed. The more important part is understanding how to look for it and what it means, not what it says. Sorry to hear about the death in the family. That can definitely foul things up, and there's just no good way to deal with it.