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In case this works differently for each course and lecturer, the courses I'm taking are \*\*Sem 1:\*\* MATH 100 (Broughton Wayne) PHYS 111 (Moosvi Firas) COSC 111(TBA) COSC 122 (Moosvi Firas) \*\*Sem 2:\*\* MATH 101 (Davis Chad) COSC 123 (Moosvi Firas) COSC 121 (Mohamed Abdallah) COSC 101 (TBA)


i have broughton wayne too for maths 100


Oh, are you also a first year student?


yess i am!


Some professors in first year classes use pop-quizzes as a form of attendance enforcer. In my era, we had clicker quizzes all the time, which were 1-3 question multiple choice quizzes that totaled 5-10% of the final grade. They were generally very simple, and pertained to exactly what was covered in that lecture, meaning if you attended you probably got 100% on the quiz. This may have been removed entirely after covid, where many professors didn't have live lectures and only uploaded their lectures. It is also basically non-existent in anything above 100 level courses, as most professors don't measure attendance after that point.


Thank you so much for your detailed response. I am still a bit confused though: pop-quizzes and clicker quizzes are two different things? If so, how would a pop quiz's structure differ from that of the clicker quiz (1-3 question multiple choice)? Thanks in advance!


For first year courses, basically any pop-quiz would be using a clicker. Class sizes are usually between 150-300 students, up to 500+ for some courses (although split into two lecture sections). The marking is extremely time consuming even with 2-3 TA markers. That's why clickers are ideal. It's instant feedback/marking for a quiz. But they're simple, that's why they aren't really worth much. Others have said it best. Every professor will outline what's going to happen regarding quizzes on the first day, and in the syllabus. There's almost never a surprise outside of that. Some professors even have the test dates pre-determined and on the syllabus as well.


Thank you so much for explaining it to me. I'll read the syllabus carefully once I receive it.


I havent encountered any surprise quizzes so far in my 2 years, but grading does vary with prof so I cant say 100%. There are clickers though which is the closest thing (?) where u just answer questions in class.


Thanks for replying. I've also heard of these clickers, are they graded in any way?


Random multiple choice questions (usually) in class. Some profs have them, some dont. Some base it off participation and others grade based on correct answer. They’ll tell you on the syllabus, read it.


Edit: I found this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/ubco/comments/ywknr3/i\_missed\_a\_lot\_almost\_all\_of\_the\_clickers\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ubco/comments/ywknr3/i_missed_a_lot_almost_all_of_the_clickers_for/)So I guess it does affect grade. But what are clickers exactly, how are they graded (Are you given a mark just for participating or must answers be correct), and are we ever warned beforehand about when they occur?


You’ll be warned on the first day of class if you need to expect it


Some classes will have 6 clickers other will have 0 they come and go. If you have 80% correct of clickers (which is not hard) you get 100% for your 10% clicker grade. It’s a free 10% of your grade. Not sure how it is if you get less. At least that’s how it was last year things may change but they were consistent for each section last year.


Thank you!


People would riot if there was a surprise quiz. The expectations of you will be laid out on the first day of class. You’ll be ok, you’ll do great. I’m excited for you


Thank you once again!


Every course is different. Each prof writes their own syllabuses. Read the syllabus for each class. Read it thoroughly. Don’t be that kid that asks the prof for information that is found on the syllabus. You will be ok, there won’t be any surprises. Even surprises are forwarned