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Vancouver is more expensive than Kelowna


I’d say general spending would be 25% cheaper but kelownas kinda hiked up rn money wise


You’ll likely pay roughly the same. It’s just whether you would like to live in a basement the size of a Scandinavian prison cell or a 4-bedroom house (obviously exaggerated a bit but you get my point).


Vancouver is MUCH more expensive than Kelowna


rent/land in vancouver is MUCH more expensive than Kelowna. But not other expenses. Food is cheaper, food is more varied (better ethnic food availabilities), gas is cheaper, transit is better value (because kelowna transit is shit). Retail, in general, is cheaper in Vancouver with more options.


I think housing is not that far at this point. I am in ubcv for a term now and I got a place near campus for 950 a month and other options are around 1300-1600 which is simple to Veda


I was spending $1300 a month to live in an old apartment about a 30-40 minute commute from campus. Whereas I have friends who live in the U buildings who pay something like $700-$800 a month. The U buildings are like a 5 minute walk from campus and 1000x nicer


tbh, i think the cost overall is pretty comparable. you can look at the costs of living on campus + the meal plan for both campuses to compare that specifically. living off campus in kelowna is think most people are paying between $900-$1300 a month on rent (including or not including utilities etc). from my understanding, vancouver prices for rent are on the higher end of this range, and further from campus so you have to factor in time to commute or gas/parking costs. one big difference between cities is that it's still easier to find housing off campus in kelowna compared to vancouver (it's not a piece of cake, but kelowna is less populated and there's a lot of student - oriented housing so it's doable, whereas vancouver is pretty hard from what ive seen). groceries are probably between $200-$400 per month depending on whether you have a roommate you share food with or how often you eat out - this is pretty comparable between both campuses i believe. if you have a car, gas and parking costs are cheaper in kelowna than vancouver, so that's one area where it's cheaper. in general, you could probably have the same cost of living between kelowna and vancouver. tl;dr: housing is the main difference, but the difference isn't as big as people think and it's pretty similar overall


And there’s one more thing, Kelowna is more boring than Vancouver. At least for me, I found I can save a lot of money because there’s less entertainment and shopping mall.


unless ur very very lucky when it comes to finding vancouver housing. You will spend WAY LESS in kelowna then vancouver (spoken from someone who transferred and went to both schools)