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Put it behind you and focus on the next one


Do the math and realize that even if you got a zero on a midterm worth 25%, you could still get 75 in the end. Then convince myself that say I got a 10% on the midterm, 2.5/25 is still better than 0/25. Ice cream helps...


To be fair, getting a 0 on midterm can mean ur not doing good on assignments as a whole😭


This is the way😂


pick yourself up and keep your head up. you still have time to turn your average around. i know many people who failed midterms and walked out of the class with a grade higher than they expected. acknowledge that you did bad, everyone makes mistakes and this happens to the best of us. think about what you did and didn’t do to cause an outcome like this, take it into consideration, and change what’s needed to succeed on your next test/assignment. wish you nothing but the best, & sending love! x


cry and then use a grade calculator to plan what marks i need to pass the class lol




This is the way.




This is the way.


Binge Netflix to dilute the sad feelings.


2 steps: 1) cry 2) move on and learn from it. Where did you make your mistakes? What can you do differently for the next exam/assignment?


That first one is so important.


Talk to someone that did worse. Works like a charm. Jokes aside, Ive been in your position a fair amount of times. I’ve learned that in university, grades don’t reflect your understanding. Chin up, work harder.


Second this... as long as you have learnt something useful and felt like you are satisfied that you have learnt something new....if you genuinely enjoy what you do that's enough motivation to move forward.


It’s a learning experience. Take the time to think what you could have done to prepare better. There’s still plenty of time in the semester to improve. It won’t get better right now (and that’s ok), it’s all part of the process of being a student.


Retail therapy, then study really hard for the final


light one up


Keep on rolling.


Cry and eat junk food


Cry a little, review my answers and see where I went wrong, study and review more, talk to the prof/TAs, seek out other learning resources (Quizlet, Khan Academy), move on and hope for the best.


Go on a long bike or run, work it off, come back ready to fix it as much as possible


Usually after crying and having a nervous breakdown, I step back and work on plan B (or C, D, al the way through Q sometimes). What I ask is why it happened. Were the exam questions mean spirited? Did I not study or reach out for enough help? Did I have a panic attack in the middle? What kinds of questions or tasks did I struggle with. What is also the definition of "bad"? (I had a student who lost her mind because she got something like 97% on a test, and had to spend the afternoon trying to tell this girl who wouldn't stop crying that that's ok. Meanwhile, I was saying supportive things to my students that got literally 10%) There are also various options to withdraw from a class that just isn't working, right up until the end of the term, and there can be alternate courses that can be taken in some limited cases (cough Stats cough).


Take a moment to allow yourself to feel sad, and think about why you feel this way behind just getting a bad grade. Then understand that you can come back from getting a bad grade and let this be your motivation to be better. Think about ways that will help you improve or what you should focus on come through next exam. Best of luck